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Palace one of the few clubs to wear Puma shirts

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Bill E Pilgrim Flag New Addington 27 Jul 19 12.00am Send a Private Message to Bill E Pilgrim Add Bill E Pilgrim as a friend

Are there any Palace fans out there who are disappointing that Palace have decided to wear Puma shirts?

The Campaign to Boycott Puma (part of the BDS) states that:

"Global sportswear manufacturer Puma is involved in violations of international law and human rights. Puma is the main sponsor of the Israel Football Association (IFA), which includes teams in Israel’s illegal settlements on occupied Palestinian land.

Israel’s military occupation expels Palestinian families, including children, from their homes to give way for these settlements. Israeli settlements are considered war crimes under international law.

More than 200 Palestinian sports clubs have called on Puma to end the sponsorship deal and stop supporting Israel’s illegal land grabs.

Puma markets itself as a company that cares about equality yet it funds the apartheid the IFA helps sustain."

The campaign also states that

"As one of the world’s top athletic apparel makers and the only international sponsor of the Israel Football Association, Puma’s sponsorship brings international legitimacy to the IFA’s actions. The IFA, as documented by Human Rights Watch, includes football clubs based in illegal Israeli settlements on occupied Palestinian land.

Israeli settlements are illegal land grabs that form an integral part of Israel’s occupation infrastructure pushing indigenous Palestinian families off their land, robbing Palestinians of natural resources and denying Palestinians their right of movement.

Puma’s sponsorship of the IFA helps keep its direct involvement in violations of human rights and international law off the field, allowing Israel’s settlement regime to continue and expand.

The IFA has refused to take measures to end its complicity, despite being repeatedly condemned by UN advisors, dozens of elected officials, civil society and human rights groups representing millions and public figures."

Are there any other Palace fans out there who think this is a poor decision by Palace to wear a shirt made by Puma, while the brand seems to support a system built on illegal land grabs, ethnic cleansing, the operation of Apartheid against an indigenous population?

Edited by Bill E Pilgrim (27 Jul 2019 12.00am)

Edited by Bill E Pilgrim (27 Jul 2019 12.07am)


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Penge Eagle Flag Beckenham 27 Jul 19 12.15am Send a Private Message to Penge Eagle Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Penge Eagle as a friend

Unless you also include other countries in the world with disputed territories such as China (Taiwan) and Nike, Morocco (Western Sahara) and Adidas, Russia (Crimea) and Adidas etc, then your post is anti-Semitic.

Edited by Penge Eagle (27 Jul 2019 12.25am)


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Stirlingsays Flag 27 Jul 19 12.34am Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Essentially this guy wants the club to take a political position on trading with a company that isn't breaking any laws.

A football club is a business and should only be interested in football matters, obeying the law and in perhaps supporting local community projects.

Edited by Stirlingsays (27 Jul 2019 12.35am)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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eritheagle Flag Erith 27 Jul 19 1.07am Send a Private Message to eritheagle Add eritheagle as a friend

I never knew that Corbyn was a Palace fan!


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dannyboy1978 Flag 27 Jul 19 6.43am Send a Private Message to dannyboy1978 Add dannyboy1978 as a friend

Originally posted by Bill E Pilgrim

Are there any Palace fans out there who are disappointing that Palace have decided to wear Puma shirts?

The Campaign to Boycott Puma (part of the BDS) states that:

"Global sportswear manufacturer Puma is involved in violations of international law and human rights. Puma is the main sponsor of the Israel Football Association (IFA), which includes teams in Israel’s illegal settlements on occupied Palestinian land.

Israel’s military occupation expels Palestinian families, including children, from their homes to give way for these settlements. Israeli settlements are considered war crimes under international law.

More than 200 Palestinian sports clubs have called on Puma to end the sponsorship deal and stop supporting Israel’s illegal land grabs.

Puma markets itself as a company that cares about equality yet it funds the apartheid the IFA helps sustain."

The campaign also states that

"As one of the world’s top athletic apparel makers and the only international sponsor of the Israel Football Association, Puma’s sponsorship brings international legitimacy to the IFA’s actions. The IFA, as documented by Human Rights Watch, includes football clubs based in illegal Israeli settlements on occupied Palestinian land.

Israeli settlements are illegal land grabs that form an integral part of Israel’s occupation infrastructure pushing indigenous Palestinian families off their land, robbing Palestinians of natural resources and denying Palestinians their right of movement.

Puma’s sponsorship of the IFA helps keep its direct involvement in violations of human rights and international law off the field, allowing Israel’s settlement regime to continue and expand.

The IFA has refused to take measures to end its complicity, despite being repeatedly condemned by UN advisors, dozens of elected officials, civil society and human rights groups representing millions and public figures."

Are there any other Palace fans out there who think this is a poor decision by Palace to wear a shirt made by Puma, while the brand seems to support a system built on illegal land grabs, ethnic cleansing, the operation of Apartheid against an indigenous population?

Edited by Bill E Pilgrim (27 Jul 2019 12.00am)

Edited by Bill E Pilgrim (27 Jul 2019 12.07am)

I think you have an axe to grind. Wrong forum pal


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cryrst Flag The garden of England 27 Jul 19 7.38am Send a Private Message to cryrst Add cryrst as a friend


Might be a bit of a leveller


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Bill E Pilgrim Flag New Addington 27 Jul 19 10.32am Send a Private Message to Bill E Pilgrim Add Bill E Pilgrim as a friend

Originally posted by Penge Eagle

Unless you also include other countries in the world with disputed territories such as China (Taiwan) and Nike, Morocco (Western Sahara) and Adidas, Russia (Crimea) and Adidas etc, then your post is anti-Semitic.

Edited by Penge Eagle (27 Jul 2019 12.25am)

Speaking up for Palestine is not anti-Semitic, anymore than your denial of my right to flag up a legitimate campaign on behalf Palestinians reflects your Islamophobia.


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Bill E Pilgrim Flag New Addington 27 Jul 19 11.02am Send a Private Message to Bill E Pilgrim Add Bill E Pilgrim as a friend

Originally posted by cryrst


Might be a bit of a leveller

I suppose you mean "leveller" in the same way that the corruption of the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank equates to stealing a people's land and forcing them into basic prison camps while at the same time withholding water and electricity as the mood takes.

Or that Israeli snipers killing over 180 unarmed Palestinians and injuring more than 6,100 others with live ammunition is a leveler to people throwing rocks?

The Palestinian authority is little more than a puppet of Israel nowadays, doing it's dirty work in the 39% West Bank that it controls. It is not unusual for an occupying powers to use the citizens (if you can say that about landless Palestinians) of an occupied territory to enforce its rule.

But Israel has introduced Apartheid not the Palestinian authority and it is Israel that places illegal settlements on occupied land in flagrant disregard for international law.


Edited by Bill E Pilgrim (27 Jul 2019 11.02am)

Edited by Bill E Pilgrim (27 Jul 2019 11.03am)

Edited by Bill E Pilgrim (27 Jul 2019 11.04am)


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JusticeToad Flag Beckenham 27 Jul 19 11.05am Send a Private Message to JusticeToad Add JusticeToad as a friend

Equating sponsoring the Israeli football league to supporting apartheid and ethnic cleansing is a bit of stretch!


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Midlands Eagle Flag 27 Jul 19 11.23am Send a Private Message to Midlands Eagle Add Midlands Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by JusticeToad

Equating sponsoring the Israeli football league to supporting apartheid and ethnic cleansing is a bit of stretch!

I blame the hot weather


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ASCPFC Flag Pro-Cathedral/caravan park 27 Jul 19 12.11pm Send a Private Message to ASCPFC Add ASCPFC as a friend

I never knew anything of this. I would prefer the club to stay away from any tainting controversy. Problem is, which sports manufacturers are ethical enough for everyone?
I'm pretty sure that if you want to find something wrong with any of them, you could.


Red and Blue Army!

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Penge Eagle Flag Beckenham 27 Jul 19 12.20pm Send a Private Message to Penge Eagle Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Penge Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Bill E Pilgrim

Speaking up for Palestine is not anti-Semitic, anymore than your denial of my right to flag up a legitimate campaign on behalf Palestinians reflects your Islamophobia.

Why shouldn't there be a boycott of Nike when China have apparently been detaining 1 million Muslims in internment camps? Can you explain why there shouldn't be a boycott there? Because they aren't pesky Joooos!

Edited by Penge Eagle (27 Jul 2019 12.21pm)


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