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View the silurian's Profile the silurian Flag The garden of England.(not really) 30 Aug 19 6.33pm Send a Private Message to the silurian Add the silurian as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

Every MP, whatever the balance of opinion in their constituency, should always decide things for themselves. They AREN'T delegates!

Well then smartarse, whats the f***ing point in voting for any of them, they are all without exception liars!!
I suppose you will only be happy when your bunch of anti democratic lying MPs get Brexit cancelled??
That is your aim isnt it?
Edited by the silurian (30 Aug 2019 6.34pm)

Edited by the silurian (30 Aug 2019 6.35pm)


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View Matov's Profile Matov Flag 30 Aug 19 6.38pm Send a Private Message to Matov Add Matov as a friend

Originally posted by Badger11

Germany is about to go into recession as are many of the other EU countries and yes possibly the UK. The EU politicians may not want a deal but I would have thought that as we are a good market for many EU countries their businesses might want one.

Rational logic would agree with you but this is the EU we are talking about. And in their defence, they have a far bigger picture to focus on than just the immediate balance of trade of member states. Remember the EU is not a European Trading Organisation. It is a supra-national body with its own flag and anthem and ambitions of a military force with which it can play its part in global policing operations.

From day one there has been no deal worth having on the table. The EU simply cannot allow us to walk away and prosper because the downsides to its political ambitions mean that it has to try and punish us. I get its position.Given the pressures within the single currency and the catch 22 of it needing German exports to underpin it all meaning it effectively cannot allow Southern European economies to flourish because that would strengthen the value of the currency meaning German exports become more expensive it faces huge problems in the future.

And us, on the outside and flourishing, achieves nothing than fueling other eurosceptic movements. Hence its desperate attempts to keep us locked in. The logic around the stance taken by Brussels (and Strasbourg for 4 days a month) makes sense when seen on a macro-level.

Where I struggle is trying to comprehend why so many of our own people seem keen on collaborating with them on making that happen. It is treachery. Plain and simple.


"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." - 1984 - George Orwell.

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View cryrst's Profile cryrst Flag The garden of England 30 Aug 19 7.01pm Send a Private Message to cryrst Add cryrst as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

Every MP, whatever the balance of opinion in their constituency, should always decide things for themselves. They AREN'T delegates!

Not quite correct wissy.
If my MP said they would do something if the majority voted on that item then once elected I would expect them to do their damnedest to deliver.
If an MP doesnt want to then they lied to their voters.


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View chris123's Profile chris123 Flag hove actually 30 Aug 19 7.17pm Send a Private Message to chris123 Add chris123 as a friend

Originally posted by cryrst

Not quite correct wissy.
If my MP said they would do something if the majority voted on that item then once elected I would expect them to do their damnedest to deliver.
If an MP doesnt want to then they lied to their voters.

In the case of Brexit, most MP's follow their whip.


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View Spiderman's Profile Spiderman Flag Horsham 30 Aug 19 7.52pm Send a Private Message to Spiderman Add Spiderman as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

The point of the referendum was to quieten for ever the Eurosceptic wing of the Tory party and to stop the surge of Farage. It was a purely political act designed to protect the Tory party by Cameron which went badly wrong, made worse by promising to honour the result which was the only thing that gave it any legitimacy. Events though always create the need to review and revise commitments and it's Parliament's absolute duty to do so if it believes Cameron's promise no longer has validity.

Soubry is acting exactly as a MP should act. She is a representative of her constituents. All of them, and not just those who voted for her. That includes those too young to vote, those who didn't bother to vote and those who voted against her. It's her job to act according to her conscience and not just the perceived wishes of her local electorate. She is a representative and not a delegate. If her party no longer matches her views then she had no option than to leave it and let the electorate decide at a GE whether they want her to continue, as a person of principle, to represent them.

My position on referendums has not altered, and will not alter. I don't want them EVER to be used and think Parliament is the only place where matters ought be debated and decided.

Absolute b*****ks. She should have resigned and stood again in a by-election. Trouble is she knew her little gravy train would come to an end


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View Spiderman's Profile Spiderman Flag Horsham 30 Aug 19 7.55pm Send a Private Message to Spiderman Add Spiderman as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

MPS are not elected to represent Parties. They are elected to represent constituencies and ALL their constituents. For the umpteenth time we don't send delegates to Parliament. We send representatives.

So Anna Soubry is not representing her constituents who voted to leave!! ( a majority)


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View Spiderman's Profile Spiderman Flag Horsham 30 Aug 19 7.56pm Send a Private Message to Spiderman Add Spiderman as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

Not publicly at the moment as there are much more pressing matters but after the dust settles I would expect the whole issue to become more prevalent so we can avoid this fiasco ever happening again.

Holding public consultations so the strength of opinion can be tested and publicly debated in a way that engages people is wise.

Asking them to determine policy is madness. It throws our country into the winds of fortune and which way they blow can be hugely influenced from malign forces overseas, interest groups and money.

I'd rather trust our representatives.



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View Phil’s Barber's Profile Phil’s Barber Flag Crowborough 30 Aug 19 7.59pm Send a Private Message to Phil’s Barber Add Phil’s Barber as a friend

Originally posted by Rudi Hedman

Did you vote in the referendum?

Oh My Goodness, this is wonder it has gone conveniently ignored and unanswered!

If Wisbech says Yes he completely torpedos his own argument and if he says No then we all know he’s telling porky pies and we can’t ever trust anything that he says again


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View Jimenez's Profile Jimenez Flag SELHURSTPARKCHESTER,DA BRONX 30 Aug 19 8.44pm Send a Private Message to Jimenez Add Jimenez as a friend

Originally posted by steeleye20

Perhaps thinking of the UK they used to know?

I can imagine singing that in a Paul Weller voice !!


Pro USA & Israel

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View Jimenez's Profile Jimenez Flag SELHURSTPARKCHESTER,DA BRONX 30 Aug 19 8.44pm Send a Private Message to Jimenez Add Jimenez as a friend

Originally posted by Jimenez

I can imagine Steely singing that in a Paul Weller voice !!


Pro USA & Israel

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View Jimenez's Profile Jimenez Flag SELHURSTPARKCHESTER,DA BRONX 30 Aug 19 8.46pm Send a Private Message to Jimenez Add Jimenez as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

That's just untrue.

Here among this particular group of anti EU hardliners, who clearly don't have any real understanding of how the British system works, that might be true but even then I doubt it. Some may but hide behind their entrenched prejudices.

Out in the real world ask almost anyone who has a real knowledge of politics and they will confirm exactly what I have said.

So like Rudy said did you vote in the referendum?


Pro USA & Israel

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View Wisbech Eagle's Profile Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 30 Aug 19 9.56pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Midlands Eagle

Ah we're back to insulting Brexiteers for being thick again I see.

Next you'll be bringing Hitler into the discussion as that's another sign of losing an argument

No insults involved. Just the simple truth, however unpalatable you might find it.

If you ever find me bringing Hitler into the arguments then you can accuse me of flouting "Godwin's law", although I would suggest you have just done exactly that.

That some aspects of the current drift to populism have worrying similarities to the attitudes which were found in Germany in the 1930s ought to concern everyone.


For the avoidance of doubt any comments in response to a previous post are directed to its ideas and not at any, or all, posters personally.

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