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Spiderman Flag Horsham 31 Oct 22 9.45pm Send a Private Message to Spiderman Add Spiderman as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

You have more direct experience than others here. Do you see a solution that wouldn't conflict with our UN obligations?

Clearly the Albanians are not refugees. They are economic migrants being manipulated by criminals.

Could they not be charged with accessories to a criminal act, put through an accelerated count process, and deported?

I do not think there is a solution, even if we withdraw from the UNHCR legislation, you still have the problem of removing people ( obtaining documentation from the relevant government etc) If we did not give them a HR outlet, it MAY speed up removal process.
Personally deterrents are the answer, altough Rwanda may have seemed extreme, in the long term it would most certainly would have deterred many

It is an offence to arrive with no documentation but if you charged everyone, can you imagine the backlog at courts?

The other problem that is not being reported are those arriving at airports everyday, so you can add hundreds to the Channel figures. As have said before, Gatwick have been receiving hundreds of Central Americans claiming asylum , all Spanish speakers, all having landed in Spain en route to the UK. Why not claim “ asylum “ in Spain?
Possibly because we have a system that allows “asylum “ seekers to make a voluntary departure back home, for which they are given several thousand pounds.

Edited by Spiderman (31 Oct 2022 9.53pm)


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 31 Oct 22 10.22pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Spiderman

I do not think there is a solution, even if we withdraw from the UNHCR legislation, you still have the problem of removing people ( obtaining documentation from the relevant government etc) If we did not give them a HR outlet, it MAY speed up removal process.
Personally deterrents are the answer, altough Rwanda may have seemed extreme, in the long term it would most certainly would have deterred many

It is an offence to arrive with no documentation but if you charged everyone, can you imagine the backlog at courts?

The other problem that is not being reported are those arriving at airports everyday, so you can add hundreds to the Channel figures. As have said before, Gatwick have been receiving hundreds of Central Americans claiming asylum , all Spanish speakers, all having landed in Spain en route to the UK. Why not claim “ asylum “ in Spain?
Possibly because we have a system that allows “asylum “ seekers to make a voluntary departure back home, for which they are given several thousand pounds.

Edited by Spiderman (31 Oct 2022 9.53pm)

If the regular courts were used, that's true but surely we could create special courts, allowing migrants only access to court appointed legal advisers, limited and immediate appeals with a view to a really fast tracked result. These for the open and shut cases.

We must find a way to deter these people being recruited by the criminal gangs. Braverman making hard line big mouth statements is just making things worse.


For the avoidance of doubt any comments in response to a previous post are directed to its ideas and not at any, or all, posters personally.

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Maine Eagle Flag USA 31 Oct 22 10.37pm Send a Private Message to Maine Eagle Add Maine Eagle as a friend

Wasn’t Brexit supposed to “take back control” of the borders?

Yet record numbers of migrants are entering the UK.



Trump lost. Badly. Hahahahahahaha.

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Teddy Eagle Flag 31 Oct 22 10.55pm Send a Private Message to Teddy Eagle Add Teddy Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Maine Eagle

Wasn’t Brexit supposed to “take back control” of the borders?

Yet record numbers of migrants are entering the UK.


Laugh it up - you live in a country whose president thinks there are 54 states.


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HKOwen Flag Hong Kong 31 Oct 22 10.57pm Send a Private Message to HKOwen Add HKOwen as a friend

Originally posted by Teddy Eagle

Laugh it up - you live in a country whose president thinks there are 54 states.

Pesky fact, luckily the USA has robust birders that do not allow huge numbers of economic migrants to arrive on a daily basis.

Martha's Vineyard, that was too funny


Responsibility Deficit Disorder is a medical condition. Symptoms include inability to be corrected when wrong, false sense of superiority, desire to share personal info no else cares about, general hubris. It's a medical issue rather than pure arrogance.

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Maine Eagle Flag USA 31 Oct 22 11.08pm Send a Private Message to Maine Eagle Add Maine Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Teddy Eagle

Laugh it up - you live in a country whose president thinks there are 54 states.

I believe they call that whataboutism, Ted.

Do you accept you were conned by Brexit lies? You haven’t “taken back control” of the borders, have you.


Trump lost. Badly. Hahahahahahaha.

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Teddy Eagle Flag 31 Oct 22 11.19pm Send a Private Message to Teddy Eagle Add Teddy Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Maine Eagle

I believe they call that whataboutism, Ted.

Do you accept you were conned by Brexit lies? You haven’t “taken back control” of the borders, have you.

Is it? Still pretty funny that anyone but Trump results in that total duffer blundering around.
Bit of an assumption there too. What makes you think I voted for Brexit?


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Maine Eagle Flag USA 01 Nov 22 12.03am Send a Private Message to Maine Eagle Add Maine Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Teddy Eagle

Is it? Still pretty funny that anyone but Trump results in that total duffer blundering around.
Bit of an assumption there too. What makes you think I voted for Brexit?

If you voted against shooting yourself in the foot economically, for “sovereignty” then bravo, kudos to you.

Usually people making fun of Joe Biden are Trump fans. Usually Trump fans are Brexit voters, good on you for bucking that trend.

Then I redirect my statement to any Brexit voters who voted to “take back control” of the border. Whoopsy daisy.


Trump lost. Badly. Hahahahahahaha.

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Teddy Eagle Flag 01 Nov 22 12.41am Send a Private Message to Teddy Eagle Add Teddy Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Maine Eagle

If you voted against shooting yourself in the foot economically, for “sovereignty” then bravo, kudos to you.

Usually people making fun of Joe Biden are Trump fans. Usually Trump fans are Brexit voters, good on you for bucking that trend.

Then I redirect my statement to any Brexit voters who voted to “take back control” of the border. Whoopsy daisy.

I don't see that pointing out what that that fool in the White House says and does necessarily makes anyone a Trump supporter as much as finding it amusing how many people lost their mind about him.


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Henry of Peckham Flag Eton Mess 01 Nov 22 3.10am Send a Private Message to Henry of Peckham Add Henry of Peckham as a friend

Originally posted by Maine Eagle

Wasn’t Brexit supposed to “take back control” of the borders?

Yet record numbers of migrants are entering the UK.


Yes, Suella is in trouble from Labour because she isn't prebooking accommodation for our illegal immigrants. Somewhat absurd, as she can never be sure of the exact numbers arriving each day. Maybe she could get them to book themselves Premier Inns before they leave France? They could all go straight there when they arrive ... all paid for of course, at the going rate of £150 a head per night!

Edited by Henry of Peckham (01 Nov 2022 3.58am)


Denial is not just a river in Egypt

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Midlands Eagle Flag 01 Nov 22 6.47am Send a Private Message to Midlands Eagle Add Midlands Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Henry of Peckham

Suella is in trouble from Labour because she isn't prebooking accommodation for our illegal immigrants.

The more that she upsets the Labour softies the more I like her


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Badger11 Flag Beckenham 01 Nov 22 7.31am Send a Private Message to Badger11 Add Badger11 as a friend

Originally posted by Maine Eagle

I believe they call that whataboutism, Ted.

Do you accept you were conned by Brexit lies? You haven’t “taken back control” of the borders, have you.

Correct we haven't and it's a shambles however as many of us pointed out during the Brexit campaign once we left the EU the blame would lie squarely with the politicians at Westminster.

I don't know any Brexiteer who thought it would be all rainbows and unicorns most of us are realists the point is that Parliament has the power to sort out this problem if they don't then we need to elect people who will.


One more point

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