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Chelsea Scum

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AndyPlymouth Flag Calne 20 Apr 22 12.07pm Send a Private Message to AndyPlymouth Add AndyPlymouth as a friend

Me and my son had a couple of idiots hurling abuse on our way back to the tube. We ignored them so they started hurling abuse at the tube staff.

It was only when we got to Reading Station that some teenage girl started hurling abuse at us. We just laughed at her and walked on, she made herself look an idiot in front of everyone.

I had an old school Chelsea mate comment on one of my facebook posts taking the mick. I let him know that his club's support was an embarrassment and that they could not even muster up a chorus of "one man went to mow". There were no further comments, so from that I can take from that is that he agreed.


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Nicholas91 Flag The Democratic Republic of Kent 20 Apr 22 12.16pm Send a Private Message to Nicholas91 Add Nicholas91 as a friend

My experience of Chelsea fans has predominantly been that of once a crowd is formed, and a number of them can resultantly indulge in their group mentality, half-witted behaviour as they are supported by one another and not restricted by the usual social policing you find in private schools etc., they feel they can be themselves, which is more often then not a very narrow and restricted persona only cultivated, once again, by the little bubble in which they live their lives.

I have many fond memories and anecdotes of Chelsea fans which I have posted before but here are two for example and entertainment:

My best friend at school was a Chelsea fan, whose well over 6foot and built Dad took him along with a few of us to Chelsea vs West Ham, many years ago now . A few of their muggy rent boys jumped up in front of us shouting, amongst other embarrassing things, 'stab him' when handbags broke out on the pitch. My mate's Dad calmly placed his hands on the shoulder of two of the fellas and asked them to sit down 'as the kids can't see', they all nodded their heads silently and obligingly and without further comment returned to their seats. My mate's Dad then shook his head disparagingly. Had a lot of respect for the fella prior but after that incident it was immense.

My other was when I was in a pub in Lewisham about 10-15 years ago, and with full commitment to stereotypes a bloke pulled up in a range rover outside and came in to watch the Chelsea vs Barcelona match in the CL. Chelsea lost, the geezer who looked like Billy Bright out of The Football Factory and seemed thoroughly p!55ed after about 4 pints , then launched a verbal attack on a few genuine spanish fellas in the bar threatening to go to his car, come back, and "shoot them". 'Twas a 'Millwall Pub', where I was a lovingly welcomed Palace fan, and there was a QPR fan, for diversity reasons of course, and the Chelsea supporting gentlemen was quite kindly asked to leave before retaliating with further threats to "shoot everyone". About 30 mins later I gave my witness statement to the police as I was asked to do (unfortunately I was out having a fag at the time of course) and our Chelsea supporting visitor was promptly rushed to Lewisham hospital after showing little signs of consciousness. I will also add it was one bloke too, not the whole pub or even a couple of fellas.

Ahhh memories!


Now Zaha's got a bit of green grass ahead of him here... and finds Ambrose... not a bad effort!!!!

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monkey Flag Sittingbourne,but made in Bromley 20 Apr 22 12.47pm Send a Private Message to monkey Add monkey as a friend

I would say the police created a problem down Wembley way after the game,especially when horse’s started getting a bit excited, in obviously trying to keep fans apart, the wall they created with the horses as well gave those that wanted to get Larey an excuse to do so because the police were inbetween. If that wall of plod wasn’t there and we’d all merged in together they wouldn’t have been quite so larey i feel.
Once we were in the station there wasn’t a copper in sight anyway and everyone was mixed in together, so what was the point?

Edited by monkey (20 Apr 2022 12.48pm)


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Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 20 Apr 22 1.01pm Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend

Originally posted by NEILLO

Of the few Chelsea fans I saw on Sunday, those that were mouthing off were in the age range of 15-30. Seems they were saving their voices for post match as they were silent for most of the game.

Those ' fans ' know nothing other than the RA years and maybe a little of the Matthew Harding era.

You can't have a sensible conversation with them around how bang average a club they were until they came into money.

And that's fine, but why they have to be so obnoxious with it I don't know.

Hope Liverpool do them on and off the pitch next month.

If they played Everton in the semi they would have got hurt. Scousers don’t care about getting arrested and so many of them responding until the riot clad police do anything means a lot wouldn’t get arrested, unless they use cctv and/r splash faces all over the media, which can be personally very damaging unless you’re a scaffolder. Watch this tw@t on 30:30. Punching targets at the the back of a group grappling with each other




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Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 20 Apr 22 1.02pm Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend

Originally posted by NEILLO

Of the few Chelsea fans I saw on Sunday, those that were mouthing off were in the age range of 15-30. Seems they were saving their voices for post match as they were silent for most of the game.

Those ' fans ' know nothing other than the RA years and maybe a little of the Matthew Harding era.

You can't have a sensible conversation with them around how bang average a club they were until they came into money.

And that's fine, but why they have to be so obnoxious with it I don't know.

Hope Liverpool do them on and off the pitch next month.

If they played Everton in the semi they would have got hurt. Scousers don’t care about getting arrested and so many of them responding until the riot clad police do anything means a lot wouldn’t get arrested, unless they use cctv and/r splash faces all over the media, which can be personally very damaging unless you’re a scaffolder. Watch this tw@t on 30:30. Punching targets at the the back of a group grappling with each other




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Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 20 Apr 22 1.04pm Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend

Originally posted by monkey

I would say the police created a problem down Wembley way after the game,especially when horse’s started getting a bit excited, in obviously trying to keep fans apart, the wall they created with the horses as well gave those that wanted to get Larey an excuse to do so because the police were inbetween. If that wall of plod wasn’t there and we’d all merged in together they wouldn’t have been quite so larey i feel.
Once we were in the station there wasn’t a copper in sight anyway and everyone was mixed in together, so what was the point?

Edited by monkey (20 Apr 2022 12.48pm)

Lippy boys at the stadium end of Wembley way when there was a line of police. When a big gap appeared or in fact no police it was quite amusing. Highly embarrassing.



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Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 20 Apr 22 1.06pm Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend

Originally posted by Willo

The reprobates really need to be thrashed to within an inch of their lives.

They’re very careful to select when to do something to avoid your wish.



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Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 20 Apr 22 1.10pm Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend

Originally posted by AndyPlymouth

Me and my son had a couple of idiots hurling abuse on our way back to the tube. We ignored them so they started hurling abuse at the tube staff.

It was only when we got to Reading Station that some teenage girl started hurling abuse at us. We just laughed at her and walked on, she made herself look an idiot in front of everyone.

I had an old school Chelsea mate comment on one of my facebook posts taking the mick. I let him know that his club's support was an embarrassment and that they could not even muster up a chorus of "one man went to mow". There were no further comments, so from that I can take from that is that he agreed.

Bloke of late forties (edit: probably well into his 50’s but skinny) with just his 2 daughters on the platform at East Croydon sung the whole thing with a can of a strong lager and no pause for breath. He had no shirt on and didn’t look like he was going to Wembley. Probably had cold Turkey from the crack pipe on Saturday. I say late forties but the state of him could be deceiving.

Edited by Rudi Hedman (20 Apr 2022 1.48pm)



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Osvaldo Flag Epsom 20 Apr 22 2.05pm Send a Private Message to Osvaldo Add Osvaldo as a friend

Let's hope they really get turned over by Liverpool and I mean turned over, similar to what they did against Man U last night with a couple more thrown in!


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baldeagle73 Flag Leamington spa 20 Apr 22 3.08pm Send a Private Message to baldeagle73 Add baldeagle73 as a friend

They’ve definitely gone down in my estimation after there attitude on Sunday I’d put them below the bindippers now


walking down the holmesdale road to see the palace aces!

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monkey Flag Sittingbourne,but made in Bromley 20 Apr 22 7.04pm Send a Private Message to monkey Add monkey as a friend

Originally posted by Rudi Hedman

Lippy boys at the stadium end of Wembley way when there was a line of police. When a big gap appeared or in fact no police it was quite amusing. Highly embarrassing.

That’s right, exactly where and what I was talking about. If they’d really wanted to get at each other they could’ve done easily, as soon as the police ‘barrier’ thinned out they went quiet


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stuckinbristol Flag In the woodwork. 21 Apr 22 9.01am Send a Private Message to stuckinbristol Add stuckinbristol as a friend

Quite an un-eventful day with regards to Chelsea interaction.

Some light banter with them before and after on the trains and tube.
Did see the punch up, 33mins in the above vid, as we were coming down the steps at the time, yep that's me in the red top and my son in the Palace shirt!! My son just said off the cuff "someone's got their big boy trousers on" which made me laugh.

As a side did anyone see the guy outside the Roundhouse pub? Had already drunk half a bottle of Brandy, then proceeded to neck the remainder of the bottle. He was crashed out on the floor about half hour later just down the road with paramedics treating him. I told them what he had done, and they said it explained a lot.


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