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Sweden - just perfect !

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Matov Flag 11 Sep 22 10.17pm Send a Private Message to Matov Add Matov as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

European death cult.

Still forecast to pull in 20% of the vote. Stunning achievement. With the Swedes having endured almost constant brain-washing for decades. There is hope.

Is it too late? Possibly. But even if they are not in Government, they will still influence. Best of both worlds with the winter to come.

This struggle is beyond the outcomes of the ballot box. But the ballot box plays a crucial part in what comes next by way of people understanding that as things stand, voting changes nothing. Once a tipping point is reached on that, then the game moves up a level.


"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." - 1984 - George Orwell.

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HKOwen Flag Hong Kong 12 Sep 22 3.15am Send a Private Message to HKOwen Add HKOwen as a friend

Originally posted by croydon proud

You got me Teddy, you finally got me! Well googled, you"re not stalking me are you? I just remembered he was a Swedish national, and thought white, but perhaps I was getting confused with the white guy from Islington charged with witholding information. Either way, fair play, I can"t be right all the time with the amount of posts I do on here, just most of the time.

Like a Kinks' chorus


Responsibility Deficit Disorder is a medical condition. Symptoms include inability to be corrected when wrong, false sense of superiority, desire to share personal info no else cares about, general hubris. It's a medical issue rather than pure arrogance.

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Nicholas91 Flag The Democratic Republic of Kent 12 Sep 22 11.14am Send a Private Message to Nicholas91 Add Nicholas91 as a friend

Ah Sweden, it's now neck and neck from what I read and according to the BBC!

Who'd of thought it eh? The rise to power of the left wing paving or provoking the way for the right to rise up and cement a two horse race between the two opposing ends of the spectrum.

Really is quite unbelievable... ly thick. Who would have guessed ideologues with no interest in common sense and merely their own agendas could sink an otherwise OK country so quickly and then polarise it!


Now Zaha's got a bit of green grass ahead of him here... and finds Ambrose... not a bad effort!!!!

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croydon proud Flag Any european country i fancy! 12 Sep 22 3.04pm

Originally posted by HKOwen

Like a Kinks' chorus


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Stirlingsays Flag 12 Sep 22 4.03pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Sweden went from the safest place in Europe to one of the worst.

Entirely the fault of the left.

Despite massive and continual media campaigns, which the left basically monoponise, a left wing education system and historically left wing institutions pumping out propaganda In the matter of a few years that country has rapidly gone from a strongly socially left wing state to one where the right wing are practically half the country.

That's what happens when those who actually have to live the reality see the difference between the lies the left tell and what actually happens day to day to their living environments.

It's only going one way.

Edited by Stirlingsays (12 Sep 2022 4.06pm)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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PalazioVecchio Flag south pole 12 Sep 22 11.14pm Send a Private Message to PalazioVecchio Add PalazioVecchio as a friend

the hard-Left will always give birth to the Hard-Right.

And vice-versa

From the Spain of General Franco to wall-to-wall p0*n in modern times

From Catholic DeValera Ireland to Abortion Celebration Parties at Dublin Castle

From the Soviets to 1990's Capitalist Russia

from the Shah in Iran to the Ayatollah

The backlash in Sweden will follow 60 years of lefty madness. And probably now some Right-wing madness.

Edited by PalazioVecchio (12 Sep 2022 11.27pm)

Edited by PalazioVecchio (12 Sep 2022 11.32pm)


Kayla did Anfield & Old Trafford

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Stirlingsays Flag 12 Sep 22 11.22pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by PalazioVecchio

the hard-Left will always give birth to the Hard-Right.

And vice-versa

Yep, there was no fascism before communism.

It was a reaction to communism's consequences.

What you essentially get now are word play softer versions of the same ideas. Most of those within those paradigms aren't even aware of the genesis of the ideas taught to them.

Both communism are fascism are political memes now.... caricatures of their original designs.

Edited by Stirlingsays (12 Sep 2022 11.26pm)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Glazier#1 Flag 13 Sep 22 7.38am Send a Private Message to Glazier#1 Add Glazier#1 as a friend

Originally posted by Matov

Still forecast to pull in 20% of the vote. Stunning achievement. With the Swedes having endured almost constant brain-washing for decades. There is hope.

Is it too late? Possibly. But even if they are not in Government, they will still influence. Best of both worlds with the winter to come.

This struggle is beyond the outcomes of the ballot box. But the ballot box plays a crucial part in what comes next by way of people understanding that as things stand, voting changes nothing. Once a tipping point is reached on that, then the game moves up a level.

What is it that you're saying?
Moves up a level to what?


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PalazioVecchio Flag south pole 13 Sep 22 8.29am Send a Private Message to PalazioVecchio Add PalazioVecchio as a friend

Originally posted by Glazier#1

What is it that you're saying?
Moves up a level to what?

maybe a level of consciousness ? People had been, rightly, disgusted with violent homophobia and gay bashing. So Pride parades were all good.

but then, you got men in lipstick & dresses wanting to read doctored Nursery Rhymes to our kids in Public Libraries....People going to prison for insisting on an old-fashioned Pronoun.....and we thought, ''hang on a second, the defence of your rights should not mean a diminution in my rights''

imagine a whole nation comprised of the link below.....and if all the bills were at the taxpayer expense ? click on a link to choose your perfect baby...eye colour, gender, personality....Lads, Keep voting for the left if you approve of being cuckolded by a computer.



Kayla did Anfield & Old Trafford

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cryrst Flag The garden of England 13 Sep 22 9.30am Send a Private Message to cryrst Add cryrst as a friend

Originally posted by PalazioVecchio

maybe a level of consciousness ? People had been, rightly, disgusted with violent homophobia and gay bashing. So Pride parades were all good.

but then, you got men in lipstick & dresses wanting to read doctored Nursery Rhymes to our kids in Public Libraries....People going to prison for insisting on an old-fashioned Pronoun.....and we thought, ''hang on a second, the defence of your rights should not mean a diminution in my rights''

imagine a whole nation comprised of the link below.....and if all the bills were at the taxpayer expense ? click on a link to choose your perfect baby...eye colour, gender, personality....Lads, Keep voting for the left if you approve of being cuckolded by a computer.


And when these kids grow up asking who there dad was it will be a kick in the teeth.
Not even “ he was a c*** and ran off” or “ it was a quick rub out in an alley by the pub”
No it will be “ oh I don’t know, someone w***ed into a test tube and I bunged it up my minge and here you are”.


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Beanyboysmd Flag 13 Sep 22 10.05am Send a Private Message to Beanyboysmd Add Beanyboysmd as a friend

It doesnt say anything about immigration or foreigners or diversity. In fact one of them says quite clearly that its more people taking drugs and rising unemployment. So why are you all talking about immigrants and musl...

Its racism isn't it? Honestly, your racism would be fine if were just honest about it. Its the 'Look at crime in Sweden' 'christian values' 'our way of life' 'non European' 'ethnically British' rhetorical cowardice that I find frustrating.

Just say 'We dont like these darkies' like you did in the old days and then you can individually say wether or not you include black people on that list so you can fine tune your racism to specific groups. Its the cowardly labelling and attempts to trawl through papers to pretend its something more intellectual than 'i find them icky' that really annoys me.

I look forward to the next bag of bibble over the next few days when someone trans is good at the high jump and suddenly becomes the most pressing issue of your household...


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Stirlingsays Flag 13 Sep 22 10.59am Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by Beanyboysmd

It doesnt say anything about immigration or foreigners or diversity. In fact one of them says quite clearly that its more people taking drugs and rising unemployment. So why are you all talking about immigrants and musl...

Its racism isn't it? Honestly, your racism would be fine if were just honest about it. Its the 'Look at crime in Sweden' 'christian values' 'our way of life' 'non European' 'ethnically British' rhetorical cowardice that I find frustrating.

Just say 'We dont like these darkies' like you did in the old days and then you can individually say wether or not you include black people on that list so you can fine tune your racism to specific groups. Its the cowardly labelling and attempts to trawl through papers to pretend its something more intellectual than 'i find them icky' that really annoys me.

I look forward to the next bag of bibble over the next few days when someone trans is good at the high jump and suddenly becomes the most pressing issue of your household...

It's those that don't live their principles that irritate me.

Do you live in a highly diverse area or a majority white area? People should live what they proclaim and if you live in a diverse area, while I might disagree with your politics I will at least accept you live your words.

Personally, I grew up in a highly diverse area with high crime rates. I can say I lived my views and know the practical outcome of the left/neoliberal fetish for 'diversity'. I can also say I have no more in group preference than say Stormzy 'I'm not anti white, I'm just pro black'. Stormzy is highly rewarded within society and I see very little in the way of attacks from the left on his racial fact he is lauded and applauded.

For me that just shows that this ideological argument is really just a emperor who has no clothes.

In fact I think from my position, I can say that being white is less important than being socially conservative. I support those within the non white communities that agree with conservative ordered society values. Where I differ is in the recognition that there will never be enough of them for effective racial harmony to be a reality. Those people are minorities within the minorities but I will always break bread with those people. I think most people who agree with the dissident right would have that position.

Instead, what we will have is majority strong group preference from non white communities...As Mohammed Ali said, 'birds of a feather flock together'...the demographic map is the physical evidence of that...the majority of the non white community will always vote for the non white candidate and then claim that white people are the 'racists'...Only white people would majority vote for an Obama because they are actually the least 'racist' ethnic group, a fact that is leading to their own destruction both in power and in numbers. No other majority ethnic group in any nation has ever majority voted for someone from a different ethnic group to be their national leader

The classic 'minority against the majority' power structure is the default....tribalism, it will never change and only white people are criticised and punished for it.

Multculturalism was always a utopian pipe dream and it was inflicted upon societies without consent and many who objected have been demonised and persecuted.

The left say that 'racism' is a great evil for them, yet I'm a big one for not listening to words but observing actions. In truth they justify anti white 'racism' under the far left 'equity' and historical oppression banner. They started with the 'equality' argument, but that was a way in...they dropped that lie and now use whatever tactics justifies their own anti white...especially anti white working class male progression.

I view your take on the Swedish election as little more than leftish cope, but you are entitled to your views.

Edited by Stirlingsays (13 Sep 2022 11.07am)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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