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Raising funds for Children With Cancer UK

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Jonprogrammeseller Flag East Croydon 25 Mar 18 7.04pm Send a Private Message to Jonprogrammeseller Add Jonprogrammeseller as a friend

Hi guys, it's rare that I post these days, but 4 weeks ago something happened that rocked my families world. We found a lump on my 10 year ild son's back. We thought it was possibly a cyst, so took him to the doctors. After numerous tests and scans it was found that my son Charlie was diagnosed as having a cancerous tumor, a sarcoma. A very rare form of cancer in children, so rare that the doctor said that she hadn't seen a child with his specific sarcoma for several years. It's a form of cancer that forms in the bones or soft tissue, in this case the muscles in his back.

Since then things have moved quick and my son was rushed in to The Royal Orthopedic Hospital in Stanmore, after the tumor was pressing on his spinal cord and his legs had gone numb and very cold. He had an emergency operation on Friday night, and is currently in hospital. He also had another operation today, as he developed a Pneumothorax, which meant he required a chest drain. As you can imagine, the last four weeks have been very difficult, seeing Charlie in so much pain, and even more so now seeing him in hospital going through this at such a young age.

The reason why I am posting this is because I was wondering if the CPFC family can help me. As soon as my daughter found out her brother has cancer she wanted to do something to help him and other children like him. She wants to raise £2,500 and, if we do, she has offered to shave her head for charity. We chose the charity Children with Cancer UK, which helps fund research in to cancer in Children and finding a cure.

It would be fantastic if we could raise this money to help other children like Charlie. It's hard to know what to write about this, as it's still very fresh and my daughter, Rachael, was determined to help in someway.Below is a link to the Just Giving for my son Charlie, with more details etc. Plus I have put a link to the charity itself.

Thank you for reading




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Badger11 Flag Beckenham 25 Mar 18 8.44pm Send a Private Message to Badger11 Add Badger11 as a friend


Lets hope he gets back to his day job real soon. Kids should be annoying their parents and he looks a cheeky scamp.

All the best


One more point

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