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Something, something climate.

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Maggot Flag Bromley 10 Mar 20 3.41pm Send a Private Message to Maggot Add Maggot as a friend

Thank you. So Cryrst was wrong, and only about 12,000 people died in 1937.


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Maggot Flag Bromley 10 Mar 20 3.44pm Send a Private Message to Maggot Add Maggot as a friend

Originally posted by Badger11

A more measured response to Extinction Rebellion these scientists do not think it is possible to be carbon neutral by 2050 let alone earlier without damaging our economy.


As I said in an earlier post let's not throw the baby out with the bath water.

Edited by Badger11 (10 Mar 2020 3.05pm)

We can't save the planet, it costs too much


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Stirlingsays Flag 10 Mar 20 3.46pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by Maggot

Thank you. So Cryrst was wrong, and only about 12,000 people died in 1937.

While I wouldn't say 'number of deaths' is strictly relevant due to technological and infrastructure improvements since earlier last century I would say that you did kind of ignore what that graph was saying.


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Speronilover69 8=D~~ Flag Horsham 10 Mar 20 4.06pm Send a Private Message to Speronilover69 8=D~~ Add Speronilover69 8=D~~ as a friend

Originally posted by Maggot

We can't save the planet, it costs too much

Edited by Speronilover69 8=D~~ (10 Mar 2020 4.07pm)


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Stirlingsays Flag 10 Mar 20 4.07pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by SW19 CPFC

I agree with the UK point from a purely technical outcome - but in order to change things you also have to commit yourself for others to follow and take you seriously. I’m not sure you could expect any of the big polluting nations to listen to us, or anyone else if we weren’t at least trying to practice what we preached.

Several small steps are better than none. And yes, there’s loads of VS going on but that’s just par for the course - nothing ever happens fast unless someone takes a massive s*** on the doorstep.

At the moment the gut is starting to rumble.

Also I got bored of the man made/natural cycle/accelerated cycle/made up/not made up roundabout of arguments a while ago. It distracts from the real issue - just stop polluting.

Sorry I missed this due to my enjoyably pointless troll wars with 'progressive inc'.

Personally I don't think wearing a hair-shirt is going to make any difference to the attitude of China or indeed India.

They aren' shall we put this....'pro Greta'. I'm not in favour of economically hamstringing ourselves as some sort of 'environmental Jesus on the cross' example that will get laughed at.

If you are genuinely serious about reducing pollution then get that sterilization needle out for the third world.....because that's where all the pollution growth is going to come rapid population and GDP growth continue.

The Europeans are the only sados not having enough kids to replace themselves......Yet all these wackos are virtue signaling at us.

Edited by Stirlingsays (10 Mar 2020 4.08pm)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Maggot Flag Bromley 10 Mar 20 5.43pm Send a Private Message to Maggot Add Maggot as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

If you are genuinely serious about reducing pollution then get that sterilization needle out for the third world.....because that's where all the pollution growth is going to come rapid population and GDP growth continue.

Edited by Stirlingsays (10 Mar 2020 4.08pm)

Are you serious?

Even if we ignore the horrific, eugenic nature of this suggestion. The poorest people in the 3rd world have the smallest carbon footprints, especially compared to us wealthy westerners. They don't drive or fly and use hardly any electricity.


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Stirlingsays Flag 10 Mar 20 5.58pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by Maggot

Are you serious?

Even if we ignore the horrific, eugenic nature of this suggestion. The poorest people in the 3rd world have the smallest carbon footprints, especially compared to us wealthy westerners. They don't drive or fly and use hardly any electricity.

You aren't serious about tackling pollution then. Also, rather irritatingly you don't seem to have read the post properly.

The third world is rapidly developing...Both in population and GDP and hence emissions...that's where all the extra pollution is going to come from....that and other non European sources and certainly not Europe, where the population rate is decreasing.

Eugenics has nothing whatsoever to do with it....Indeed, explain what you mean?

Plus you ignored the point about the graph.

Edited by Stirlingsays (10 Mar 2020 6.12pm)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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cryrst Flag The garden of England 10 Mar 20 7.23pm Send a Private Message to cryrst Add cryrst as a friend

Originally posted by Maggot

Thank you. So Cryrst was wrong, and only about 12,000 people died in 1937.

Oh dear.
I may have been out by a year or two but the trend is there.
If we are screwing up the earth and we are destroying humanity I would expect the graph to be rising.
Co2 we are told will melt all the ice and floods will be biblical.
Strange how in the last 2 years the arctic has had the heaviest snowfall in memory and 8 out of the last 10 years arctic ice has increased.
I suppose now its global cooling is it.
Sorry bar eagle, is it ?


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cryrst Flag The garden of England 10 Mar 20 7.23pm Send a Private Message to cryrst Add cryrst as a friend

Fanx ted


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Maggot Flag Bromley 10 Mar 20 8.38pm Send a Private Message to Maggot Add Maggot as a friend

Originally posted by cryrst

Oh dear.
I may have been out by a year or two but the trend is there.
If we are screwing up the earth and we are destroying humanity I would expect the graph to be rising.
Co2 we are told will melt all the ice and floods will be biblical.
Strange how in the last 2 years the arctic has had the heaviest snowfall in memory and 8 out of the last 10 years arctic ice has increased.
I suppose now its global cooling is it.
Sorry bar eagle, is it ?

You seem to think that we aren't facing a climate crisis unless millions of people are killed by it.

As pointed out elsewhere advances in technology and healthcare mean that fortunately the death tolls are now lower.

Can you please provide evidence for your claims about arctic ice increasing. The amount of snowfall is irrelevant.

I refer again to my temperature graph as you ignored it previously.

Edited by Maggot (10 Mar 2020 8.46pm)

GlobalAverage_2018.png Attachment: GlobalAverage_2018.png (264.33Kb)


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Maggot Flag Bromley 10 Mar 20 8.48pm Send a Private Message to Maggot Add Maggot as a friend

In the not so distant future, people will look at climate change deniers in the same light as Holocaust deniers.


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SavoyTruffle Flag 10 Mar 20 9.55pm Send a Private Message to SavoyTruffle Add SavoyTruffle as a friend

The only reason this exists as any type of debate topic is because the wealthiest industry in human history has spent billions of dollars to spread disinformation in the hope of maintaining their profits.

Oil and gas companies such as ExxonMobil were tracking the effects of CO2 in the atmosphere and climate modelling as early as 1970s and on repeated occasion their own research was showing the damage their industry was having.


You can read about it above. They then spent insane amounts of money on lobbying politicians and the media to lie and block climate legislation.

If you deny the effects of climate change you are simply doing the bidding of the fossil fuel industry, only difference is you the sucker not getting paid like the politicians and talking heads on TV.


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