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Bloody Lefties

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Invalid user 2019 Flag 11 Sep 19 4.36pm

Originally posted by samprior

Is there nothing that the renowned hardcore left Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue service will stop at. Next it'll be attending antifa marches over saving lives.

She's always on the scene. Fireman Sam(antha)!

Her t!ts are bright and clean. Fireman Sam(antha)!

You can not ignore, Sam(antha) is the hero(ine) next door!

Edited by dollardays (11 Sep 2019 4.36pm)


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mezzer Flag Main Stand, Block F, Row 20 seat 1... 11 Sep 19 4.56pm Send a Private Message to mezzer Add mezzer as a friend

Originally posted by samprior

Is there nothing that the renowned hardcore left Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue service will stop at. Next it'll be attending antifa marches over saving lives.

Soon, before they rescue you from your burning inferno of a home, you'll have to sign a declaration whether you voted leave or remain in the referendum. If you voted leave, you'll be forced to remain in the building. If you voted remain, you can leave via their ladder.


Living down here does have some advantages. At least you can see them cry.

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Stirlingsays Flag 11 Sep 19 6.07pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

O’Sullivan’s Law.


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 11 Sep 19 9.15pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Jamesey

Apologies if this point has already been addressed but the original reason for school uniforms, at least in my distant past, was quite altruistic. It was to stop posh kids dressing in expensive gear while poorer pupils had to wear shabby cast-offs cos their parents were short of cash. Of course all that happened was that well-off kids wore smart new uniforms while the less fortunate dressed in worn or second-hand stuff so everyone who actually cared, knew who had a more affluent family and the opposite. Pointless and stupid really, as are school uniforms anyway.

Edited by Jamesey (08 Sep 2019 12.03am)

At my school they had a disgraceful practice when collecting the "dinner money" on a Monday morning, although we all thought it normal at the time.

All the poorer kids who were entitled to free school meals had to shout "free" when their name was called, thus announcing to their classmates what their background was. Not nice.


For the avoidance of doubt any comments in response to a previous post are directed to its ideas and not at any, or all, posters personally.

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Teddy Eagle Flag 11 Sep 19 9.20pm Send a Private Message to Teddy Eagle Add Teddy Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

At my school they had a disgraceful practice when collecting the "dinner money" on a Monday morning, although we all thought it normal at the time.

All the poorer kids who were entitled to free school meals had to shout "free" when their name was called, thus announcing to their classmates what their background was. Not nice.

I have similar memories. Also that to wear plimsolls to school wasn’t thought strange but certainly wasn’t done in an attempt to look cool.


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Nevada Eagle Flag Carson City, Nevada 12 Sep 19 4.53am Send a Private Message to Nevada Eagle Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Nevada Eagle as a friend



Sing up ya bums

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W12 12 Sep 19 8.24pm

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

At my school they had a disgraceful practice when collecting the "dinner money" on a Monday morning, although we all thought it normal at the time.

All the poorer kids who were entitled to free school meals had to shout "free" when their name was called, thus announcing to their classmates what their background was. Not nice.

I was one of those that got free school meals. The ignomy meant I was probably more willing to work hard to beter myself. I become stronger and more reslient by having experienced this.

That's how society should work.


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dannyboy1978 Flag 20 Sep 19 9.22am Send a Private Message to dannyboy1978 Add dannyboy1978 as a friend

This is what the left have created, where are they now!!
BBC News - LGBT teaching row: Ministers accused of 'radio silence' over protests


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ASCPFC Flag Pro-Cathedral/caravan park 20 Sep 19 2.32pm Send a Private Message to ASCPFC Add ASCPFC as a friend

Originally posted by dannyboy1978

This is what the left have created, where are they now!!
BBC News - LGBT teaching row: Ministers accused of 'radio silence' over protests

A white person cannot criticise any aspect of other culture/ sexuality or immigration without being an outright bigot. Yet white people's culture, traditions, laws and beliefs are fair game to everyone else.
That is the general rule and many are pissed off with it.


Red and Blue Army!

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cryrst Flag The garden of England 21 Sep 19 5.38pm Send a Private Message to cryrst Add cryrst as a friend

JC called off the vote against his deputy even though he will be under pressure from Watson's remarks and theory on brexit. The plot thickens with labour.


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tome Flag Inner Tantalus Time. 24 Sep 19 8.19am Send a Private Message to tome Add tome as a friend

Originally posted by ASCPFC

A white person cannot criticise any aspect of other culture/ sexuality or immigration without being an outright bigot. Yet white people's culture, traditions, laws and beliefs are fair game to everyone else.
That is the general rule and many are pissed off with it.

Got any evidence for this? Sounds like an exrapolation of the Daily Mail to me.

Every aspect of culture is fair game I reckon. But there is much more of 'white culture' insofar as it can be defined here because it's mostly a white place. So you'd expect more critique of it.


A one and a two...

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Invalid user 2019 Flag 24 Sep 19 9.07am

Originally posted by Nevada Eagle




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