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eagleman13 Flag On The Road To Hell & Alicante 25 May 18 8.29pm Send a Private Message to eagleman13 Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add eagleman13 as a friend

Thanks Del.....

MKCPFC, TeeJay, Collier Row Eagle, Jelholyoak, were all there, as people I knew. Couldn't move in the chapel, soooo many people.

Defo see you in close season somewhere/some pub



This operation, will make the 'Charge Of The Light Brigade' seem like a simple military exercise.

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collier row eagle Flag romford essex via another galaxy 25 May 18 8.57pm Send a Private Message to collier row eagle Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add collier row eagle as a friend

Thanks Jamie for sorting out the wreath on behalf of the HOL it looked great, yep an amazing turnout the chapel was rammed lovely stories of alan were told, so much red and blue which sue, his wife asked for, no black attire in sight, good god he will be missed by all who knew him, RIP special man.


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teejay61 Flag The Cup of Sid 25 May 18 9.04pm Send a Private Message to teejay61 Add teejay61 as a friend

Great work on the wreaths Jamie. They both looked superb.

A very emotional day for all of Alan’s family, friends and work colleagues. The service was beautifully delivered. Some fabulous words from Steve, Tele and Terry.

So many people there, just showing how much Alan was loved, liked, respected. His wife, daughter and son showed tremendous strength and dignity.

This was a sad occasion but also a marvellous celebration of everything that Super Al achieved in his 61 years.


Supporting the mighty CPFC since September 1971

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aquickgame2 Flag Beni = summer,Caribbean = winter 26 May 18 8.40am Send a Private Message to aquickgame2 Add aquickgame2 as a friend

Glad all over it went gutted I couldn't be there.

RIP my very dear friend,gonna miss you.


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Boooo Flag 27 May 18 11.06am Send a Private Message to Boooo Add Boooo as a friend

I've spoken myself in recent years at funerals and it's a very difficult and emotional thing to do. 3 friends telling stories of love, friendship and Palace brought many tears and laughter.
Tremendous turnout for a bloody good bloke.


I refuse to believe there are that many people out there that can't spell. Too f**king lazy, that's what I think.

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Cucking Funt Flag Clapham on the Back 27 May 18 12.51pm Send a Private Message to Cucking Funt Add Cucking Funt as a friend

Looks like it was a really good send-off. Top effort, chaps.


Wife beating may be socially acceptable in Sheffield, but it is a different matter in Cheltenham

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teejay61 Flag The Cup of Sid 01 Jun 18 1.49pm Send a Private Message to teejay61 Add teejay61 as a friend

Hi all - please see a message below from Alan's daughter Hannah:

"To the lovely HOL family,
Thank you so very much for all your kind words of love and support. Dad was most loved by everyone he knew and it's been a real comfort to read all of your tributes. We've had a few laughs talking about the amount of time Dad spent on this website - he absolutely loved it.
A huge thank you to Jamie for sorting the lovely flowers for the funeral - we have kept them and they are currently pride of place in the garden. Everyone looked marvelous in their red and blue outfits on the day and playing Glad All Over at the end of the service was so fitting and exactly what Dad would have wanted. It was great to see a few of you there, apologies we couldn't get round to chat to you all. Thank you also to everyone who has given such generous donations for both the flowers and the charity page. As you all know, Palace was Dad's life and we will of course continue to support our beloved CPFC by attending games when we can, so we look forward to seeing you all there and catching up.
All the very best,
Hannah, Susan and family xxx"


Supporting the mighty CPFC since September 1971

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eagleman13 Flag On The Road To Hell & Alicante 01 Jun 18 7.00pm Send a Private Message to eagleman13 Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add eagleman13 as a friend

Originally posted by teejay61

Hi all - please see a message below from Alan's daughter Hannah:

"To the lovely HOL family,
Thank you so very much for all your kind words of love and support. Dad was most loved by everyone he knew and it's been a real comfort to read all of your tributes. We've had a few laughs talking about the amount of time Dad spent on this website - he absolutely loved it.
A huge thank you to Jamie for sorting the lovely flowers for the funeral - we have kept them and they are currently pride of place in the garden. Everyone looked marvelous in their red and blue outfits on the day and playing Glad All Over at the end of the service was so fitting and exactly what Dad would have wanted. It was great to see a few of you there, apologies we couldn't get round to chat to you all. Thank you also to everyone who has given such generous donations for both the flowers and the charity page. As you all know, Palace was Dad's life and we will of course continue to support our beloved CPFC by attending games when we can, so we look forward to seeing you all there and catching up.
All the very best,
Hannah, Susan and family xxx"

Thank you TJ for posting this & thank you to all that did contribute to the wreaths.


This operation, will make the 'Charge Of The Light Brigade' seem like a simple military exercise.

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Forest Hillbilly Flag in a hidey-hole 01 Jun 18 10.04pm Send a Private Message to Forest Hillbilly Add Forest Hillbilly as a friend

Great response from Hannah and family.

Was reading the Shefki Kuqi article yesterday, and it reminded me of Alan's love for the player, and how discussing Shefki's performances made Alan use naughty words (something he very rarely did)

I told Alan how I had seen Shefki walking around Bromley on the morning of a game (the player was injured, allegedly), and Alan became most animated
More naughty words (just one or two)

In fact, shefki was the only thing I have ever heard Alan use bad words to describe. But wasn't Owen Garvan a close second ?


I disengage, I turn the page.

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Midlands Eagle Flag 02 Jun 18 2.15pm Send a Private Message to Midlands Eagle Add Midlands Eagle as a friend

A few months ago I posted in a thread about holidays how much I hated driving down to Gatwick from the Midlands to which Alan asked if I had ever considered Luton.

I hadn't but looked up flights from Luton and found some cheap flights to Sardinia which is where I am right now.

Many thanks Alan


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