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Union Flag Change for GB Olympics Team

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View Wisbech Eagle's Profile Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 04 Apr 24 5.29pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Teddy Eagle

That's the point. 18 is used in the name of a real group of right wing extremists to represent the 1st & 8th letters of the alphabet. A + H = Adolf Hitler.

I read that too but had never heard of them. They must be a pretty insignificant small group so not worth taking much notice off,


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View Teddy Eagle's Profile Teddy Eagle Flag 04 Apr 24 5.40pm Send a Private Message to Teddy Eagle Add Teddy Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

I read that too but had never heard of them. They must be a pretty insignificant small group so not worth taking much notice off,

Up to you but they're more significant than Daily Mail readers.



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View cryrst's Profile cryrst Flag The garden of England 04 Apr 24 6.42pm Send a Private Message to cryrst Add cryrst as a friend

Originally posted by Teddy Eagle

Up to you but they're more significant than Daily Mail readers.


You can clearly see they cause as many deaths as isis, Hamas and other islamic terror groups. Strange how Islam is the worst but whisper it as it actually specifies a ‘group’.
Can’t do that


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View Hrolf The Ganger's Profile Hrolf The Ganger Flag 04 Apr 24 9.09pm Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

I think that is a perception held by those whose rhetoric has been under focus but isn’t actually true. Everyone has a right to speak freely so long as they don’t contravene the law. The law is always being modified as society expands and recognises the need for change. Genuine expression of belief spoken, or written, without intention to cause harm or distress should rightly be protected. As JK Rowling found out this week.

And there is the problem, because for one thing, what is deemed 'harmful' is now dependent on whether the 'victim' is a member of a protected group or not and if they simply claim to be 'harmed.'
That is clearly a prejudicial system. It also allows the government to use the law to silence objection, complaint or even debate in regard to immigration and other minority issue.

The idea that you can be directly harmed by words is absurd in itself. It is also totally bonkers that the Police have to waste time on such nonsense when crime has reached epidemic levels, largely courtesy of some of the very same protected groups.

You will no doubt come back with some spin or word juggling, but the true state of Britain in 2024 is clear for anyone with eyes.

Your denials only confirm what we already know.


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View Wisbech Eagle's Profile Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 04 Apr 24 9.17pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Teddy Eagle

Up to you but they're more significant than Daily Mail readers.


Having read that I realise I had heard of them, but forgotten the detail. Nice boys. Still a small minority though. Such people have always existed. Individually much more significant than Daily Mail readers. Collectively, not so sure!


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View Teddy Eagle's Profile Teddy Eagle Flag 04 Apr 24 9.20pm Send a Private Message to Teddy Eagle Add Teddy Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

I think that is a perception held by those whose rhetoric has been under focus but isn’t actually true. Everyone has a right to speak freely so long as they don’t contravene the law. The law is always being modified as society expands and recognises the need for change. Genuine expression of belief spoken, or written, without intention to cause harm or distress should rightly be protected. As JK Rowling found out this week.

The intention to cause harm or distress is no longer a factor in Scotland. The new law criminalises words or behaviour that are deemed ‘insulting’, and the prosecution need only prove that stirring up race hatred was ‘likely’ rather than ‘intended’.


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View Wisbech Eagle's Profile Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 04 Apr 24 9.40pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

And there is the problem, because for one thing, what is deemed 'harmful' is now dependent on whether the 'victim' is a member of a protected group or not and if they simply claim to be 'harmed.'
That is clearly a prejudicial system. It also allows the government to use the law to silence objection, complaint or even debate in regard to immigration and other minority issue.

The idea that you can be directly harmed by words is absurd in itself. It is also totally bonkers that the Police have to waste time on such nonsense when crime has reached epidemic levels, largely courtesy of some of the very same protected groups.

You will no doubt come back with some spin or word juggling, but the true state of Britain in 2024 is clear for anyone with eyes.

Your denials only confirm what we already know.

It’s not up to the member of any group to decide if they have been harmed. It’s up to the Police and, ultimately, the courts to decide, and there is a pretty high bar. The government isn’t using the law to do anything. They make the law and then the regular processes take over to administer it.

You cannot be harmed by words alone. It’s the intent behind them that cause the harm. You can be threatened and intimidated by hate speech, and others encouraged to do harm. The assessment is made not on the words, but on the intent. See JK Rowling.

Policing this shouldn’t demand a lot of Police resources but if it does then any complaints need to go to the government for increasing workload without providing resources, if other areas suffer. The Police will do what they have to do. I suppose the reference to the same protected groups being the perpetrators of crime is a dig at immigrants. Firstly, they aren’t protected. Secondly, it’s a statistical fact that the level of criminality among the immigrant community as a whole is lower than among those born here.

The true state of the UK is known, it’s in a mess. That though has nothing to do with these ideas. Brexit, the pandemic and Putin alongside the stupidity of PMs like Johnson and Truss are the causes.


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View SW19 CPFC's Profile SW19 CPFC Flag Addiscombe West 04 Apr 24 9.42pm Send a Private Message to SW19 CPFC Add SW19 CPFC as a friend

Originally posted by Willo

Total and utter hogwash.

A surrender to the Woke agenda.
The defacing of our Union Flag is nothing short of disgusting.
Those on the 'Left' might deem this acceptable, those on the 'Right' are not 'Snowflakes' at all, we do NOT agree with the insulting decision to change the flag to pink and purple.
Nothing is sacred in this modern 'Woke' world.

I have nothing more to add, conniptions leading to hypertension is not recommended for those of my advanced years.I have become beetroot-gilled as I have elucidated by sentiments,molten with anger, red mist of fury surrounding me.

Edited by Willo (02 Apr 2024 1.21pm)

Ah the overly verbose partisan conservative at it again

This reaction is simply a lazy pile on after postage stamp cross gate. If any of you had bothered to look at various countries Olympic apparel (winter and summer) over the last 20 years you’d see a wide range of variation year on year, veering from conformist to abstract and everything in between. Some staying faithful to traditional elements and colours, some not.

In other words - this constant reinvention is nothing new, has been happening for quite some time, and in an increasingly commercial and brand/merch driven world absolutely essential to drive revenue.

You all seem to have completely forgotten the 2012 Team GB branding, which veered between white light blue, purple and dark blue to red, crimson and white depending on application. Check out the recent Winter Olympics kits as well, while you’re at it.

All sports technical wear and beyond has long departed from the ‘put a flag on it and do that every year’. These items have to appeal to the casual wearer as a semi-fashion item as well as being marketable and brand distinctive.

It’s a commercial cycle. Nationalism takes a back seat to brand these days. Traditional > reinvention then back round again.

Ideological storm in a teacup.


Did you know? 98.0000001% of people are morons.

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View Hrolf The Ganger's Profile Hrolf The Ganger Flag 04 Apr 24 9.42pm Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

Originally posted by Teddy Eagle

Up to you but they're more significant than Daily Mail readers.


I remember this group were quite active at one stage.

Even though the average British person is rightly repulsed by naked racial hatred, it is troubling that what was once seen as far right wing paranoic fantasy with regard to a future Britain perpetuated by groups such as this, is now largely coming to pass.

Although the average British person will never align themselves with far right wing groups like Combat 18, many are probably beginning to wonder if some of their fears weren't justified after all.

The liberal left is entirely responsible for the rise of the right in Europe. They have taken the hand book of far right predictions and made most of them happen.

Edited by Hrolf The Ganger (04 Apr 2024 9.43pm)


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View SW19 CPFC's Profile SW19 CPFC Flag Addiscombe West 04 Apr 24 9.45pm Send a Private Message to SW19 CPFC Add SW19 CPFC as a friend

And while we’re at it, although I disliked the weird purple / red Cross combo on the recent Ingerlund shirt, I didn’t personally read that as a nod to the much loved LGBTQ+ community. Quite a few other colours in there. Wouldn’t be very diverse of them if it was intentional now would it?

Also - remind yourselves who the main target consumer is.

I think as usual the explanation is much simpler - the designers wanted to do something different for completely surface aesthetic reasons. And to sell more kits.

All this carry on makes it seem like they changed the actual flag.

It’s not even the main badge on the shirt.

Edited by SW19 CPFC (04 Apr 2024 9.49pm)

Edited by SW19 CPFC (04 Apr 2024 9.52pm)


Did you know? 98.0000001% of people are morons.

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View Wisbech Eagle's Profile Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 04 Apr 24 9.46pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Teddy Eagle

The intention to cause harm or distress is no longer a factor in Scotland. The new law criminalises words or behaviour that are deemed ‘insulting’, and the prosecution need only prove that stirring up race hatred was ‘likely’ rather than ‘intended’.

That seems semantics to me. It’s still necessary for the intentions to be likely. All it does is lower the burden of proof a little. From beyond all reasonable doubt to more likely than not.

I don’t think the UK government are happy with it so won’t be following suit.


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View Hrolf The Ganger's Profile Hrolf The Ganger Flag 04 Apr 24 9.51pm Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

Originally posted by SW19 CPFC

Ah the overly verbose partisan conservative at it again

This reaction is simply a lazy pile on after postage stamp cross gate. If any of you had bothered to look at various countries Olympic apparel (winter and summer) over the last 20 years you’d see a wide range of variation year on year, veering from conformist to abstract and everything in between. Some staying faithful to traditional elements and colours, some not.

In other words - this constant reinvention is nothing new, has been happening for quite some time, and in an increasingly commercial and brand/merch driven world absolutely essential to drive revenue.

You all seem to have completely forgotten the 2012 Team GB branding, which veered between white light blue, purple and dark blue to red, crimson and white depending on application. Check out the recent Winter Olympics kits as well, while you’re at it.

All sports technical wear and beyond has long departed from the ‘put a flag on it and do that every year’. These items have to appeal to the casual wearer as a semi-fashion item as well as being marketable and brand distinctive.

It’s a commercial cycle. Nationalism takes a back seat to brand these days. Traditional > reinvention then back round again.

Ideological storm in a teacup.

You need to understand the difference between the styling of a sports kit and the national flag.
The former can be subject to as much artistic imagination as one cares to inflict on it, but the latter is either the national flag or it is not.

It cannot be that difficult to understand surely.

The reaction could have something to do with the fact that the country seems to be being undermined from all directions right now.

That might make even the least nation proud individual a little sensitive.


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