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Some Questions for our Leftie, Liberal friends (LOCKED)

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W12 11 Mar 20 6.27am

(....and Tories)

What is the difference between Nation and Country?

If division is bad, why is diversity good?

If a country’s division/diversity is a strength, is national unity a weakness?

Can you have socialism without national unity?

How will the European People be treated when they are the minority in Europe?

Who has the power to turn mass immigration on and off, the bankers or the workers?

How do bankers and property owners benefit from mass immigration, and how do struggling native workers who wish to buy a home to start a family benefit from mass immigration? Which group benefits the most?

If mass immigration hurt bankers and property owners instead of hurting workers and families, how long do you think it would take for mass immigration to stop?
Is everyone unique, or is everyone the same? What does this mean for “equality”?

Why should we want or expect Equal Outcomes, when difference, hierarchy, unequal outcomes, and inequality, are natural side effects of the reality of uniqueness?

Is it not true that when people are both free and unique, outcomes will differ? Which are you willing to do away with; freedom, uniqueness, or both?

Is there any measurable evidence in physical reality for equality of any kind?

Is the theory of evolution based on everyone being equal and the same, or on difference & inequality & the hierarchy of the fittest?

If being divided with diversity is a strength, and being united as a people makes you weak, then is it true: the less we have in common the more we get along?

Is man a part of nature, or apart from nature?

Does life have a biological foundation, or not?

If half the people are below average intelligence, how can democracy produce anything other than mediocrity? What can we do to limit the impact of this?

If diseased, deformed, below average IQ people outbreed healthy, well-formed, intelligent people for a few hundred or thousand years, what will the future look like?

Is [Forced Diversity + Forced Equality + Unintegrated MultiCultures + Unstoppable Mass Immigration + Democracy] the recipe for sustainable long term peace & stability? Or is it the recipe for unsustainable decline, conflict & disintegration?

Does multiculturalism solve more problems than it creates? What problems does it solve?

What problems are solved by importing non-western multi-cultures into the western world?

Was Aristotle correct, that democracy is only possible within homogeneous ethnic groups because despots always reign over highly fragmented societies?

Will mass immigration into western countries and communities bring peace & stability or conflict & dis-integration?

Which is more important for a healthy society: racial and ethnic diversity, or high social trust?

Which is more important for a country: sustainable self-sufficiency or globalism?

Do above average individuals and below average individuals exist, or does equality exist?

Does man complete woman, or does woman complete man?

Is it reasonable or evil for a woman to want her great-granddaughters to look and think like her?

Which is a greater measure of success for a society: economic growth, or the number of new families formed?

Is massive immigration into western countries from non-Western countries sustainable or unsustainable?

There are only 4 million Irish in Ireland — but 1.2 billion Africans in Africa, 1.4 billion Chinese in China, and 1.4 billion Indians in India — why then are Africans, Chinese and Indians who’re moving to Ireland called “minorities”?

When should mass immigration into the West stop; soon or never?

There are 10 million Swedish People in Sweden; if 10 million non-Swedes move to Sweden, what will we call it then?

Due to mass migration and birthrate pressure, the native British are due to become a minority in Britain this century – why is this good for the British?

Why is diversity being forced upon all white-majority countries and only white-majority countries?

If a diversity of tribes in the same geographic space is a strength, why does it require so much time, energy, money, and force, to implement and manage?

Can your country have both open borders and a welfare state, or can you only pick one?

Is mass immigration having a negative impact on the unity and cohesion of your nation?

What percentage of Latvia’s population should be of the Latvian ethnic group?

Why do you think the mainstream media didn’t report on the 257 bombings in Sweden that occurred during 2019, compared to the 0 in Poland and 0 in Hungary?

Why do you think we never hear about the 9.2 million African slaves living enslaved in Africa today?

As a H2O water molecule is to an ocean, what is the smallest possible unit of society: Is the individual a miniature version of society, or is the family unit a miniature version of society?

What is the difference between being nice and being kind, and which is more important?


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Midlands Eagle Flag 11 Mar 20 6.36am Send a Private Message to Midlands Eagle Add Midlands Eagle as a friend

Some thought provoking questions there.

I don't normally join in with threads about race or religion but I have often wondered when people go on about diversity being good, why it is good as I don't think that I have ever heard an explanation


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palace777 Flag belfast 11 Mar 20 6.41am Send a Private Message to palace777 Add palace777 as a friend

My God,someones been up all night googling, couldn't you get to sleep?


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Spiderman Flag Horsham 11 Mar 20 7.33am Send a Private Message to Spiderman Add Spiderman as a friend

Are you in self-isolation W12?


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Badger11 Flag Beckenham 11 Mar 20 8.07am Send a Private Message to Badger11 Add Badger11 as a friend

I think I'll wait for WE to respond to this first.

Edited by Midlands Eagle (11 Mar 2020 9.38am)


One more point

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Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 11 Mar 20 8.50am Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend

Originally posted by Midlands Eagle

Some thought provoking questions there.

I don't normally join in with threads about race or religion but I have often wondered when people go on about diversity being good, why it is good as I don't think that I have ever heard an explanation

A few black teenage girls did a feature on bbc tv London news. Must’ve been Tuesday yesterday. They highlighted they don’t have any white friends. They could but don’t. They ventured into Havering, the whitest London borough. They went into some day centre event for the retired and they said the reason they aren’t mixing with ethnic minorities is because of socio economics or something it sounded they had the answer ready for.



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cryrst Flag The garden of England 11 Mar 20 9.44am Send a Private Message to cryrst Add cryrst as a friend

Originally posted by Badger11

I think I'll wait for WE to respond to this first.

Edited by Midlands Eagle (11 Mar 2020 9.38am)

That will be a lot of highlighted replies.


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Nicholas91 Flag The Democratic Republic of Kent 11 Mar 20 9.51am Send a Private Message to Nicholas91 Add Nicholas91 as a friend

Originally posted by Rudi Hedman

A few black teenage girls did a feature on bbc tv London news. Must’ve been Tuesday yesterday. They highlighted they don’t have any white friends. They could but don’t. They ventured into Havering, the whitest London borough. They went into some day centre event for the retired and they said the reason they aren’t mixing with ethnic minorities is because of socio economics or something it sounded they had the answer ready for.

Bit of a random point, but I have been pondering, there are a only few black women/girls in my department, none of whom I think work in the same team, but who insist on all sitting together at lunch.

It's strange, as I do not know all of them well but a few I have regular dealings with and they are all lovely and sociable yet create quite a visible division with their eating habits, or when socialising/not working. Is there really such a cultural divide between them and the rest of the office and is this a microcosm of society as a whole?

Brings me back to Muhammed Ali's quote of 'Black birds like to fly with blackbirds, bluebirds fly with bludebirds etc.".

Edited by Nicholas91 (11 Mar 2020 9.51am)


Now Zaha's got a bit of green grass ahead of him here... and finds Ambrose... not a bad effort!!!!

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Speronilover69 8=D~~ Flag Horsham 11 Mar 20 9.53am Send a Private Message to Speronilover69 8=D~~ Add Speronilover69 8=D~~ as a friend

Diversity isn't necessarily good or bad, it's the economic benefits that come with it. The agricultural industry in this country, for example, would really struggle without immigration (because immigrants do the jobs that British people won't do). Not to mention the NHS, civil engineering, etc.

Personally I like living in a country where there are people from lots of different cultures, but you don't have to. If you would rather live surrounded by British people you are entitled to your opinion. There's no right or wrong answer as far as culture goes. But one thing that cannot be refuted is the economic benefit to this country that immigration provides

Edited by Midlands Eagle (11 Mar 2020 9.59am)


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 11 Mar 20 10.03am Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Badger11

I think I'll wait for WE to respond to this first.

Edited by Midlands Eagle (11 Mar 2020 9.38am)

You will be waiting a very long time!


For the avoidance of doubt any comments in response to a previous post are directed to its ideas and not at any, or all, posters personally.

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cryrst Flag The garden of England 11 Mar 20 10.05am Send a Private Message to cryrst Add cryrst as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

You will be waiting a very long time!

You type slowly then ?


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Midlands Eagle Flag 11 Mar 20 10.11am Send a Private Message to Midlands Eagle Add Midlands Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Speronilover69 8=D~~

Diversity isn't necessarily good or bad, it's the economic benefits that come with it.

The case that you have made seems to imply that diversity is a necessity not that it is good.

There are still 1.3m people unemployed and presumably claiming benefits so couldn't a case be made for some or all of the long term unemployed filling some of the positions currently being taken by immigrant labour?

Some of the more skilled jobs like nursing are only filled by immigrants because the UK Nursing Council make it so difficult for British people to get into the industry.

You need a university degree plus funding for your training to get into nursing in this country whereas in the Philippines one needs to do well at school before going to nursing college so the entry standards are much lower


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