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Tommy Robinson (LOCKED)

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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 02 Aug 18 1.22pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

It's the context that those who seek greater diversity speak in themselves. You don't have to be white to consider yourself English, however the census reveals the fact that few non whites describe themselves as such.

You slag off Robinson from your near exclusively white area while he lives in a highly diverse one.

If you love diversity you should be living in it, not preaching at others to do what you aren't doing.

Edited by Stirlingsays (02 Aug 2018 1.06pm)

Now you question my motives and seek to try to tell me why I do things!

I criticise "Robinson" by using my brain. Where I currently happen to live makes no difference at all. I have travelled all over the world and lived in a third world country for several years. I also worked for a while in Luton, so am perfectly well acquainted with the town.


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Stirlingsays Flag 02 Aug 18 1.28pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by Mapletree

This is so funny

There are a few people on the HOL who are so fascinated by immigration that it seems to be 95% of what they think about on an hourly basus

I know that some people have moved out from locations due to social changes linked to immigration. If the areas were truly becoming unlivable then I have sympathy. But most people do not base where they are going to live on diversity of the population. I will caveat that by saying my children are avoiding certain areas due to a lack of diversity, it is simply very boring. I believe there is a big difference between generations on this point, albeit I am the same and hate only working with one nationality or ethnic group.

If you want to know how diverse it is around Truro I suggest you look up Cornwall. Cornwell isn't particularly diverse, that part of Oxfordshire is too expensive for most incomers and it is a very small community in Cornwell.

I object to Stephen Yaxley-Lennon styling himself as Tommy by the way. My father was a Tommy, he didn't fight for justice across Europe and Africa for Mr Yaxley-Lennon's views to prevail, that is very clear.

Edited by Mapletree (02 Aug 2018 1.19pm)

'White flight' from diversity, in London, for example is a statistical reality. The more diverse London became the quicker it happened. When this was looked at they also found that 'non white' flight from London found the same outcome....the majority move to ethnically similar areas to themselves and away from white majority areas.

This is a majority trend found within all groups.

If yourself and your family love living in a diverse area , then that's cool. More power to you. I have no issues with those who love diversity living within it.

I have a big problem with those who seek to tell others how they themselves should feel about it.

Edited by Stirlingsays (02 Aug 2018 1.30pm)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 02 Aug 18 1.30pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

He's made his views quite clear. You can find all of it out by viewing his interviews on his Youtube channel....and get it from the horse's mouth instead of the lies from the UK media.

He views Islam as incompatible with western values. He doesn't view integration as possible from what he sees around the world and here.

I view reformist Islam, certain sects and secular Islam as compatible but these are tiny groups within the religion.

Edited by Stirlingsays (02 Aug 2018 1.15pm)

Oh I have watched his stuff. It's extremely biased and unpleasant. He is, of course, as entitled to his opinion as I am to mine but I would wager I have spent longer living in Islamic countries abroad than he has. He is a pot stirrer who likes to wind up the already biased.

Actually I agree with your last point. Like every big group there are elements who are great, some who are bad but the bulk are in the middle. What "Robinson" does is push the bulk of Islam towards the bad, whilst I want them to come towards us.


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Stirlingsays Flag 02 Aug 18 1.34pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

Oh I have watched his stuff. It's extremely biased and unpleasant. He is, of course, as entitled to his opinion as I am to mine but I would wager I have spent longer living in Islamic countries abroad than he has. He is a pot stirrer who likes to wind up the already biased.

Actually I agree with your last point. Like every big group there are elements who are great, some who are bad but the bulk are in the middle. What "Robinson" does is push the bulk of Islam towards the bad, whilst I want them to come towards us.

In my view you are living in fantasy land here........which...compared to many areas is what Cornwall is.


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Ulysses 02 Aug 18 1.48pm Send a Private Message to Ulysses Add Ulysses as a friend

Originally posted by Penge Eagle

You think having Khan as Mayor means we have full integration? Have you read the Casey review from 2016?

There is a problem with integration and social cohesion in the UK, which the Casey report showed quite clearly.

The government has done nothing since [Link]

What results from this government apathy? The likes of Tommy Robinson filling the void.

No. Of course not, hence the word "someone" - it was one example. As shown in the report, the lack of integration and social cohesion is clearly an issue, I'm not disputing that; however, when there is a prime example of successful integration, Robinson dishes out criticism, propaganda and highly divisive rhetoric.

You can't win.


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Stirlingsays Flag 02 Aug 18 1.58pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by Ulysses

No. Of course not, hence the word "someone" - it was one example. As shown in the report, the lack of integration and social cohesion is clearly an issue, I'm not disputing that; however, when there is a prime example of successful integration, Robinson dishes out criticism, propaganda and highly divisive rhetoric.

You can't win.

Where is this exactly? London? Successful integration?


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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DanH Flag SW2 02 Aug 18 2.02pm Send a Private Message to DanH Add DanH as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

Where is this exactly? London? Successful integration?

Yes, in most of it.


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Stirlingsays Flag 02 Aug 18 2.08pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by DanH

Yes, in most of it.

You are in denial of reality. The movement of demographics, amongst other factors, prove otherwise.

Edited by Stirlingsays (02 Aug 2018 2.09pm)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Mapletree Flag Croydon 02 Aug 18 2.26pm Send a Private Message to Mapletree Add Mapletree as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

'White flight' from diversity, in London, for example is a statistical reality. The more diverse London became the quicker it happened. When this was looked at they also found that 'non white' flight from London found the same outcome....the majority move to ethnically similar areas to themselves and away from white majority areas.

This is a majority trend found within all groups.

If yourself and your family love living in a diverse area , then that's cool. More power to you. I have no issues with those who love diversity living within it.

I have a big problem with those who seek to tell others how they themselves should feel about it.

Edited by Stirlingsays (02 Aug 2018 1.30pm)

Cause and effect Stirling

If people tend to move to certain places and so do their peers there is likely to be an objective and rational logic

Most of my school group from Croydon ended up at Hull University. Not because Hull was better than a London University but because it was just far away so that our parents didn't visit.

There is no proof that selection of where you live is based on emotional objectives. Not everyone is afeared of Jonny Foreigner but even if they are I suspect time of life and personal needs trumps all else.

Would I live in Truro? Damned right I would. I would also invite Slovakian friends to move too if I could. Moving to a nice place may just be the motive, wouldn't you think.


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Stirlingsays Flag 02 Aug 18 2.34pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by Mapletree

Cause and effect Stirling

If people tend to move to certain places and so do their peers there is likely to be an objective and rational logic

Most of my school group from Croydon ended up at Hull University. Not because Hull was better than a London University but because it was just far away so that our parents didn't visit.

There is no proof that selection of where you live is based on emotional objectives. Not everyone is afeared of Jonny Foreigner but even if they are I suspect time of life and personal needs trumps all else.

Would I live in Truro? Damned right I would. I would also invite Slovakian friends to move too if I could. Moving to a nice place may just be the motive, wouldn't you think.

To be honest Maple, I can't be bothered to argue the obvious with you.

I know what's coming and I'll just watch while I'm still on the planet.


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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dannyboy1978 Flag 02 Aug 18 3.11pm Send a Private Message to dannyboy1978 Add dannyboy1978 as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

Oh I have watched his stuff. It's extremely biased and unpleasant. He is, of course, as entitled to his opinion as I am to mine but I would wager I have spent longer living in Islamic countries abroad than he has. He is a pot stirrer who likes to wind up the already biased.

Actually I agree with your last point. Like every big group there are elements who are great, some who are bad but the bulk are in the middle. What "Robinson" does is push the bulk of Islam towards the bad, whilst I want them to come towards us.

I would say this is a large "bulk" in your words!! Do you not have a problem with this? Or do you brush this under the carpet like the government and hush people like TR for highlighting there is a huge problem!!

Edited by dannyboy1978 (02 Aug 2018 3.13pm)


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PalazioVecchio Flag south pole 02 Aug 18 7.27pm Send a Private Message to PalazioVecchio Add PalazioVecchio as a friend

Integration Schm-integration.

the problem is the existence of ghettos where its all the same (insert name of ) ethnicity.

And there are many residents who have little interest in speaking English, watching English telly, nor having English friends.

Any culture that imports young women from the home country to marry its UK-based lads is building up the seeds of future ghetto problems. Look at the background of the blokes who put the bombs on London Transport in 7/7.

its all xyz spoken, xyz telly via a dish, and xyz friends. The very opposite to integration. Often aided and abetted by a soft welfare culture.

And before you call me a racist, i find Brits living on the Costa Del Sol for thirty years and not learning Spanish every bit as reprehensible as xyz's living in England and barely able to say 'Good Morning'.

By contrast, some cultures arrive into the UK and try to integrate instantly. This is to be applauded and encouraged.

follow the link below and try to tell me that its nothing to do with failures of integration :

Edited by PalazioVecchio (02 Aug 2018 7.45pm)


Kayla did Anfield & Old Trafford

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