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Shane Warne

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Clevander Flag Brisbane 07 Mar 22 7.57am Send a Private Message to Clevander Add Clevander as a friend

As a Ma quadruple D Palace tragic since ‘76- I don’t post here often as I don’t profess to have the superior knowledge 0f so many here on the game. Regardless as an Aussie I sincerely love to read the banter posts and learn from many here.
Even though we have a healthy rivalry in cricket- one of the endearing qualities of the English is their appreciation of talent and acknowledgment when it’s due.
Hats off and or tipped.
The world is in complete shock of Warnie’s tragic death - in our lifetime-we will not see another like him and in the future if at all. Entertainment plus on and off the field- what a delight he was to all - Australia has lost one of its most loved personalities ever.
Shocked/ devastation + its hard to comprehend if I’m honest.
Losing “Swampy” Marsh less than 24 hours earlier has also perhaps being overshadowed and he was such a that great man and deserves the tears and feelings of the cricket world. Both incredible guys that will be sadly missed by all.
RIP Swampy & GOAT sad times.

Oh and BTW to those who made comment or enquired- Warner / Smith and Bancroft (equally) will never be forgiven by Aussies for their sandpaper-gate effort in South Africa. Cheating is so against the Australian way and they will never be forgiven. Make no mistake my English friends - Warner would be arguably one of THE most hated blokes in current Australian sport and my view is that all three should not have been allowed back into the game.
Keep well Palace faithful COYP


Red & Blue since ' 76.. And what a fine year that was and has been ever since... !

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the.universal 07 Mar 22 8.49am Send a Private Message to the.universal Add the.universal as a friend

Originally posted by Clevander

As a Ma quadruple D Palace tragic since ‘76- I don’t post here often as I don’t profess to have the superior knowledge 0f so many here on the game. Regardless as an Aussie I sincerely love to read the banter posts and learn from many here.
Even though we have a healthy rivalry in cricket- one of the endearing qualities of the English is their appreciation of talent and acknowledgment when it’s due.
Hats off and or tipped.
The world is in complete shock of Warnie’s tragic death - in our lifetime-we will not see another like him and in the future if at all. Entertainment plus on and off the field- what a delight he was to all - Australia has lost one of its most loved personalities ever.
Shocked/ devastation + its hard to comprehend if I’m honest.
Losing “Swampy” Marsh less than 24 hours earlier has also perhaps being overshadowed and he was such a that great man and deserves the tears and feelings of the cricket world. Both incredible guys that will be sadly missed by all.
RIP Swampy & GOAT sad times.

Oh and BTW to those who made comment or enquired- Warner / Smith and Bancroft (equally) will never be forgiven by Aussies for their sandpaper-gate effort in South Africa. Cheating is so against the Australian way and they will never be forgiven. Make no mistake my English friends - Warner would be arguably one of THE most hated blokes in current Australian sport and my view is that all three should not have been allowed back into the game.
Keep well Palace faithful COYP

Nice post Clevander. As much as I want us to win The Ashes, having a great contest with some top class cricket is more important to me. Your team in the 90s was so good, it didn’t make for a contest but they are some of the all-time greats of the game, including Warney.

Baaaawlliiiiiin’ Shaaaaane



Vive le Roy!

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chris123 Flag hove actually 07 Mar 22 8.58am Send a Private Message to chris123 Add chris123 as a friend

Originally posted by Clevander

As a Ma quadruple D Palace tragic since ‘76- I don’t post here often as I don’t profess to have the superior knowledge 0f so many here on the game. Regardless as an Aussie I sincerely love to read the banter posts and learn from many here.
Even though we have a healthy rivalry in cricket- one of the endearing qualities of the English is their appreciation of talent and acknowledgment when it’s due.
Hats off and or tipped.
The world is in complete shock of Warnie’s tragic death - in our lifetime-we will not see another like him and in the future if at all. Entertainment plus on and off the field- what a delight he was to all - Australia has lost one of its most loved personalities ever.
Shocked/ devastation + its hard to comprehend if I’m honest.
Losing “Swampy” Marsh less than 24 hours earlier has also perhaps being overshadowed and he was such a that great man and deserves the tears and feelings of the cricket world. Both incredible guys that will be sadly missed by all.
RIP Swampy & GOAT sad times.

Oh and BTW to those who made comment or enquired- Warner / Smith and Bancroft (equally) will never be forgiven by Aussies for their sandpaper-gate effort in South Africa. Cheating is so against the Australian way and they will never be forgiven. Make no mistake my English friends - Warner would be arguably one of THE most hated blokes in current Australian sport and my view is that all three should not have been allowed back into the game.
Keep well Palace faithful COYP

Absolutely loved at Hampshire, scored some runs too.


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Forest Hillbilly Flag in a hidey-hole 07 Mar 22 7.15pm Send a Private Message to Forest Hillbilly Add Forest Hillbilly as a friend

I had forgotten this musical tribute to Warnie, by Kevin Bloody Wilson. written around 20 years(or more) ago.

a youtube link (needs sound). Not Safe for Work.



I disengage, I turn the page.

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Lanzo-Ad Flag Lanzarote 08 Mar 22 10.36am Send a Private Message to Lanzo-Ad Add Lanzo-Ad as a friend

Sunil Gavaskar saying Warne isn't the best and some of the Indian spinners and Muralitharan was better, he bowl all the time after the 4th over so he should take at least 5 wickets every match. Warne was in a league of his own RIP


“That’s a joke son, I say, that’s a joke.” “Nice boy, but he’s sharp as a throw pillow.” “He’s so dumb he thinks a Mexican border pays rent” “ “Son… I say, son, some people are so narrow minded they can look through a keyhole with both eyes.”__ Forhorn Leghorn

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Midlands Eagle Flag 08 Mar 22 11.26am Send a Private Message to Midlands Eagle Add Midlands Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Lanzo-Ad

Sunil Gavaskar saying Warne isn't the best and some of the Indian spinners and Muralitharan was better,

Stupid comment by Gavaskar. Murali ended up taking more wickets than Warney partly because he played on longer, partly because he played his home games in the dust bowls of Sri Lanka and partly because he was a chucker


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sickboy Flag Deal or Croydon 08 Mar 22 2.20pm Send a Private Message to sickboy Add sickboy as a friend

Originally posted by Midlands Eagle

Stupid comment by Gavaskar. Murali ended up taking more wickets than Warney partly because he played on longer, partly because he played his home games in the dust bowls of Sri Lanka and partly because he was a chucker

With very friendly home umpires


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