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Zaha injured ?

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the despotic banana Flag Dept. of Baboon Maintenance 05 Feb 18 10.47pm Send a Private Message to the despotic banana Add the despotic banana as a friend

Please excuse my French, but: merde!

Also: holy sh*t snacks!


Ask me about Ronald de Boer.

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lancseagle Flag burnley 05 Feb 18 10.49pm Send a Private Message to lancseagle Add lancseagle as a friend

Originally posted by Dave58

Is there any other team who has the same long term injury list as ours? Too much/little training? Poor back room staff or just plain bad luck?
Something is seriously wrong.

Agree, in my mind it's severely abnormal for so many people getting injured at the drop of a hat & when they do it's more often than not quite a lengthy 1. Every game now it's just a normalised expectancy for somebody to pick up a substantial knock as opposed to most teams players who come away unscathed or suffer weekly minor injuries.


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chateauferret Flag 05 Feb 18 10.50pm

Originally posted by steven_t92

Am I glad you aren't picking the team with those lineups! Sorry but a big target man on left wing, a left back at centre mid and a centr mid on the wing. Why oh Why? Even with wilf out things aren't that dire surely?

Did I say I liked those lineups?

My purpose isn't to pick the team but to demonstrate the sort of choices we will be facing if ot gets any worse. To be fair I failed to include Riedewald or note that Schlupp will be back in a month or so. 4-4-2 might look a bit nicer than 4-3-3 with these resources.

We obviously have less radical, if nevertheless s***, options available just now. But don't assune nobody else will get injured and when they are we may not have much of a "selection" to make at all. The point is that a couple more injuries and we will be putting out teamsheets that make you boggle.

If the Board doesn't like bonkers lineups it should have recruited when it had the chance.

Edited by chateauferret (05 Feb 2018 10.52pm)


The Ferret

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YT Flag Oxford 05 Feb 18 10.55pm Send a Private Message to YT Add YT as a friend

Originally posted by davehuggins

Wilf now out its turning into a season of disasters, the only one good thing is we have RH in charge to steer the ship to safety.

He's a football manager, not feckin' Jesus!


Palace since 19 August 1972. Palace 1 (Tony Taylor) Liverpool 1 (Emlyn Hughes)

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ItsCPFCforme Flag 05 Feb 18 10.57pm Send a Private Message to ItsCPFCforme Add ItsCPFCforme as a friend

Originally posted by YT

He's a football manager, not feckin' Jesus!

RH will be our Messiah if he keeps us up with that terrible start and our current injury crisis!


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murphyn13 Flag portsmouth 05 Feb 18 10.59pm Send a Private Message to murphyn13 Add murphyn13 as a friend

In all fairness, Wilf has been playing as a second striker rather than an out and out winger. This could be Sørloth’s chance to shine without a huge shake-up needed in formation. Go on the big Sørloth.


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YT Flag Oxford 05 Feb 18 11.01pm Send a Private Message to YT Add YT as a friend

Originally posted by ItsCPFCforme

RH will be our Messiah if he keeps us up with that terrible start and our current injury crisis!

Let's hope he can Handel it.


Palace since 19 August 1972. Palace 1 (Tony Taylor) Liverpool 1 (Emlyn Hughes)

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ItsCPFCforme Flag 05 Feb 18 11.04pm Send a Private Message to ItsCPFCforme Add ItsCPFCforme as a friend

Originally posted by YT

Let's hope he can Handel it.

Bach with some good old puns.


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lancseagle Flag burnley 05 Feb 18 11.06pm Send a Private Message to lancseagle Add lancseagle as a friend

Originally posted by andy p

Put a tenner on us going down at 16 to 1 after we beat saints,were now 5 to 1 it is not looking good

15/2 with sky bet.


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Harry Beever Flag Newbury 05 Feb 18 11.06pm Send a Private Message to Harry Beever Add Harry Beever as a friend

Roy must have been a proper chopper in some previous existence to deserve this luck.


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chateauferret Flag 05 Feb 18 11.15pm

Originally posted by YT

Let's hope he can Handel it.

He's between a Baroque and a hard place.


The Ferret

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eritheagle Flag Erith 05 Feb 18 11.16pm Send a Private Message to eritheagle Add eritheagle as a friend

Originally posted by YT

He's a football manager, not feckin' Jesus!

I don't remember it being written in the New Testement that Jesus saved a team from relegation!


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