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Brighton Palace Trouble - The Police Speak

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Pete53 Flag Hassocks 17 May 18 10.19am Send a Private Message to Pete53 Add Pete53 as a friend



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OhthisbloodyPC Flag 17 May 18 10.41am

In the report the Police completely avoid mentioning all 23 points of the complaint, on a weird technicality that every fan should write in individually.

There is no mention of the fact that they completely fabricated reports of Knuckledusters and knives being confiscated.


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Sansbup Flag Norfolk 17 May 18 12.08pm Send a Private Message to Sansbup Add Sansbup as a friend

"The Brighton football liaison officer.... PC Balkham.... a Manchester United supporter...."

Surprise, surprise. Says it all really.


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bexleydave Flag Barnehurst 17 May 18 12.15pm Send a Private Message to bexleydave Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add bexleydave as a friend

Originally posted by OhthisbloodyPC

In the report the Police completely avoid mentioning all 23 points of the complaint, on a weird technicality that every fan should write in individually.

There is no mention of the fact that they completely fabricated reports of Knuckledusters and knives being confiscated.

It's the IOPC that are saying that, not Sussex Police. Perhaps the solicitors employed by CPST should have checked the procedures for complaints in advance of submitting it?


Bexley Dave

Can you hear the Brighton sing? I can't hear a ******* thing!

"The most arrogant, obnoxious bunch of deluded little sun tanned, loafer wearing mummy's boys I've ever had the misfortune of having to listen to" (Burnley forum)

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Midlands Eagle Flag 17 May 18 12.22pm Send a Private Message to Midlands Eagle Add Midlands Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Sansbup

"The Brighton football liaison officer.... PC Balkham.... a Manchester United supporter...."

Surprise, surprise. Says it all really.

Why is a Manchester United supporter living in Brighton any different from a Crystal Palace supporter living in Normandy?


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OhthisbloodyPC Flag 17 May 18 3.10pm

Originally posted by bexleydave

It's the IOPC that are saying that, not Sussex Police. Perhaps the solicitors employed by CPST should have checked the procedures for complaints in advance of submitting it?

Possibly, but it's still nit picking. If they were interested in addressing concerns of the fans, they might have said to them: "By the way, we only deal with individual fan complaints. Not pressure groups." Or something long those lines.

They applied the letter of the law, but not the spirt.

I still think it's petty minded and jobs worthy.

Also: it doesn't absolve them from what appear to be completely fictional statements about the 'haul' of confiscated knives and knuckle dusters.

Am I being unreasonable to expect a police chief to interpret the spirit of the legislation by which he serves the people, rather than technicalities that mean he can avoid doing his job?

Is that a fair request to make?


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MichaelCPFC Flag Darlington, Up Norf! 17 May 18 3.42pm Send a Private Message to MichaelCPFC Add MichaelCPFC as a friend

PC Darren Balkham, the police’s football liaison officer, say the force is a “learning organisation” – and insists the trust between officers and fans has not been affected.

Yes he's probably right bearing in mind it didn't happen to the Brighton fans it was us they treated horrifically! The absolute tosser!


This club of mine constantly tests my loyalty but I as do many other fans never falter or crumble My loyalty to the Palace will never waver My unadulterated passion for a club I’ve grown up supporting wont die, and my desire to keep coming back and take the blows won’t succumb to negativity

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Forest Hillbilly Flag in a hidey-hole 17 May 18 4.13pm Send a Private Message to Forest Hillbilly Add Forest Hillbilly as a friend

Originally posted by OhthisbloodyPC

In the report the Police completely avoid mentioning all 23 points of the complaint, on a weird technicality that every fan should write in individually.

There is no mention of the fact that they completely fabricated reports of Knuckledusters and knives being confiscated.

That is weird. In criminal cases where there are a lot of victims, and indeed in corporate cases, they merge complaints. That is why Denis Nielsen was doing time for 6 murders, and not 15.

CPFC fans need to up the ante. The response is pathetic and is nothing more than a stalling tactic.


I disengage, I turn the page.

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JRW2 Flag Dulwich 17 May 18 5.01pm Send a Private Message to JRW2 Add JRW2 as a friend

Originally posted by Midlands Eagle

Why is a Manchester United supporter living in Brighton any different from a Crystal Palace supporter living in Normandy?

You know perfectly well, but I'll spell it out for you. It's because Manchester United probably (I can't prove it) has a bigger proportion of so-called supporters who live nowhere near the club's ground, but who would rather bathe in reflected glory than support their own local side, than any other club in Britain. If someone in France supports Palace, it's because he has a tradition of supporting them for good family or historical reasons.


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manwitheagletattoo Flag Somewhere in England 17 May 18 6.27pm Send a Private Message to manwitheagletattoo Add manwitheagletattoo as a friend

Originally posted by bexleydave

It's the IOPC that are saying that, not Sussex Police. Perhaps the solicitors employed by CPST should have checked the procedures for complaints in advance of submitting it?

As my wife and I found out not so long ago due to a long legal battle with a well known Home improvement company that sells windows, front and garage doors. Even with evidence due to the contrary and hard evidence against them and the fact that these organisations know that they are in the wrong. There are always solicitors that will lift as many stones as possible to make life very difficult for ordinary folk like us.
In this case they know that it is very unlikely that all of the individuals are going to take the time to write their events of that evening in a separate letters, knowing that the wording must be different in each letter, which would mean that each person would need to take a separate case against them at huge costs to themselves.
I really hope all the individuals involved, stick to their stick to their guns so to speak for this injustice.


South London & Proud
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Because it doesn’t matter how time and affection you give
It’s never enough

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SwordFish Flag Peasmarsh,East Sussex 17 May 18 8.03pm Send a Private Message to SwordFish Add SwordFish as a friend

Originally posted by Midlands Eagle

Why is a Manchester United supporter living in Brighton any different from a Crystal Palace supporter living in Normandy?

What is wrong with you? Why be so sarcastic all the time? Soon enough no one will post on here


“This is a crisis, a large crisis.... in fact if you have a moment, it’s a 12 storey crisis, magnificent entrance hall, carpeting throughout, 24 hour portage , and an enormous sign on the roof saying “This , is a large crisis” - Edmund Blackadder

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dorking Flag 17 May 18 8.31pm Send a Private Message to dorking Add dorking as a friend

Originally posted by bexleydave

It's the IOPC that are saying that, not Sussex Police. Perhaps the solicitors employed by CPST should have checked the procedures for complaints in advance of submitting it?

CPST solicitors raised the complaint with the Sussex Police and they referred it on themselves - it would appear they do not know their own rules.

The Trust will be discussing this tonight at the Trust meeting. Members of the Trust Board were among those kettled so it should be relatively easy to put forward individual names.

However if you were affected by the matters complained about and are happy to have your name put to a specific complaint then please contact the Trust with you name and details, who can then discuss with the solicitor what the best way forward for that is.


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