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Daryl Dike (rumour)

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Omph Flag Liverpool 30 Aug 21 7.55pm Send a Private Message to Omph Add Omph as a friend

Not seen this one touted much

Looks an intriguing possibility. Much the same strike rate as Armstrong last season in the Champo - just lower profile as he played fewer matches.

9 goals from 14 starts in a ho hum side.



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Omph Flag Liverpool 30 Aug 21 8.04pm Send a Private Message to Omph Add Omph as a friend

20 million for Nketiah would be paying "top 6" premium price for a reserve player

Interesting comparison here. Nketiah in a very strong Leeds side managed 3 goals in just over 500 minutes. Dike in a weaker Barnsley side matched that strike rate almost exactly with 9 goals in under 1500 minutes.

Dike could come in at 10 million. Fairly remote chance imo that Arsenal would do that for Nketiah in this window despite contract situation.


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glazedallover Flag Allier 30 Aug 21 8.04pm Send a Private Message to glazedallover Add glazedallover as a friend

I believe that this must be the player Doombear referred to back at the beginning of the month on The Edouard/Abraham/Neither thread...


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Spiderman Flag Horsham 30 Aug 21 8.07pm Send a Private Message to Spiderman Add Spiderman as a friend

I think we are keen on him, we will revisit him In January


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Omph Flag Liverpool 30 Aug 21 8.10pm Send a Private Message to Omph Add Omph as a friend

Originally posted by glazedallover

I believe that this must be the player Doombear referred to back at the beginning of the month on The Edouard/Abraham/Neither thread...

Not quite sure where he's located right now. If he's "offshore" then the chances of getting it done in a day look slim perhaps. Strange one to leave to the last minute unless perhaps it's a loan that is being mooted as a back up option.


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samprior Flag Hamburg 30 Aug 21 8.14pm Send a Private Message to samprior Add samprior as a friend

Originally posted by Omph

Not quite sure where he's located right now. If he's "offshore" then the chances of getting it done in a day look slim perhaps. Strange one to leave to the last minute unless perhaps it's a loan that is being mooted as a back up option.

He's playing in the US so would be tricky I imagine. I liked what I saw of him at Barnsley. Raw but good potential and a real powerhouse. TBH out of all strikers linked with I'd be happy with him for 10m if it meant we could also then invest in another one or two players. The recent reports of Edouard's form and attitude have been very offputting.

Edited by samprior (30 Aug 2021 8.14pm)


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glazedallover Flag Allier 30 Aug 21 8.18pm Send a Private Message to glazedallover Add glazedallover as a friend

If the interest has been there for a while, perhaps things are more advanced than we think.........


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Elphers40 Flag Sunny South Coast 30 Aug 21 8.25pm Send a Private Message to Elphers40 Add Elphers40 as a friend

Pretty sure I read somewhere that the US window has already closed - so will have to be one for Jan.


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samprior Flag Hamburg 30 Aug 21 8.28pm Send a Private Message to samprior Add samprior as a friend

Originally posted by Elphers40

Pretty sure I read somewhere that the US window has already closed - so will have to be one for Jan.

We'd still be able to buy him though...although the selling club would then not be able to buy a replacement.


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Omph Flag Liverpool 30 Aug 21 8.37pm Send a Private Message to Omph Add Omph as a friend

Originally posted by samprior

He's playing in the US so would be tricky I imagine. I liked what I saw of him at Barnsley. Raw but good potential and a real powerhouse. TBH out of all strikers linked with I'd be happy with him for 10m if it meant we could also then invest in another one or two players. The recent reports of Edouard's form and attitude have been very offputting.

Edited by samprior (30 Aug 2021 8.14pm)

Agree on Edouard

This is very much 2 plus 2 equalling 5 logic but I wonder if there's a Dougie Vieira difference on this one - assuming we are/have been interested.

Dike feels very much like a Dougie sort of signing whereas perhaps Vieira and the PSG coach (name forgotten) may have more an attachment to France Under 21 background of Edouard.


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doombear Flag Too far from Selhurst Park 30 Aug 21 8.37pm Send a Private Message to doombear Add doombear as a friend

Originally posted by glazedallover

I believe that this must be the player Doombear referred to back at the beginning of the month on The Edouard/Abraham/Neither thread...

Indeed, it is, We were in for him and it seemed it would happen but then Orlando decided not to sell, or so I heard. Perhaps there's been yet another twist in the saga. Perhaps it's a loan option if Carls' mystery striker is him.


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Scoots Flag Davidson, NC 30 Aug 21 9.25pm Send a Private Message to Scoots Add Scoots as a friend

I believe after watching him in the Gold Cup he is project and not up to it yet. If he can be gotten at the right price and given some time, he is a good get. In Gold Cup, he was a man among boys in 1 of his matches and very average at best in others.


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