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Vicente Guita (papertalk)

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the silurian Flag The garden of England.(not really) 05 Aug 20 4.46pm Send a Private Message to the silurian Add the silurian as a friend

Originally posted by PZ Eagle

I can look up Stats on the Premier league too. Here one for you:

WH joined Palace in 2014 which is 6 years ago. He has played 181 games all of them in the Premier League, he has made just 13 rpt 13 errors leading to goals in all that time.
VG has just made 3 in the last 8 games leading to goals.

and very few before that! Watch de Gea , he makes plent of errors, Kepa at keeper does a season without errors, Guiata is no different, but he is MILES ahead of WH in every way


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the silurian Flag The garden of England.(not really) 05 Aug 20 4.48pm Send a Private Message to the silurian Add the silurian as a friend

Originally posted by cpj

Don't know where you get that from! At least two in 8 games since Lockdown. Also you can't say that the 0.38 points per game are due to the keeper!

Averages are just that, averages over 38 games not the last 8!!


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cpj Flag Kent 05 Aug 20 6.14pm Send a Private Message to cpj Add cpj as a friend

Originally posted by the silurian

Averages are just that, averages over 38 games not the last 8!!

Just to reiterate - you cannot say that any increase in points per game is down to any individual player; also, how can this stat sya he has only made 2 errors leading to goals in his Palace career when I can think of 4 off the top of my head, apart from lots of goals he's conceded by going down on his knees too early?


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ASCPFC Flag Pro-Cathedral/caravan park 05 Aug 20 7.37pm Send a Private Message to ASCPFC Add ASCPFC as a friend

The most important criterion to factor in here is whether or not their goalkeeper's shirt is short or long-sleeved. Thst will get us to the very heart of this question.


Red and Blue Army!

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Rachid Rachid Rachid Flag 05 Aug 20 10.08pm Send a Private Message to Rachid Rachid Rachid Add Rachid Rachid Rachid as a friend

Guaita's form one of the main reasons we've stayed up and 3.5m isn't much in the context of preserving our place in the premier league irrespective of whether he leaves next summer. I'd be staggered if we sold.


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cpj Flag Kent 05 Aug 20 11.15pm Send a Private Message to cpj Add cpj as a friend

Originally posted by Rachid Rachid Rachid

Guaita's form one of the main reasons we've stayed up and 3.5m isn't much in the context of preserving our place in the premier league irrespective of whether he leaves next summer. I'd be staggered if we sold.

What form??


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cryrst Flag The garden of England 06 Aug 20 2.36am Send a Private Message to cryrst Add cryrst as a friend

It isnt just the keeper as an individual; it's the confidence he gives the defense in front of him.
In a work place example ,if you trust your boss your job is easier, if you dont trust them it's a lot harder. That's the difference in our keepers.
One is trusted one isnt.


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the silurian Flag The garden of England.(not really) 06 Aug 20 7.06am Send a Private Message to the silurian Add the silurian as a friend

Originally posted by cpj

Just to reiterate - you cannot say that any increase in points per game is down to any individual player; also, how can this stat sya he has only made 2 errors leading to goals in his Palace career when I can think of 4 off the top of my head, apart from lots of goals he's conceded by going down on his knees too early?

You simply dont like the guy, youre a Hennesey fan. if youre happy with calamity wayne in goal fine, others are not!!


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Casual Flag Orpington 06 Aug 20 7.09am Send a Private Message to Casual Add Casual as a friend

Hennessey needs to go first , that way if Guita does leave , we definitely need to get someone new. Same as Freedman needs to go before Roy.
Can’t think of less inspiring/worse keeper than Hennessey in the last 30 years at Palace.


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the.universal 06 Aug 20 7.38am Send a Private Message to the.universal Add the.universal as a friend

Originally posted by Casual

Hennessey needs to go first , that way if Guita does leave , we definitely need to get someone new. Same as Freedman needs to go before Roy.
Can’t think of less inspiring/worse keeper than Hennessey in the last 30 years at Palace.

Fraser Digby?!


Vive le Roy!

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doombear Flag Too far from Selhurst Park 06 Aug 20 10.08am Send a Private Message to doombear Add doombear as a friend

Originally posted by cpj

What form??

The form that won him multiple POTM awards in the first half of the season. The form which places him at the top of the list of Premier league keepers who saved more goal-bound shots than might have been expected.
Having said that, his post-lockdown form is of concern but I would back him to get back to the form of the first half of last season.
I'm neither a Hennessey fan nor hater. Having only started to travel down from the Midlands as an ST holder the last two years, I haven't seen enough of him to form a judgment one way or the other so I'll leave that to others.


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ASCPFC Flag Pro-Cathedral/caravan park 06 Aug 20 10.24am Send a Private Message to ASCPFC Add ASCPFC as a friend

Originally posted by Casual

Hennessey needs to go first , that way if Guita does leave , we definitely need to get someone new. Same as Freedman needs to go before Roy.
Can’t think of less inspiring/worse keeper than Hennessey in the last 30 years at Palace.

Alex McCarthy. In fairness, good now, but sh1t for us.


Red and Blue Army!

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