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Ukraine Situation - Should We Be Worried?

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Stirlingsays Flag 07 Oct 22 7.20pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by Eaglehamster

For many people, this is a hill they are willing to die on.....I'll die on a hill over some things but this just isn't it for me.....This was avoidable.

Putin, if permitted to 'win' by his constant threat of going nuclear, will surely be emboldened to use the same tactic to reclaim one by one all the former Soviet satellites that comprised the USSR.

I think there are many minds concentrating on how to avoid a nuclear conflict, without appeasing Putin and his empire rebuilding dreams. It beats me, I'm afraid.

Your notion that NATO is just as guilty as Russia is deeply flawed. The only country bullying others into joining NATO, is Russia.

Firstly when writing this reply I want to make it clear that I’m not pro Russia or Putin when it comes to this war just as I’m not pro Ukraine. I’m very aware that I will get called all the usual nonsense for expressing my opposition to both our involvement in this war and my disagreement to how the west has regarded Russia since the 90s.

I will repeat where I stand: I don’t support Zelensky and I don’t support Putin……I don’t support any of our leaders who have made the decisions that brought us to this point. My positions are roughly the same as Orban and Tucker Carlson’s.

In broad canvas my positions and arguments are based upon what I think is best for this kingdom’s future, the best for Britain. I am English and always will be. I’ve said it many times that while I accept all the humanitarian arguments related to the war I couldn’t really give a fig who holds what slavic ground in Eastern Europe. That’s for the nationalists in those countries to fight it out between themselves….or at least it should be (I’m instinctively against forced conscription even though I’m aware that’s an unrealistic position).

The idea that Russia is seriously thinking of taking back its old empire is a lie built by neo cons to justify their war and the huge spending that goes with it.

You think that unless Nato fights Russia over the Ukraine that Putin is going to take back the old Soviet empire?

I suspect that view comes from the talking heads on the telly. The same type of people who convinced you about the Gulf war because Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. I bet you….like me…..believed them as well. A fact we all should face is that our own state deliberately half truth and lie to us for political expediency. I say this with no pride because I’m talking about our own here. I expect and demand better.

Ok, let’s look at this claim that Russia under Putin is looking to retake the old Empire….just what would that require and risk. I don’t think it seriously relates to a practical analysis of either the Russian military or its economy.

I say Instead of listening to those who support a war with Russia actually look at the situation yourself and understand what it would take for Russia to take back its old empire. If you do that you will quickly realise what a nonsense it is……I ask you to question yourself on how much of what you think is based upon trust of our authorities and old cold war thinking.

I don’t even think that anyone in the western leaderships actually believe this idea anyway and if you actually look at their comments you can work that out for yourself. It’s just propaganda given to get you to nod along and comply….like being told that masks make some useful impact against Covid.

Ok, here are my arguments against this idea that Putin wants the old empire:

How can it be both true that you are told that Russia is this existential threat to Europe looking to overtake many Nato countries when it can’t even hold territory it gained in a war with the Ukraine? Does that sound realistic to you?

Firstly lets tackle the most obvious problem with this position. Those countries, Poland and so on are now in Nato (a separate discussion)
To take back the old Soviet empire Russia would need to attack them, which means nuclear war……straight off the bat it’s a non starter. Both Nato and Russia have been at pains at avoiding directly fighting each others official troops as they know what that means……Yet you seriously believe that Russia wants to invade Poland and all the rest of it. Let’s imagine that the nuclear options didn’t exist even then just how would they justify holding this hostile territory? I put it to you that this has never been realistic. While Putin is popular in Russia he would have to become Stalin to remain in power….considering he has criticised Stalin and the old Soviet empire many times I just don’t see this.

Another problem with this empire concept. Apparently we get told that Russia has problems even calling up reservists to fight in Ukraine but at the same time told that Russia is going to call up the many millions of civilians it would need to beat Nato and hold down and suppress nations with old hatreds towards it.

The Russians would need to call up practically its entire eligible male fighting force……it would need to force people to fight like the old Soviet union did……Shooting those that fled like they did. Russia today isn’t that country and despite what you have been told Putin isn’t Stalin….someone he has criticised as he has criticised the old Soviet union many times.

If Putin wants to take back the old empire why isn’t the Russia military many millions strong and trained? It could be if that were the intent. But it isn’t and hasn’t been since before the fall of the Berlin wall? If this is about taking the old empire back it would have been planned years ago.

To take back the old Soviet empire Russia would firstly need agreement from its backers in the BRICS alliance…..backers who rely upon the world economy and like everyone else are desperate to avoid the catastrophic affects of nuclear war. When I hear people talk lightly of nuclear war I tend to think that they have forgotten firstly the terrible death tolls and then the generational physical harm that affects the Japanese even today.

If you were seriously concerned about Putin taking on Nato, then all we had to do....and should still do in my view was beef up our forces in Nato countries. Something I've always supported.

I put it to you that Putin has never had serious plans to regain the old Soviet Union and that can be understood by looking at the realities. It is a dangerous fantasy partly intended to justify war…… and when you look at the facts it's as plain as the nose on your face.

Edited by Stirlingsays (07 Oct 2022 9.55pm)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Stirlingsays Flag 07 Oct 22 7.36pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by silvertop

The US had every reason to believe that hundreds of thousands of their men would die securing Japan based on the conduct of Japanese forces to that point.

Ironically, countless more Japanese - both combatants and non-combatants - would have certainly also died. Far more than died in the 2 bombings.

Some comments on this.

Firstly many of those who would have died fighting the US troops in an invasion attempt would have chosen to fight them. Those who wanted to avoid fighting, were children/babies or wished to surrender would have had that option. Nuking them destroyed everyone.

Secondly the justification of using a nuclear bomb to reduce your own troop losses lowers the standard significantly. That reasoning could be used by both the US and Russia today.

Thirdly, it's known that Japan put the 'feelers' out to the US for a conditional surrender and that the US rebuffed that and demanded an unconditional surrender....this fact has been kept from widespread knowledge but it's the truth and not denied.

Many are told that the bombs were the only option or way to end this war and it's just propaganda to justify what happened rather than the actual truth.

A fourth point, the numbers of dead from the direct nukes is one statistic. Those numbers are woefully small compared to the numbers who were seriously disfigured and had those life expectancy shorted by that radiation. It also doesn't factor in the countless numbers for who that radiation has affected generationally.....those nuclear bombs are still limiting life expectancy near eighty years on.

Originally posted by silvertop

The other important point is that the use provided clear and terrifying evidence to a (then) non-nuclear USSR not to step out of line. Remember, Stalin met with his chiefs in the autumn of 1944 with a plan to keep rolling their T-34s tanks all the way to the Azores thereby securing complete European dominance. Why not, Stalin said, we have 400 battle hardened divisions in the field. It was allegedly fear of the bomb that checked their progress at the Iron Curtain.

Agreed....We joined with Stalin to destroy the Fascists whose principle aim was the destruction of Communism (and that's no defence of Hitler)....but there isn't anything about WW2 that isn't fecked up....WW2 destroyed everyone but the US....Mmmmm notice a pattern?

Anyway back to Truman's decision to nuke Japan , I believe that freely acknowledged nuclear tests rather than mass human carnage and destruction could and should have been used rather than what happened. What about the next upgraded weapon....Do we justify its use by testing it upon a city of our enemies? Justify it based upon its proven human destruction?

Originally posted by silvertop

I still believe there will be a climb down on WOMD as that fear remains, but Putin will simply allow his various nutters to volubly advocate them in order to try and influence western thinking.

I certainly have my fingers very tightly crossed in regards to significant de-escalation....that we haven't seen so far.....and that both sides can reach a realistic negotiation.

But from what I'm seeing now war is set until one or both sides are exhausted, and we won't really know much until both the west and Putin have finished with their meat grinder mobilisations.

None of it is in my name.

Edited by Stirlingsays (07 Oct 2022 10.20pm)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Mapletree Flag Croydon 07 Oct 22 11.58pm Send a Private Message to Mapletree Add Mapletree as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

Ukraine's Zelensky calls on NATO to launch "preemptive strikes" against Russia to "eliminate the possibility" of a Russian nuclear strike.

This is frigging nuts times ten.

Stop reading comics

Did you actually listen to Zelensky when he said preemptive sanctions?


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Sir James Hird Flag Mount Martha 08 Oct 22 12.03am

Just a thought. I have a habit of thinking 'outside the square'.
I take in all that's been said and that is a lot Dear Stirling.

Tanks/battleships/troops/aircraft on the ground etc. are they not obsolete.
Missiles, drones, submarines, etc are more efficient.

What I am saying is in the medium/long term, war will be and is even now taking place in front of a screen.
Yes I know you can have 'a steel umbrella', I believe the Israelis use it.
Would anyone like to throw this in to the current conversation?


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Stirlingsays Flag 08 Oct 22 12.04am Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by Mapletree

Stop reading comics

Did you actually listen to Zelensky when he said preemptive sanctions?

Stop believing lies.

Honestly Maple you must think people are stupid.

He made these comments literally days after he tried to gain rapid acceptance into Nato.....Mmmmm..wonder why he's trying to gain access into Nato....Mmmm...just what difference would being in Nato make?.... Seriously you surprise me sometimes.

No one with half a brain believes Zelensky was talking about sanctions. It doesn't even make sense within the context of talking about Russia nuking them.

He said stupid sh1t and the Americans jumped down his neck and told him no dice, he's probably reading off their scripts now.

Edited by Stirlingsays (08 Oct 2022 12.08am)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Mapletree Flag Croydon 08 Oct 22 12.12am Send a Private Message to Mapletree Add Mapletree as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

Stop believing lies.

Honestly Maple you must think people are stupid.

He made these comments literally days after he tried to gain rapid acceptance into Nato.....Mmmmm..wonder why he's trying to gain access into Nato....Mmmm...just what difference would being in Nato make?.... Seriously you surprise me sometimes.

No one with half a brain believes Zelensky was talking about sanctions. It doesn't even make sense within the context of talking about Russia nuking them.

He said stupid sh1t and the Americans jumped down his neck and told him no dice, he's probably reading off their scripts now.

Edited by Stirlingsays (08 Oct 2022 12.08am)

I don’t think you are stupid. I know you are credulous. I listened today to Zelensky, speaking in English, calling for preemptive sanctions. Please link me to where he states nuclear strikes.


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Mapletree Flag Croydon 08 Oct 22 12.19am Send a Private Message to Mapletree Add Mapletree as a friend

For those that don’t realise from where you get your madness.

Germany-based Disclose.TV has millions of followers – on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and far-right social media networks like Gettr and Gab. What began as a conspiracy forum for swapping UFO stories has turned into a popular news aggregator dispensing conspiracy theories and anti-vaccine content, unique not only in its influence but also the way it operates.

A new report has shown that Disclose.TV hosted multiple Telegram and Discord channels where "hate speech and Holocaust denial" proliferated. At the same time, experts believe it was also trying to obfuscate its German origin.


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Stirlingsays Flag 08 Oct 22 12.23am Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by Mapletree

I don’t think you are stupid. I know you are credulous. I listened today to Zelensky, speaking in English, calling for preemptive sanctions. Please link me to where he states nuclear strikes.

I urge everyone to watch the video link I posted and then ask themselves if it makes any sense to read his comments as 'sanctions'.


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Stirlingsays Flag 08 Oct 22 12.24am Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by Mapletree

For those that don’t realise from where you get your madness.

Germany-based Disclose.TV has millions of followers – on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and far-right social media networks like Gettr and Gab. What began as a conspiracy forum for swapping UFO stories has turned into a popular news aggregator dispensing conspiracy theories and anti-vaccine content, unique not only in its influence but also the way it operates.

A new report has shown that Disclose.TV hosted multiple Telegram and Discord channels where "hate speech and Holocaust denial" proliferated. At the same time, experts believe it was also trying to obfuscate its German origin.

The source doesn't matter.

All that should matter to you is what the truth is....but unfortunately it doesn't.

It's just not true...the idea that more sanctions could be applied to Russia that would somehow stop them nuking Ukraine. What more sanctions could do that? It's a nonsense.

You think people are stupid Maple.

Edited by Stirlingsays (08 Oct 2022 12.27am)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Mapletree Flag Croydon 08 Oct 22 12.45am Send a Private Message to Mapletree Add Mapletree as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

The source doesn't matter.

All that should matter to you is what the truth is....but unfortunately it doesn't.

It's just not true...the idea that more sanctions could be applied to Russia that would somehow stop them nuking Ukraine. What more sanctions could do that? It's a nonsense.

You think people are stupid Maple.

Edited by Stirlingsays (08 Oct 2022 12.27am)

I think you are blinded by your prejudices. He actually said reconsider how pressure is applied and put pressure on before a nuclear strike happens. In the English version he uses the word sanctions. I doubt the sources you like to wallow in will report that.


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Stirlingsays Flag 08 Oct 22 1.07am Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by Mapletree

I think you are blinded by your prejudices. He actually said reconsider how pressure is applied and put pressure on before a nuclear strike happens. In the English version he uses the word sanctions. I doubt the sources you like to wallow in will report that.

The idea that Russia, which is probably the most sanctioned country in the world is going to be 'pressured' from a nuclear strike due to what little sanctions are left to apply is ridiculous...especially days after this guy tried to gain access to Nato.

The original link is there and people can make their own mind up.

You can 'believe' what you want, though I don't seriously think you believe what you are pushing.

Edited by Stirlingsays (08 Oct 2022 1.08am)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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steeleye20 Flag Croydon 08 Oct 22 5.28pm Send a Private Message to steeleye20 Add steeleye20 as a friend

The blowing-up of the Crimea-Russia bridge could not be more profound, it was hailed as a great achievement, opened by Putin and his mates.

It will hurt, what will the outcome be though.

What is happening in Crimea very difficult to understand, even if the referendum was flawed it is still over 90% Russian speaking.

Losing RT and the BBC and others has been very negative imo


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