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Easter. Do you believe ?

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Lanzo-Ad Flag Lanzarote 16 Apr 22 12.45pm Send a Private Message to Lanzo-Ad Add Lanzo-Ad as a friend

Originally posted by Badger11

The origins of the New Testament are fascinating, starting with the council of Nicea in which Emperor Constantine tried to codify what Christianity was.

The New Testament itself was not locked down until 300 years later with some books being included then rejected and then included others were in then finally out whilst some never made it.

In short the bible maybe the word of God but mankind had a big hand in it and skewed it for its on purposes. The Gospel of Mary Magdalene being one of the rejected books which gave woman a far more prominent role in the life and death of Jesus.

Do I believe no, although I do believe there was an anti Roman political agitator called Jesus who was the Martin Luther King of his day.

Yes, very good i compare Jesus to Ghandi


“That’s a joke son, I say, that’s a joke.” “Nice boy, but he’s sharp as a throw pillow.” “He’s so dumb he thinks a Mexican border pays rent” “ “Son… I say, son, some people are so narrow minded they can look through a keyhole with both eyes.”__ Forhorn Leghorn

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palace_in_frogland Flag In a broken dream 16 Apr 22 1.20pm Send a Private Message to palace_in_frogland Add palace_in_frogland as a friend

Originally posted by ASCPFC

Would God create Benteke?

Jesus said; “Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for Benteke to get the ball in the net.”

Matthew 19:24


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Nicholas91 Flag The Democratic Republic of Kent 16 Apr 22 2.07pm Send a Private Message to Nicholas91 Add Nicholas91 as a friend

Originally posted by palace_in_frogland

Jesus said; “Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for Benteke to get the ball in the net.”

Matthew 19:24



Now Zaha's got a bit of green grass ahead of him here... and finds Ambrose... not a bad effort!!!!

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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards Hrolf The Ganger Flag 16 Apr 22 2.32pm Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

Originally posted by Badger11

The origins of the New Testament are fascinating, starting with the council of Nicea in which Emperor Constantine tried to codify what Christianity was.

The New Testament itself was not locked down until 300 years later with some books being included then rejected and then included others were in then finally out whilst some never made it.

In short the bible maybe the word of God but mankind had a big hand in it and skewed it for its on purposes. The Gospel of Mary Magdalene being one of the rejected books which gave woman a far more prominent role in the life and death of Jesus.

Do I believe no, although I do believe there was an anti Roman political agitator called Jesus who was the Martin Luther King of his day.

Man has been worshipping things since we had the capacity to think about such abstract ideas.
'God' is just one that was successfully spread by circumstance across the world and into the present day.
Remember that a big chunk of follower are Catholics, and Catholics have been controlled and indoctrinated using fear for centuries.

I am firmly with Dawkins. He says we should celebrate life and even death since we are so statistically lucky to get the experience.
Who needs miracles? Look around you. Is existence not enough?


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Lanzo-Ad Flag Lanzarote 16 Apr 22 3.11pm Send a Private Message to Lanzo-Ad Add Lanzo-Ad as a friend

Originally posted by BlueJay

So can I confirm that you're def on record as saying that Jesus didn't ride a dinosaur?

Everybody walked the dinosaur


“That’s a joke son, I say, that’s a joke.” “Nice boy, but he’s sharp as a throw pillow.” “He’s so dumb he thinks a Mexican border pays rent” “ “Son… I say, son, some people are so narrow minded they can look through a keyhole with both eyes.”__ Forhorn Leghorn

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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards georgenorman Flag 16 Apr 22 7.08pm Send a Private Message to georgenorman Add georgenorman as a friend

Don't know if there is a god or not, how can we? (Although sometimes I sense he is tutting at me!)
Mind you I don't accept that the universe spontaneously burst into existence either.

Edited by georgenorman (16 Apr 2022 7.11pm)


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cryrst Flag The garden of England 16 Apr 22 7.47pm Send a Private Message to cryrst Add cryrst as a friend

Originally posted by georgenorman

Don't know if there is a god or not, how can we? (Although sometimes I sense he is tutting at me!)
Mind you I don't accept that the universe spontaneously burst into existence either.

Edited by georgenorman (16 Apr 2022 7.11pm)

Evolution ?


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CPFC1965 Flag Warrington 16 Apr 22 7.52pm Send a Private Message to CPFC1965 Add CPFC1965 as a friend

I believe that Easter is the best holiday as we have dinner with family and friends, no stressing over presents, choccy eggs for the kids, totally relaxed and no stress,wake up on Easter Monday with the mother of all hangovers, religion I just don't believe.


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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards georgenorman Flag 16 Apr 22 8.31pm Send a Private Message to georgenorman Add georgenorman as a friend

Originally posted by cryrst

Evolution ?

What did the universe evolve from.


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cryrst Flag The garden of England 17 Apr 22 6.13am Send a Private Message to cryrst Add cryrst as a friend

Originally posted by georgenorman

What did the universe evolve from.

I don't know G, I'm a bloody boiler engineer.
Ask Darwin or wissie


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Moose Flag In the sewer pipe... 17 Apr 22 7.22am Send a Private Message to Moose Add Moose as a friend

There is no God (Christian or otherwise) and religion is nothing but archaic superstition to help our ancestors explain nature and death. Hopefully the human race will grow out of it eventually, given all the hurt perpetrated in its name.


Goodness is what you do. Not who you pray to.

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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards georgenorman Flag 17 Apr 22 8.03am Send a Private Message to georgenorman Add georgenorman as a friend

Originally posted by Moose

There is no God (Christian or otherwise) and religion is nothing but archaic superstition to help our ancestors explain nature and death. Hopefully the human race will grow out of it eventually, given all the hurt perpetrated in its name.

You should pop down to your local mosque and share yur views!


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