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Is our support on the up in certain areas....

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westquay Flag 58 miles from se25 06 Mar 24 10.20am Send a Private Message to westquay Add westquay as a friend

As a youngster visiting family in Sutton , Cheam , Carshalton and Mitcham nearly everybody was a Chelsea fan and considering the proximity and links to Selhurst park I found this annoying...
My question is this...
Is our support increasing around these areas ...
Do you see more visible palace shirts etc...
Just be interested to know....


"Numb,gutted and shocked . Three words that sum up how I feel."
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ASCPFC Flag Pro-Cathedral/caravan park 06 Mar 24 10.42am Send a Private Message to ASCPFC Add ASCPFC as a friend

Was walking down the street in Ireland the other day and a guy runs up to me to ask if I'm a Palace fan. I was wearing a Palace hat - it was cold and I'm bald. Turns out he works in the shop over the road from me. However, his Mum is from Bromley - as am I. We were chatting about the usual (how rubbish we are). Roy etc.
Anyway, I can say there are more foreign supporters since we're in the Premier League. You see the Americans, for instance, on this forum - although maybe they got bored with us! (Who'd blame them).
I would guess being Premier League, and now established Premier League, brings more supporters. There aren't many reasons to be embarrassed to be Palace anymore are there? Although, I never was, of course. I always support a local team - well at least go to the matches. I presume quite a few are like me. So if they're in the area, they will likely be casual followers at least.


Red and Blue Army!

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westquay Flag 58 miles from se25 06 Mar 24 10.56am Send a Private Message to westquay Add westquay as a friend

Bromley , Hayes and West Wickham always seemed to have good Palace support, Orpington too but as you move towards Downham it becomes Millwall...
Years ago when delivering around Orpington I shocked to see a Brighton shirts on a couple of occasions....


"Numb,gutted and shocked . Three words that sum up how I feel."
"Passionate,principled, genius. Three words that sum up Joe Strummer"
Martin Scorcese, Film director.

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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards Hrolf The Ganger Flag 06 Mar 24 11.02am Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

Ten years in the Premier League should have made a difference, but I think we have to win something to boost numbers of young fans


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Lanzo-Ad Flag Lanzarote 06 Mar 24 11.27am Send a Private Message to Lanzo-Ad Add Lanzo-Ad as a friend

Yes, Their are 4 Palace Supports in Costa Teguise Including me.


“That’s a joke son, I say, that’s a joke.” “Nice boy, but he’s sharp as a throw pillow.” “He’s so dumb he thinks a Mexican border pays rent” “ “Son… I say, son, some people are so narrow minded they can look through a keyhole with both eyes.”__ Forhorn Leghorn

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ASCPFC Flag Pro-Cathedral/caravan park 06 Mar 24 11.43am Send a Private Message to ASCPFC Add ASCPFC as a friend

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

Ten years in the Premier League should have made a difference, but I think we have to win something to boost numbers of young fans

We'd better all have some more kids.


Red and Blue Army!

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westquay Flag 58 miles from se25 06 Mar 24 11.48am Send a Private Message to westquay Add westquay as a friend

Originally posted by Lanzo-Ad

Yes, Their are 4 Palace Supports in Costa Teguise Including me.

Of course "Tenerife" probably The London borough of Sutton's hottest neighbourhood...
That answers my question...
Still nice to know though mate..


"Numb,gutted and shocked . Three words that sum up how I feel."
"Passionate,principled, genius. Three words that sum up Joe Strummer"
Martin Scorcese, Film director.

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Canterbury Palace Flag Whitstable 06 Mar 24 11.52am Send a Private Message to Canterbury Palace Add Canterbury Palace as a friend

I take my 4yo son to a football thing every Saturday morning and there's definitely a few Palace shirts around.

Can't really compare it to the past but I feel like in years gone by some of those certainly might have been Chelsea or Arsenal.

Still a disproportionately high number of Liverpool and United shirts which I find baffling considering I'm in Kent. Daresay they all 'have family in the area'.


We were somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the desert, when the drugs began to take hold...

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eagleman13 Flag On The Road To Hell & Alicante 06 Mar 24 12.22pm Send a Private Message to eagleman13 Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add eagleman13 as a friend

Originally posted by westquay

Of course "Tenerife" probably The London borough of Sutton's hottest neighbourhood...
That answers my question...
Still nice to know though mate..

Er . . He is in LANZAROTE.

Here in the Costa Blanca i know of 4 Palace supporters & have seen about another 4 that i dont know.


This operation, will make the 'Charge Of The Light Brigade' seem like a simple military exercise.

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monkey Flag Sittingbourne,but made in Bromley 06 Mar 24 12.38pm Send a Private Message to monkey Add monkey as a friend

Originally posted by westquay

Bromley , Hayes and West Wickham always seemed to have good Palace support, Orpington too but as you move towards Downham it becomes Millwall...
Years ago when delivering around Orpington I shocked to see a Brighton shirts on a couple of occasions....

I think when I was at school in the 70’s it seemed to me that there was more Millwall than Palace in Bromley, but you make the point about Downham, well my school, although not in Downham, it was pretty close at the top of Bromley Hill, so it would make sense although it was a long time ago

Edited by monkey (06 Mar 2024 12.39pm)


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norwoodyguthrie Flag 06 Mar 24 1.04pm Send a Private Message to norwoodyguthrie Add norwoodyguthrie as a friend

You see the odd kid in a Palace shirt around Camberwell.


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Lanzo-Ad Flag Lanzarote 06 Mar 24 1.11pm Send a Private Message to Lanzo-Ad Add Lanzo-Ad as a friend

Originally posted by westquay

Of course "Tenerife" probably The London borough of Sutton's hottest neighbourhood...
That answers my question...
Still nice to know though mate..

ERR, the name sort of gives it away


“That’s a joke son, I say, that’s a joke.” “Nice boy, but he’s sharp as a throw pillow.” “He’s so dumb he thinks a Mexican border pays rent” “ “Son… I say, son, some people are so narrow minded they can look through a keyhole with both eyes.”__ Forhorn Leghorn

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