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Will Hughes

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Knightstar Flag Guildford 02 Nov 21 7.35pm Send a Private Message to Knightstar Add Knightstar as a friend

What's going on with Will Hughes? Why hasn't he featured in any of our games yet, even if only as a sub? I'd like to see how he fits into our team and hope PV will give him a chance before too long.


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Toronto_CPFC Flag Toronto 02 Nov 21 7.46pm Send a Private Message to Toronto_CPFC Add Toronto_CPFC as a friend

He's the Macca replacement but with the way Macca is playing he's not getting a look in... recon he might get some time now we've got a run against some lower teams... hope so, good ball player.


Watching every game live on TV doesn't come close to the real thing..... COYP

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elcapitano Flag 02 Nov 21 7.54pm Send a Private Message to elcapitano Add elcapitano as a friend

I read somewhere he had a minor back injury and that's why he wasn't in the squad for the City game.


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 02 Nov 21 8.42pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

I watched a video of a training 5 aside game. It's on the Palace website. He looked well off the pace, losing the ball, slow, taking two touches when others were pinging it around first time. So either he isn't fit, has an injury, or just hasn't yet adapted to our new style. He looked distinctly uncomfortable.


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kennybrowns leftfoot Flag Reigate 03 Nov 21 2.00am Send a Private Message to kennybrowns leftfoot Add kennybrowns leftfoot as a friend

As others have said Jimmy Mac has been superb and can't be replaced at the moment... However I do find it weird Hughes hasn't played a single minute because the lad can really play football...
I hope its not a clash between him and Vieira as wouldn't like to see any fall outs but let's hope maybe we see him soon. The lad has got talent but in Vieira we trust!


Don't waste your time with jealousy. Sometimes your ahead, sometimes your behind, the race is long. But in the end it's only with yourself!!

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Palace Old Geezer Flag Midhurst 03 Nov 21 8.53am Send a Private Message to Palace Old Geezer Add Palace Old Geezer as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

I watched a video of a training 5 aside game. It's on the Palace website. He looked well off the pace, losing the ball, slow, taking two touches when others were pinging it around first time. So either he isn't fit, has an injury, or just hasn't yet adapted to our new style. He looked distinctly uncomfortable.

Yep, I watched that too and agree with you Wisbech. Square peg, round hole is how it appeared to me.


Dad and I watched games standing on the muddy slope of the Holmesdale Road end. He cheered and I rattled.

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MrRobbo Flag Chaldon 03 Nov 21 9.12am Send a Private Message to MrRobbo Add MrRobbo as a friend

Originally posted by kennybrowns leftfoot

As others have said Jimmy Mac has been superb and can't be replaced at the moment... However I do find it weird Hughes hasn't played a single minute because the lad can really play football...
I hope its not a clash between him and Vieira as wouldn't like to see any fall outs but let's hope maybe we see him soon. The lad has got talent but in Vieira we trust!

Agree, I just assumed that whilst Macca and Connor were playing so well he would have been used in the last 10 mins of games to give 1 of them a bit of a rest


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Gribbo Flag Bromley 03 Nov 21 7.56pm Send a Private Message to Gribbo Add Gribbo as a friend

Hughes will get his chance as the season progresses. Jimmy Mac and Connor will pick up bookings, there will be injuries at some stage. He needs to be ready to step up and take his chance when it comes. I would not worry too much about a Youtube clip, particularly if he is nursing a back injury.


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adrian b Flag Landrindod, Wales 03 Nov 21 10.22pm Send a Private Message to adrian b Add adrian b as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

I watched a video of a training 5 aside game. It's on the Palace website. He looked well off the pace, losing the ball, slow, taking two touches when others were pinging it around first time. So either he isn't fit, has an injury, or just hasn't yet adapted to our new style. He looked distinctly uncomfortable.

DF ain't that stupid. Will Hughes will fit in very well. I am so glad Palace signed him and Palace will not regret it. But how many players can PV play? Once Hughes gets his chance and has a few games he will be difficult to replace. Those players who play his game are doing pretty well at the moment aren't they? That's good enough.

Edited by adrian b (03 Nov 2021 10.23pm)


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FairweatherEagle Flag London 03 Nov 21 10.27pm Send a Private Message to FairweatherEagle Add FairweatherEagle as a friend

Where's Superhorns3 when you need him to reassure us he's a baller and will be brilliant for us etc?


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Croydon-Trucker Flag 04 Nov 21 12.49pm Send a Private Message to Croydon-Trucker Add Croydon-Trucker as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

I watched a video of a training 5 aside game. It's on the Palace website. He looked well off the pace, losing the ball, slow, taking two touches when others were pinging it around first time. So either he isn't fit, has an injury, or just hasn't yet adapted to our new style. He looked distinctly uncomfortable.

Yes i watched the same one , he looked like he was standing still like a rabbit caught in the headlights , He was well of the pace , he will have to up his game to get into the team .


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DANGERCLOSE Flag London 05 Nov 21 10.27pm Send a Private Message to DANGERCLOSE Add DANGERCLOSE as a friend

Strange one


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