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Another (Dispassionate?) Perspective

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PatrickA Flag London 20 Jan 24 10.56am Send a Private Message to PatrickA Add PatrickA as a friend

Vieira and DeBoer know a lot more about football than the fans.
Does that in turn mean that the fans were wrong to criticise them and that they should have remained in post?
If we just accept Hodgson's methods without question what's the purpose of a forum discussing the team's performances?
Our performances and results have been poor this season and Hodgson has contributed to this.
To deny this would be to deny the impact or role of the manager whi is, after all, resposible for team matters.

Interestingly, Hodgson has given an interview to TNT in which he acknowledges his failings at both Liverpool and England.
Something of a first as far as I am aware.

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

What do fans actually know?

Have you ever been entirely happy with what any of our managers have done?
Even though we all like to think we are experts, do we really believe that we know more about football or the state of our squad than Roy Hodgson?

Edited by Hrolf The Ganger (20 Jan 2024 10.33am)


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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards grumpymort Flag US/Thailand/UK 20 Jan 24 12.32pm Send a Private Message to grumpymort Add grumpymort as a friend

Originally posted by Lanzo-Ad

You are very tiresome with your same old rehashed comments, the 2013/14 wages are at the same time H&B arrived, and the promised money never happened, cheer up Grumpy 11 years in the Prem is an outstanding achievement.

SO now you are moaning because I am consistent.

What promised money you are living in fantasy world.

I suggest you go back look at videos and statements SP from day one stated H&B was not going to invest in playing squad.

2013/2014 wages are not the same at all again go do your homework.

Not an achievement if you are not doing anything what is the point of a club which has no ambition.


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Dangermouse Flag Hastings 20 Jan 24 1.39pm Send a Private Message to Dangermouse Add Dangermouse as a friend

It seems like SP has a harder job than many people realise.


That's Life
And as funny as it may seem
Some people get their kicks stompin' on a Dream.

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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards Hrolf The Ganger Flag 20 Jan 24 2.28pm Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

Originally posted by PatrickA

Vieira and DeBoer know a lot more about football than the fans.
Does that in turn mean that the fans were wrong to criticise them and that they should have remained in post?
If we just accept Hodgson's methods without question what's the purpose of a forum discussing the team's performances?
Our performances and results have been poor this season and Hodgson has contributed to this.
To deny this would be to deny the impact or role of the manager whi is, after all, resposible for team matters.

Interestingly, Hodgson has given an interview to TNT in which he acknowledges his failings at both Liverpool and England.
Something of a first as far as I am aware.

We all have opinions. I'm watching the game now, and we are nowhere near good enough to compete with Arsenal.

Who is to blame? I see placards held up by fans. Is that helpful?

Results and dreadful performances cost Vieira his job.

As I speak, we are 5-0 down. Anything other than a win next week and Roy's reign will probably be over. Is he really to blame, or is it injuries, a lack of signings, bad management or some or all of those?

Results are what count, and staying up is everything. that will dictate the near future.


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Davepalace707 Flag Northumberland 20 Jan 24 2.39pm Send a Private Message to Davepalace707 Add Davepalace707 as a friend

As apparently SP and Roy are doing the best they can, presumably today’s result is acceptable


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Dangermouse Flag Hastings 20 Jan 24 2.45pm Send a Private Message to Dangermouse Add Dangermouse as a friend

If you have very little money then you are relying on bringing through young players to bolster your squad and bring in funds. Therefore my question has to be, why would you put a man in charge who flatly refuses to use any of the youth you have put so much faith in. 21 games into this season and we still don't know if França, Ahamada, Ozoh, Ebiowei, Adaramola etc are good enough for this division. Surely we should have some idea by now? He just bought on Ahamada as a right wingback. Has he ever played there before, cos he looked totally lost to me? We had a left wingback sitting on the bench. Am I missing something?
The weak decisions banner might be aimed at bringing Roy back and not bringing in a manager for the long term IMO. We are drifting aimlessly, which is always the danger when you have a man in charge who the players don't have to impress, cos they know he's not here next season. We need change now, again just my opinion.


That's Life
And as funny as it may seem
Some people get their kicks stompin' on a Dream.

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radicalsteve Flag ottawa 20 Jan 24 4.14pm Send a Private Message to radicalsteve Add radicalsteve as a friend

Football is a balancing act of managing resources, investment, return on equity etc etc. just like any other business (I guess fans could be the equivalent of both retail and institutional shareholders in a public company). The article is a well written summary - thanks for sharing!

Also, just like any other business, the enduring quality and success is down to the people and leadership qualities of management. It is often said that the most important decision a board ever makes is the hiring and firing of the CEO. I guess the board cannot fire a shareholder / CEO, but they can judge whether or not the business is being effectively managed by operating management. At this juncture, after the Arsenal game, it would be hard to conclude that management is on the right track. Hoping for a quick turn around with Roy in charge is now a high risk gamble. Deja vu from PV and 2023 - I am inclined to believe an immediate change will be debated vigorously this weekend and conclude it is time to move on before the damage gets greater and attracting top management talent will be even harder.


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