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Sharing my season ticket

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Barnstanzeagle Flag 28 Jul 22 2.05pm Send a Private Message to Barnstanzeagle Add Barnstanzeagle as a friend

My wife and I each have a season ticket for the up and coming season, saved in the digital wallet app on my android phone. She can't make it so I want to send the QR code to a mate instead, however, the phone blocks me from taking a screen shot, saying "the app doesnt allow screenshots".

I was planning on meeting him in the seats, so scanning myself in then passing the phone back to him at the turnstiles doesn't work.

Does anyone more tech-savvy than me know how to get around this?

Thanks in advance!


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daven Flag Hailsham 28 Jul 22 2.53pm Send a Private Message to daven Add daven as a friend

Divorce. Marry someone who will go.


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eric youngs headband Flag amersham 28 Jul 22 2.54pm Send a Private Message to eric youngs headband Add eric youngs headband as a friend

take a photo of the qr code from another phone? worked in the past for me


4 playoff finals, Claridge, Hopkin, Shipperley, Phillips....

Life's never dull!

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FernsideEagle Flag Tunbridge Wells 28 Jul 22 2.56pm Send a Private Message to FernsideEagle Add FernsideEagle as a friend

This subject is discussed in the Digital ST thread in Palace Talk so some of the information posted there might help.


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Fatherken Flag 28 Jul 22 3.28pm Send a Private Message to Fatherken Add Fatherken as a friend

go plastic , it is easy and ( like me ) simple no messing around


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mr. apollo Flag Somewhere in Switzerland 29 Jul 22 9.56am Send a Private Message to mr. apollo Add mr. apollo as a friend

Originally posted by eric youngs headband

take a photo of the qr code from another phone? worked in the past for me

What he said





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Barnstanzeagle Flag 29 Jul 22 2.34pm Send a Private Message to Barnstanzeagle Add Barnstanzeagle as a friend

Thanks all!


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Andy0629 Flag Warlingham 29 Jul 22 3.00pm Send a Private Message to Andy0629 Add Andy0629 as a friend

If you go to the Palace website they have just added some info on sharing your season ticket…… so even though I have purchased Season Ticket + if I dont pass it onto my friends or family, I can sell back to the club, you can only do this once the game is sold out, you get 1/19th of the value and they charge you a admin fee of 10% for the privilege, then sell it on for full price and a booking fee……


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gabby01 Flag 29 Jul 22 4.59pm Send a Private Message to gabby01 Add gabby01 as a friend

Yeh i just posted on the other thread on this. Why cant you sell it in advance of the venue selling out.

It's also stopping Palace fans getting better seats if they want to guarantee tickets to the game by getting in early..


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YHTM Flag 01 Aug 22 8.54am Send a Private Message to YHTM Add YHTM as a friend

From the Spurs website
"Ticket Share
Ticket Share allows Season Ticket Holders to gift their ticket to a friend or family member within their network, at no charge, for a home game included on their season ticket that they cannot attend."

They have the same digital wallet system, begs the question why can't CPFC do it too?


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WJK1960 Flag 01 Aug 22 9.09am Send a Private Message to WJK1960 Add WJK1960 as a friend

Originally posted by YHTM

From the Spurs website
"Ticket Share
Ticket Share allows Season Ticket Holders to gift their ticket to a friend or family member within their network, at no charge, for a home game included on their season ticket that they cannot attend."

They have the same digital wallet system, begs the question why can't CPFC do it too?

I didn't know this so thanks for posting. Sadly the Club seems determined to screw more money out of their fans. I have two tickets so I am faced with paying £100 for the privilege of passing OUR tickets within my family. I am not willing to pay almost 10% of the cost of the season ticket for this opportunity. I think the Club has made a big mistake.


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Therealeaglestilidie Flag 01 Aug 22 10.31am Send a Private Message to Therealeaglestilidie Add Therealeaglestilidie as a friend

Lets see how many empty seats there are when the season kicks off and that might force a u-turn.


I'm so Palace I don't even know it

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