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The American Investors (LOCKED)

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leejaneagles Flag 08 Aug 19 7.36pm Send a Private Message to leejaneagles Add leejaneagles as a friend

There are enough passionate posts on this board that can be added to should we want to vent about the transfer window/Roy/Parish/Dougie/the board so I'm going to try and keep this emotionless as I'm genuinely interested.

I know we don't have CPFC staff on this forum but we have a lot of intelligent people that know a lot more than I do when it comes to football ownership and I'm sure a lot more people in the know through connections than I am.

So could someone please explain the American investment to me?

Presumably they came with good intentions, if they had bad ones, how could they funnel money out of a brassick club like ours? Surely we aren't a good investment for good or bad intentions right now.

They clearly have lost whatever interest they had and it is heavily rumoured the Wan Bissaka money went in their pockets which was one of the only ways to keep 'them' or 'us' afloat. This simply must be true because we didn't re-invest but why? If they aren't putting anymore in and want to sell, why are letting them take anything out?

What is the end game? Surely us struggling/going down is catastrophic for them? If they invested another 50mil for arguments sake and we signed a striker, right back and left back today, you'd have an ecstatic fan base and presumably a rising stock on the market. Wouldn't it be better to sell with hype rather than gloom?

Final question related to them - is Parish a moron that got duped by them? I mentioned originally I am not a knowledgeable Businessman, I still know I would of vetted these investors and got it in black and white with signatures that whatever they intended would happen. He must have taken a lot at face value because they've been literally nothing to this club.

Genuinely bemused and confused.


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Elpis Flag In a pub 08 Aug 19 7.49pm Send a Private Message to Elpis Add Elpis as a friend

I join you in being bemused . I see no benefit of being part owned by the Americans whos investment was originally ring fenced as ground improvement cabbage . So they have paid in , not improved the ground and taken out of the squad funds ,apparently or should that be allegedly ?

Some clarification of what their exact purpose is is well overdue .


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cryrst Flag The garden of England 08 Aug 19 7.51pm Send a Private Message to cryrst Add cryrst as a friend

I just have an itch that a certain Simon Jordan might be building a pot to come in with.
He is a passionate supporter who must have learnt lessons the first time.
Also has an axe to grind with SP.
Just a thought and probably bs but hey some of the strangest conspiracy theories prove fruitful.


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Westina Flag 08 Aug 19 7.53pm Send a Private Message to Westina Add Westina as a friend

If Simon Jordan comes back we might as well all pack up and go and support the local Sunday league team cos he will only ruin the club again...complete moron.


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gerry theagle Flag newbury 08 Aug 19 7.55pm Send a Private Message to gerry theagle Add gerry theagle as a friend

Parish isn't a moron, but to answer your question is impossible as we do not know the ins and outs of whatever was agreed between the yanks and the club. Only the board know the details and they won't be on this site to inform us.


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bexleydave Flag Barnehurst 08 Aug 19 7.59pm Send a Private Message to bexleydave Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add bexleydave as a friend

Originally posted by leejaneagles

There are enough passionate posts on this board that can be added to should we want to vent about the transfer window/Roy/Parish/Dougie/the board so I'm going to try and keep this emotionless as I'm genuinely interested.

I know we don't have CPFC staff on this forum but we have a lot of intelligent people that know a lot more than I do when it comes to football ownership and I'm sure a lot more people in the know through connections than I am.

So could someone please explain the American investment to me?

Presumably they came with good intentions, if they had bad ones, how could they funnel money out of a brassick club like ours? Surely we aren't a good investment for good or bad intentions right now.

They clearly have lost whatever interest they had and it is heavily rumoured the Wan Bissaka money went in their pockets which was one of the only ways to keep 'them' or 'us' afloat. This simply must be true because we didn't re-invest but why? If they aren't putting anymore in and want to sell, why are letting them take anything out?

What is the end game? Surely us struggling/going down is catastrophic for them? If they invested another 50mil for arguments sake and we signed a striker, right back and left back today, you'd have an ecstatic fan base and presumably a rising stock on the market. Wouldn't it be better to sell with hype rather than gloom?

Final question related to them - is Parish a moron that got duped by them? I mentioned originally I am not a knowledgeable Businessman, I still know I would of vetted these investors and got it in black and white with signatures that whatever they intended would happen. He must have taken a lot at face value because they've been literally nothing to this club.

Genuinely bemused and confused.

All we know about the finances are what's in the published accounts (the latest being for 2017/18, which can be found on the Companies House website and have been discussed at length on here previously.

We don't know the details of the ownership as there is a holding company that owns CPFC Ltd, which is registered in Delaware, where accounts are not required to be made public. Parish has said that Blitzer, Harris and himself own equal shares, the figure of 18% each being frequently mentioned, the remaining shares being with minor holders.

The latest accounts do mention director loans, made to cover losses, that are in the accounts, presumably, but it's not know whether these have been repaid, and it's probably politic to preface any suggestions of impropriety with respect to the owners with "allegedly" to protect oneself and the HOL from libelling anyone.


Bexley Dave

Can you hear the Brighton sing? I can't hear a ******* thing!

"The most arrogant, obnoxious bunch of deluded little sun tanned, loafer wearing mummy's boys I've ever had the misfortune of having to listen to" (Burnley forum)

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CPFCwetrust Flag Maidstone 08 Aug 19 8.31pm Send a Private Message to CPFCwetrust Add CPFCwetrust as a friend

A lot of what is said about the goings on of how the club is run, is through emotion rather than any solid proof or inside knowledge.

That being said, logic would reason that Parish nor the others who own the club would want to de-value nor scupper the club seeing as it is their investment that resides in it.

I expect the americans have decided that the expenditure needed on infrastructure, resources and whatever far greater than what they feel they are willing to put into the club and that there are far better ways to invest.

No matter what people say, Selhurst park is in a place that seems to come with so many headaches when it comes to improving, that it has been a stumbling block for many years.

I think everyone is dumbfounded as to why our transfer window has been so lacklustre.

I don't think it's for lack of trying to find the right people as I think Cahill is a shrewd signing for a player with heaps of experience, McCarthy is a gamble .... but for a small amount of money (in terms of other signings) could pay off etc..

CPFC is obviously not well financed... but Parish and co....cannot force American investers to part with their "Billions" if they do not want to.

Do I think we will stay up another season....Yes.

I predict next season will be a year of investment (fingers crossed.)

Do i think it's going to be a squeaky bum season again...yes.

It's Palace, you've just got to enjoy the ride.


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PatrickA Flag London 08 Aug 19 8.38pm Send a Private Message to PatrickA Add PatrickA as a friend

Normally there are exit provisions when you have a group of owners.
In other words if one or more owners wants out there are detailed provisions as to how the circumstances are dealt with.
This could e.g give a right to the the other owner(s) the right to purchase the available shareholding.
If the Americans want out it may be that Parish is not be in a position or does not want to purchase their shareholding.
What is unclear is if the owners can sell their shareholding without the agreement of Parish or vice versa.
This issue seems to have dragged on for a while with no concrete stories as to what is going on but it does seem to be a negative drain on the club.


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mileend Flag East London 08 Aug 19 8.43pm Send a Private Message to mileend Add mileend as a friend

in previous years much smaller director loans have been repaid in the following year to be replaced by larger ones

so there is the prospect of the £30m odd loans in the current accounts made to cover losses being repaid to the directors using the AWB £45m cash if a similar pattern is followed

it is depressing to think the loans were made to cover losses on Benteke and Sorloth which have been huge financial write offs - and others too - Sakho was really expensive now with limited resale potential a rapidly depreciating asset -perhaps Luka will leave for free too next summer

The wages are around 80% of the income so there isn't a lot of money to cover all the other costs in running the club - therefore new purchases are being heavily funded by loans from the directors - perhaps that explains the low expenditure this summer?

It would not be a surprise to find the Americans not that impressed by the business model they find themselves in - so perhaps that is the reason the want to sell their shares? We will probably find out next April if their loans have been repaid when the next accounts are issued - for the time up to June 2019 - so may not include the AWB cash

The repayment of loans doesn't mean they are taking a lot of money out of the club (depending on how much interest they charge for the loans)

The big unknown is what form the original investment in the club took? Perhaps it was simply investing in shares owned by the CPFC2010 shareholders at the time? So when they get their loans repaid it will depend on whether they sell their shares for more or less than they bought them for that will determine whether they make a profit on their time with Palace.

I don't know why they wouldn't sanction high expenditure this summer to boost the playing ability of the team to make the sale of their shares more attractive. Perhaps it was the past record in purchasing players that gave them concerns it would not improve the club sufficiently and instead leave the club with years of expensive wages to pay for underperforming players. We simply don't know.


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laddo Flag london 09 Aug 19 7.51am Send a Private Message to laddo Add laddo as a friend

This post has been merged from a topic called 'Americans must go. Answers also needed.' by Midlands Eagle

I am a mild mannered Palace fan. Honestly, look at previous posts. But this window has worried me. Firstly, as a passionate fan who pays good money to support the club I’d appreciate knowing the following:

1. AWB was sold in June. What will happen to that money?
2. If that money was to be reinvested in transfers, why did it take until deadline day to secure majority of signings?
3. Why did we let a right back and striker leave without replacement being identified and brought to the club?
4. Wilf is p****d off. Luka is p****d off. Roy is p*****d off. Do the owners sympathise with the accusation we lack ambition?
5. What is our scouting network? Are they held to account?

I’m sure there are more questions but these are five off the top of my head. I have major concerns about what is going on behind the scenes. There have been rumours for a while the Americans want out. My gut feeling is this has been reflected in this window, a window that is so crucial to our future. A window that has demoralised Zaha, frustrated RH and has ensured we’ll lose Luka on a free transfer next summer.

If we as fans don’t get honest answers about where we are and what on earth happened this summer then we’re being treated as mugs. I have utter faith in parish but he too looks like a man who has his hands tied. I for one want these Americans out. We never see them. They are here purely to make a quick buck. I am very concerned about the future.



"People say, live fast, die young. I say live fast, die old. That's me, the non-conformist".
David Brent.

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HKOwen Flag Hong Kong 09 Aug 19 8.02am Send a Private Message to HKOwen Add HKOwen as a friend

This post has been merged from a topic called 'Americans must go. Answers also needed.' by Midlands Eagle

Americans will go when they have investment plus return to their satisfaction.

In today's club fans have no right to any answers and should not expect any

The Wilf farce lends to the reasonable view that the Chairman is not good enough at being a CEO of a PL football club ( this is different issue to being one of the investors who saved the club years ago ).

My opinion FWIW is that SP is keen on being a media celeb and is quite envious of Simon Jordan's exposure


Responsibility Deficit Disorder is a medical condition. Symptoms include inability to be corrected when wrong, false sense of superiority, desire to share personal info no else cares about, general hubris. It's a medical issue rather than pure arrogance.

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Bangell Flag Oxford 09 Aug 19 8.08am Send a Private Message to Bangell Add Bangell as a friend

This post has been merged from a topic called 'Americans must go. Answers also needed.' by Midlands Eagle

It is clear that there's something wrong behind the scenes and the goodwill of the fans is thin. Obviously we won't get all the details but we need an explanation of what's going on, sharpish.


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