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The end of hol radio?

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Boooo Flag 23 May 18 5.00pm Send a Private Message to Boooo Add Boooo as a friend

Originally posted by Halfwayline

I heard a podcast of a CPFC Fans Radio show on Love Sport, the new radio station in London, usually on a Thursday live. Had people from HOL.

Hahaha, really? Is this an ad? Everything you need to know about ex Hol Radio now on a DAB channel owned by a lying, Scouse hating Charlton fan.


I refuse to believe there are that many people out there that can't spell. Too f**king lazy, that's what I think.

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the despotic banana Flag Dept. of Baboon Maintenance 23 May 18 5.06pm Send a Private Message to the despotic banana Add the despotic banana as a friend

Originally posted by bexleydave

Love Sport link:


Is Love Sport owned by Kelvin MacKenzie?


Ask me about Ronald de Boer.

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lefty27 Flag ipswich 23 May 18 5.34pm Send a Private Message to lefty27 Add lefty27 as a friend

Originally posted by Midlands Eagle

As already mentioned I didn't listen to the podcast so have no idea what was actually said but having a look at the thread on the BBS there are some pretty daft theories being chucked about including" Now is a bastion of all things right wing is this an ideological rebrand, perhaps?"

There have been a few complaints on the BBS (mainly from people excommunicated from here) about the right wing bias" here but the truth is that the News / Politics forum contains probably less than 2% of the total threads and I'd guess that the vast majority of HOL members never go there at all.
There is probably just half a dozen politics threads active in the last week with the same dozen forum members going at it hammer and tongs but a handful of forum members constantly arguing about politics in the politics forum hardly counts as the HOL identity as the remaining 98% of forum members are here to discuss football and only football

I think its a bit dramatic to say hol is ‘a bastion of all things right wing.’ I am certainly not right wing, I’m not a communist either, I use this site because I support Palace and I find it quicker to browse and I always have.
I’ve been on this site for over ten years and have seen a few embarrassing threads/ remarks but nothing ‘regular’.
I don’t share the politics of many of the users that post in that section so I choose not to engage, if that’s the reason for the split then it’s a bit disappointing.


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bexleydave Flag Barnehurst 23 May 18 5.45pm Send a Private Message to bexleydave Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add bexleydave as a friend

Originally posted by the despotic banana

Is Love Sport owned by Kelvin MacKenzie?

As I've already said, I simply answered the question; it was not and is not a recommendation.


Bexley Dave

Can you hear the Brighton sing? I can't hear a ******* thing!

"The most arrogant, obnoxious bunch of deluded little sun tanned, loafer wearing mummy's boys I've ever had the misfortune of having to listen to" (Burnley forum)

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Booted Eagle Flag Bristol 23 May 18 6.13pm Send a Private Message to Booted Eagle Add Booted Eagle as a friend

Sad to hear the news. Always liked to listen to Hambo, Jel, Nick, Patrick and the rest on a Sunday night. If Punch returns next season surely Jel needs some mic time ?


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—United States Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld

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Stirlingsays Flag 23 May 18 6.14pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

If a podcast is going to specifically name itself after a website then a regular connection to the site makes sense. This was obviously true at the beginning but over time less so.

So if this is a rebranding I just think that it's sensible. I remember saying that they should rebrand quite a while ago and really if this is what they are doing then great.

Perhaps at some point we will have a Hol football podcast that is actually made by regular Hol contributors to the site. The political affiliations shouldn't be here or there.

Hol is primarily a football site and the political section is really a side section as you would expect.

I think it's a shame that the political section is seen as being 'owned' by a side: it's a half truth. Both bbs and Hol have diverse political commentary. People are free as individuals as too what site they frequent and I don't hear the same people complaining about Hol saying that the bbs is too left wing.

Edited by Stirlingsays (23 May 2018 6.18pm)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Hambo Flag Crawley 23 May 18 7.02pm Send a Private Message to Hambo Add Hambo as a friend

Originally posted by Boooo

Hahaha, really? Is this an ad? Everything you need to know about ex Hol Radio now on a DAB channel owned by a lying, Scouse hating Charlton fan.

Stay classy Jel


HOL Radio Lead Presenter and sampler of processed meats

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Hambo Flag Crawley 23 May 18 7.07pm Send a Private Message to Hambo Add Hambo as a friend

For the record:

- no falling out with
- nothing to do with Nick being banned (in his own words, he had it coming)
- nothing political

We just want to be in control of our own destiny. Whilst has let us just get on with it mostly, we think a clean break will enable us to reach a wider audience.

We will continue to link this site and discuss topics that pop up on here,.

It’s more than renaming/rebranding. Been working on it for months but the reaction to us announcing the end of holradio caught us by suprise somewhat so we’ve had to accelerate our plans.


HOL Radio Lead Presenter and sampler of processed meats

HOL radio - Sunday nights [Link]
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Stirlingsays Flag 23 May 18 8.24pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by Hambo

For the record:

- no falling out with
- nothing to do with Nick being banned (in his own words, he had it coming)
- nothing political

We just want to be in control of our own destiny. Whilst has let us just get on with it mostly, we think a clean break will enable us to reach a wider audience.

We will continue to link this site and discuss topics that pop up on here,.

It’s more than renaming/rebranding. Been working on it for months but the reaction to us announcing the end of holradio caught us by suprise somewhat so we’ve had to accelerate our plans.

I wish you and the enterprise well.

I think any Palace fan would do.

Edited by Stirlingsays (23 May 2018 8.24pm)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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EagleEyedAlbert Flag ...too far north of the water. 23 May 18 8.46pm Send a Private Message to EagleEyedAlbert Add EagleEyedAlbert as a friend

Thanks for all the supportive, nice comments! Lyons- you’ve always been my favourite.

And a big sloppy kiss with tongues for all the haters too- it wouldnt as tasty without a bit of beef.

Anyway, keep an eye out on all the usual, morally corrupt, nefarious social media outlets like Facebook etc & we’ll be about at some point sticking our beaks in.

Albert x


"IS HE!!?"

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Pikester Flag Worthing 24 May 18 1.31pm Send a Private Message to Pikester Add Pikester as a friend

It would have been a bit crazy to carry on as HOL Radio but to have presenters keep slagging off the HOL on the BBS.

I liked the early days when it felt like it was part of the HOL. Had 1 or 2 of my comments read out from the chat room which would run alongside the broadcast.

I did suggest a 'Desert Island Discs' type feature where interviews with HOL regulars could be recorded - How they got into Palace, 1st match, favourite ever player etc. and was prepared to get involved - but got brushed aside as the podcast grew.

Hambo did take the time to explain that it had snowballed much more than expected but I think they missed a trick by not including the HOL regulars more and having a set of regular features. (i.e I would have made a fannytastic presenter and am still slightly bitter).

The highlight for me was the Brighty interview. They just let him speak and he was pure gold - could have gone on for a couple more hours.

The Parish interview was too nicey nicey but again Hambo said if he had wound him up then he probably wouldn't have returned... so what do you do? It did make painful listening though I'm afraid.

I'm not sure who anyone is on it anymore and if Jel and Gussett are involved. Jel was always a goody.

I wish anyone luck who's trying to engage with Palace fans but I was put off by HOL radio when, to me, it felt like an ego trip for some rather than something that could have been much more engaging.


You fed me, you bred me, I'll remember your name.

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Jimenez Flag SELHURSTPARKCHESTER,DA BRONX 24 May 18 1.33pm Send a Private Message to Jimenez Add Jimenez as a friend

Originally posted by Pikester

It would have been a bit crazy to carry on as HOL Radio but to have presenters keep slagging off the HOL on the BBS.

I liked the early days when it felt like it was part of the HOL. Had 1 or 2 of my comments read out from the chat room which would run alongside the broadcast.

I did suggest a 'Desert Island Discs' type feature where interviews with HOL regulars could be recorded - How they got into Palace, 1st match, favourite ever player etc. and was prepared to get involved - but got brushed aside as the podcast grew.

Hambo did take the time to explain that it had snowballed much more than expected but I think they missed a trick by not including the HOL regulars more and having a set of regular features. (i.e I would have made a fannytastic presenter and am still slightly bitter).

The highlight for me was the Brighty interview. They just let him speak and he was pure gold - could have gone on for a couple more hours.

The Parish interview was too nicey nicey but again Hambo said if he had wound him up then he probably wouldn't have returned... so what do you do? It did make painful listening though I'm afraid.

I'm not sure who anyone is on it anymore and if Jel and Gussett are involved. Jel was always a goody.

I wish anyone luck who's trying to engage with Palace fans but I was put off by HOL radio when, to me, it felt like an ego trip for some rather than something that could have been much more engaging.



Pro USA & Israel

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