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View eagleman13's Profile eagleman13 Flag On The Road To Hell & Alicante 21 Sep 23 2.03pm Send a Private Message to eagleman13 Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add eagleman13 as a friend

Originally posted by EverybodyDannsNow

And as I've said previously, our legal system clearly struggles to achieve convictions in this space - I don't have anywhere near the confidence others seem to in it.

I am aged 30 currently and the thought of me, or any of my friends, shagging a 16 year old is absolutely disgusting. If one of my mates shared with the group he'd shagged a 16 year old, it would not go down well with anyone - I'm amazed you think that's normal, frankly. It's an adult and a child and should undoubtedly be illegal.

You clearly do think it's appropriate to ask absurd questions given your first contribution was to suggest someone claiming to be a victim of sexual assault should be asked "did you enjoy it?" on a national radio show.

How do you think the 'genuine' victims of abuse and rape feel when people like you tie yourself in knots to disbelieve every story that comes forward of this type of thing?

You are also ignoring the numerous other allegations against Brand from numerous women - have you watched the Dispatches show?

Possibly, BUT, it is LEGAL!


Joy And Pain is like Sunshine and Rain

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View Teddy Eagle's Profile Teddy Eagle Online Flag 21 Sep 23 2.04pm Send a Private Message to Teddy Eagle Add Teddy Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

The reason I brought up the grooming gang issue was not to spark yet another discussion on it. It was to contrast the way that the right wing cohort here are condemning the media for exposing the allegations on Brand with that they displayed over the gangs, where they were in full support.

There are legitimate criticisms of the tabloid coverage of the grooming gangs, as there is of your comment above. The use of “pakistani-heritage” as a descriptor being one, when it is known that they comprised of a variety of ethnicities. I know full well what the enquiries into these matters have revealed and make no excuses for individual failures. Any defence I have made is the more general one that we cannot expect an under-resourced, under-funded police service to not make mistakes. We get the police service we deserve.

I want people to stop attaching unhelpful labels. Child groomers and terrorists are criminals. Their religion and any justification they claim as a motivation need to be binned as an irrelevant excuse and not encouraged by reference to it.

I was in Jerusalem for a few days 2 weeks ago, during which time I was exposed to the many cultures that exist side by side there. No-one treated me as a “kafir”, indeed the Arab section of the city was a more relaxed and pleasant environment than the Jewish one, but people generally get on ok. For sure there are different cultures but people, and especially the children, were happy.

Now perhaps we can return to the subject of this thread.

Under resourcing again.







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View Matov's Profile Matov Flag 21 Sep 23 2.05pm Send a Private Message to Matov Add Matov as a friend

Originally posted by EverybodyDannsNow

For what it's worth, no I don't think it's right principally - but I also don't think it's proof of some big conspiracy.

Which still leaves the 'why' part?

And lets not forget that until recently Brand was considered to be very much of the Left. Chumming around with all kinds of progressive types (this article has been a constant source of mirth for years, and on a multiple of levels... [Link] ).

I always dismissed Brand as a narcist t*** who caused an instant reaction to turn off whatever medium he appeared on. And despite my own far/dissident/looney Right world-view, I have never given him the time of day, seeing him, along with many others on my side of the divide, as a grifter.

Annoying froth. No more, no less.

But this direct interference, and it cannot be underplayed, for a man that nobody with any kind of serious political nous pays any kind of attention to, is beyond my comprehension.

With wider implications that go well beyond the issue of Russel Brand.


"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." - 1984 - George Orwell.

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View georgenorman's Profile georgenorman Flag 21 Sep 23 2.11pm Send a Private Message to georgenorman Add georgenorman as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

You think that you can tell a person’s ethnicity from their name alone? Seriously?

It’s not the point anyway.

Just imagine you are a second generation British subject whose parents happen to have been born in pakistan. You didn’t plan that. You just got it. You went to school with other British kids whose parents were born here, and they are your friends. You watch British TV, absorb British culture and support a British football team. Your parents try to teach you about your heritage and to respect it, so you feel conflicted.

Then you read headlines and comments about “pakistani grooming gangs” and feel as disgusted as every other decent person but know how some people now regard you, just because of your heritage and appearance.

What impact is that going to have? What proportion of our population which has a pakistani heritage is involved with the grooming gangs? It must only be very very tiny, meaning that the overwhelming majority are not. Ostracising that majority by associating them with criminals does immense harm and drives wedges where bridges produce better outcomes. That’s why it’s unhelpful and counterproductive to use these labels, even if they are accurate, which they aren’t.

You think there is any doubt about these criminals’ ethnicity, seriously? Why don’t you have a look at the photographs of them published at the time.

So we have to pretend that the paedophile rape gangs were not overwhelmingly muslims of pakistani heritage in case it offends others with pakistani-heritage. Should we pretend that the Nazis were not overwhelmingly German in case it offends other Germans. Should we pretend that the membership of the BNP is not overwhelmingly white British-heritage in case it offends the rest of the white population. Should we pretend that the far-left of the Labour party are not crypto-communist nutjobs in case if offends the rest of the Labour party. Should we pretend that there are not rogue landlords who do not service their gas appliances in case it offends other landlords.


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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards View EverybodyDannsNow's Profile EverybodyDannsNow Flag SE19 21 Sep 23 2.11pm Send a Private Message to EverybodyDannsNow Add EverybodyDannsNow as a friend

Originally posted by Matov

Which still leaves the 'why' part?

And lets not forget that until recently Brand was considered to be very much of the Left. Chumming around with all kinds of progressive types (this article has been a constant source of mirth for years, and on a multiple of levels... [Link] ).

I always dismissed Brand as a narcist t*** who caused an instant reaction to turn off whatever medium he appeared on. And despite my own far/dissident/looney Right world-view, I have never given him the time of day, seeing him, along with many others on my side of the divide, as a grifter.

Annoying froth. No more, no less.

But this direct interference, and it cannot be underplayed, for a man that nobody with any kind of serious political nous pays any kind of attention to, is beyond my comprehension.

With wider implications that go well beyond the issue of Russel Brand.

I think the 'why' is some fairly insignificant committee jumping the gun and, to use a phrase popular on here, looking to virtue signal and be seen to be doing the 'right' thing when the story broke.


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View Wisbech Eagle's Profile Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 21 Sep 23 2.18pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by silvertop

As a PS the "no smoke without fire" argument is classic witch hunt and I give it no credence. That said, I think it all but impossible that a bloke who has had an erection for as long as Brand has not had non-consensual coupling or committed other sexual offences with his innumerable partners. Likewise Charlie Sheen. There must have been instances where, at the very least, the line was blurred. Just not the woman they interviewed.

A court case arising out of this could be a pivotal moment in our understanding of what constitutes sexual consent.

It seems to me that some people, like Brand, believe that a lack of objection equals consent.

Others don’t. They believe that positive agreement must be given on every occasion. Even if the first 100 times was consensual there still needs to be a positive agreement on the 101st.

People can be intimidated, overwhelmed, in awe, fearful of violent reaction, have changed their mind or be inexperienced, just freeze and not voice any objections.

Going ahead without certainty that the partner also wants to can be regarded as rape. The standard required must be, ask first and if in doubt, don’t.

Judged on Brand’s admitted attitude I don’t think he is capable of such a standard, let alone recognising it’s necessity.


For the avoidance of doubt any comments in response to a previous post are directed to its ideas and not at any, or all, posters personally.

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View Wisbech Eagle's Profile Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 21 Sep 23 2.28pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by georgenorman

You think there is any doubt about these criminals’ ethnicity, seriously? Why don’t you have a look at the photographs of them published at the time.

So we have to pretend that the paedophile rape gangs were not overwhelmingly muslims of pakistani heritage in case it offends others with pakistani-heritage. Should we pretend that the Nazis were not overwhelmingly German in case it offends other Germans. Should we pretend that the membership of the BNP is not overwhelmingly white British-heritage in case it offends the rest of the white population. Should we pretend that the far-left of the Labour party are not crypto-communist nutjobs in case if offends the rest of the Labour party. Should we pretend that there are not rogue landlords who do not service their gas appliances in case it offends other landlords.

Photographs are no more relevant than names.

You don’t have to pretend anything. I am arguing that to use labels is unhelpful and serves no one.

Same applies to the Germans, many of whom now hate the Nazis even more than we do and are ashamed that is part of their history.

That the BNP has any particular demographic is also irrelevant. They would hold unacceptable opinions whoever they were. Same with the far left. I’ll ignore the rest as it is beyond stupid.


For the avoidance of doubt any comments in response to a previous post are directed to its ideas and not at any, or all, posters personally.

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View Wisbech Eagle's Profile Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 21 Sep 23 2.34pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Teddy Eagle

Under resourcing again.






That it wasn’t raised doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist!

It merely means it was decided not to mention it.

Politically unacceptable perhaps? Allowing individuals to take the rap?

Whatever excuses were used doesn’t get away from the fact that we have cut the resources available to the police and that that has consequences.


For the avoidance of doubt any comments in response to a previous post are directed to its ideas and not at any, or all, posters personally.

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View PalazioVecchio's Profile PalazioVecchio Flag south pole 21 Sep 23 2.35pm Send a Private Message to PalazioVecchio Add PalazioVecchio as a friend

considering Brand is hairy & skinny......its perhaps surprising the Elites didnt crucify him, literally. Just to make an example, and to keep the rest of us cowed.


Kayla did Anfield & Old Trafford

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View SW19 CPFC's Profile SW19 CPFC Flag Addiscombe West 21 Sep 23 2.35pm Send a Private Message to SW19 CPFC Add SW19 CPFC as a friend

Originally posted by Matov

Which still leaves the 'why' part?

And lets not forget that until recently Brand was considered to be very much of the Left. Chumming around with all kinds of progressive types (this article has been a constant source of mirth for years, and on a multiple of levels... [Link] ).

I always dismissed Brand as a narcist t*** who caused an instant reaction to turn off whatever medium he appeared on. And despite my own far/dissident/looney Right world-view, I have never given him the time of day, seeing him, along with many others on my side of the divide, as a grifter.

Annoying froth. No more, no less.

But this direct interference, and it cannot be underplayed, for a man that nobody with any kind of serious political nous pays any kind of attention to, is beyond my comprehension.

With wider implications that go well beyond the issue of Russel Brand.

I think it's pretty obvious really. He pissed a lot of people (seemingly mainly women) off during his heyday. He's always had similar political views to now so it's not like there's been a massive shift in any direction really, apart from his own packaging (More on that later)

Especially seems that the female component of the UK comedy circuit don't hold him in particularly high regard.

If you want an example of a figure that the estabishment were quite likely to have been involved in and keen on silencing, that's Tommy Robinson.

1000x more politically problematic than 'ol greybeard trying to rebrand himself as some sort of celibate anti-establishment wellness guru


Did you know? 98.0000001% of people are morons.

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View SW19 CPFC's Profile SW19 CPFC Flag Addiscombe West 21 Sep 23 2.36pm Send a Private Message to SW19 CPFC Add SW19 CPFC as a friend

Originally posted by PalazioVecchio

considering Brand is hairy & skinny......its perhaps surprising the Elites didnt crucify him, literally. Just to make an example, and to keep the rest of us cowed.

He certainly promotes himself as some sort of Jesus figure.

Bright guy with occasional pearls of wisdom but a complete and utter narcissist


Did you know? 98.0000001% of people are morons.

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View Teddy Eagle's Profile Teddy Eagle Online Flag 21 Sep 23 2.45pm Send a Private Message to Teddy Eagle Add Teddy Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

That it wasn’t raised doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist!

It merely means it was decided not to mention it.

Politically unacceptable perhaps? Allowing individuals to take the rap?

Whatever excuses were used doesn’t get away from the fact that we have cut the resources available to the police and that that has consequences.

It wasn't raised or mentioned but is still the reason. The narrative has changed then, originally your claim was that the police were biding their time and working with social services to build their cases. If resources were the problem what would they have prioritised over the on going abuse of thousands of young people?
The political unacceptability is the whole point.


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