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TV fixtures announcement dates

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Hannes Flag Vienna 08 Jan 24 8.06pm Send a Private Message to Hannes Add Hannes as a friend

Does anyone know if there is a list of dates when the PL will announce the televised games for the 23/24 season for each month. I've searched the internet but couldn't find a list of the dates when the televised games are announced, as was in previous seasons. This would be especially of interest for fans from abroad who want to book travel and accommodation in advance.


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Spiderman Flag Horsham 08 Jan 24 8.30pm Send a Private Message to Spiderman Add Spiderman as a friend

Originally posted by Hannes

Does anyone know if there is a list of dates when the PL will announce the televised games for the 23/24 season for each month. I've searched the internet but couldn't find a list of the dates when the televised games are announced, as was in previous seasons. This would be especially of interest for fans from abroad who want to book travel and accommodation in advance.

There is an agreement tgat the tv companies should give 6 weeks notice. Maybe PL or sky websites?


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eaglesdare Flag 08 Jan 24 9.29pm Send a Private Message to eaglesdare Add eaglesdare as a friend

Use last year's to get a rough idea


I was not able to find this seasons one. Think there is a thread on this also btw.


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FernsideEagle Flag Tunbridge Wells 08 Jan 24 9.59pm Send a Private Message to FernsideEagle Add FernsideEagle as a friend

Hi Hannes

As you say, in previous seasons, at the start of the season, the PL used to announce dates for the announcement of each month's televised fixtures.

The problem was that they didn't keep to these dates and often announced the fixture changes late, sometimes over a week late!
This was particularly bad last season when they were late most months and it lead to a lot of complaints from supporters.

So this season they made a statement which was much more vague:


We are now in the period where the Premier League have committed to give 5 weeks notice of any fixture changes for TV so the fixtures for March should be announced by Saturday 27 January so, in practice, they will probably be announced on 24, 25 or 26 January (although it is possible any change to the Nottingham Forest game might be announced later).

As explained in the PL announcement, games can also be moved because of clubs involvement in domestic or European Cup competitions and those changes won't be announced until the previous round in that Cup competition has been played. Eg the FA Cup 1/4 finals are due to be played on the weekend of 16/17 March so if we or Newcastle (or both) get through to the FA Cup 1/4 finals, our game PL against Newcastle would be moved to a mid-week slot later in the season, but the games in the previous round of the FA Cup (5th Round) won't be played until around 28 February so any change won't be announced until after that

I hope that explains the situation. It's not great for fans I know!!

If there is a particular game (or games) that you are interested in, send me a PM and I will let you know as soon as I see an announcement.


Fernside Eagle


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eaglesdare Flag 29 Jan 24 10.55am Send a Private Message to eaglesdare Add eaglesdare as a friend

Im holding off boooking flights for march they have not been annonced yet?

Although I assume our game against Newcastle will be changed on the 16th now Assuming Newcastle make the quarter finals of the FA cup?


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FernsideEagle Flag Tunbridge Wells 29 Jan 24 4.50pm Send a Private Message to FernsideEagle Add FernsideEagle as a friend

Hi Eaglesdare

The Premier League did announce the televised matches for the first weekend in March last Friday (they confirmed our away game at Spurs will be at 3.00pm on Saturday 2nd March and won't be on Sky or TNT) but they didn't announce the changes for the other three weekends.

But Palace have started selling tickets for the Luton and Newcastle games on the basis that these games will be played at 3.00pm on Saturday 9th and 16th March respectively so I don't know if the Premier League have confirmed to our box office that these games will not be moved for TV but not announced it to fans.

As you say, if Newcastle progress to the FA Cup quarter finals which are due to be played on 16th or 17th March, our game against them will be moved to a mid-week slot and, looking at the draw for the 5th Round, this seems more likely than not now.

I think the Premier League will probably announce the changes for the 9th/10th March weekend fixtures later this week, and possibly the 16th/17th March fixtures as well.

Sorry there isn't any more definite news.

Fernside Eagle


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eaglesdare Flag 29 Jan 24 6.06pm Send a Private Message to eaglesdare Add eaglesdare as a friend

Originally posted by FernsideEagle

Hi Eaglesdare

The Premier League did announce the televised matches for the first weekend in March last Friday (they confirmed our away game at Spurs will be at 3.00pm on Saturday 2nd March and won't be on Sky or TNT) but they didn't announce the changes for the other three weekends.

But Palace have started selling tickets for the Luton and Newcastle games on the basis that these games will be played at 3.00pm on Saturday 9th and 16th March respectively so I don't know if the Premier League have confirmed to our box office that these games will not be moved for TV but not announced it to fans.

As you say, if Newcastle progress to the FA Cup quarter finals which are due to be played on 16th or 17th March, our game against them will be moved to a mid-week slot and, looking at the draw for the 5th Round, this seems more likely than not now.

I think the Premier League will probably announce the changes for the 9th/10th March weekend fixtures later this week, and possibly the 16th/17th March fixtures as well.

Sorry there isn't any more definite news.

Fernside Eagle

Thanks so much. I did see the first weekend in March one and was not sure as I seen all fixtures were still 3 o clockers the other weekends.

I might just take a chance and book the weekend for the Luton game.



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DutchEagleJohan Flag Vlissingen, Netherlands 28 Feb 24 4.07pm Send a Private Message to DutchEagleJohan Add DutchEagleJohan as a friend

April's matches now announced. Bournemouth remains on the Tuesday, City 1230 on Sat and Liverpool away Sunday 1400.



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eaglesdare Flag 28 Feb 24 6.05pm Send a Private Message to eaglesdare Add eaglesdare as a friend

Originally posted by DutchEagleJohan

April's matches now announced. Bournemouth remains on the Tuesday, City 1230 on Sat and Liverpool away Sunday 1400.


Have the last two weekends in April been announced?


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FernsideEagle Flag Tunbridge Wells 28 Feb 24 6.11pm Send a Private Message to FernsideEagle Add FernsideEagle as a friend

No. According to the Premier League website, the televised matches for the remaining two sets of April fixtures will be announced "in due course".


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Hannes Flag Vienna 08 Mar 24 4.45pm Send a Private Message to Hannes Add Hannes as a friend

Originally posted by eaglesdare

Have the last two weekends in April been announced?

As far as the Westham game (scheduled 20th April) is concerned: In case Westham overcome Freiburg (which is not quite unlikely as they lost just 0:1 away yesterday) our encounter with them will probably be moved as the next round in the Europe League is scheduled for Thursday 18th April.


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sligo565 Flag Limerick 22 Mar 24 9.15am Send a Private Message to sligo565 Add sligo565 as a friend

Isnt it awful that the PL still havent confirmed the rescheduling of the West Ham match even though they have made it into the next round of the Europa League?! Especially considering the match is 4 weeks away! Hopefully some news on it today.


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