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Croydon is an unhappy place

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Monty the Eagle Flag Lima 17 Oct 17 4.49pm Send a Private Message to Monty the Eagle Add Monty the Eagle as a friend

Croydon was never the same after they closed the Blue Orchid.


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boo909 Flag Figeac 21 Oct 17 11.46am Send a Private Message to boo909 Add boo909 as a friend

Originally posted by Part Time James

Turtles, Beanos, both Crystal Palace club shops (George Street, Allders....were there any more?), Woolworths.

I used to work in Beanos, years ago. Do you remember the old indoor market? I think it was on Park Street? And the T-shirt place opposite West Croydon bus station tbat used to sell alk the heavy metal T-shirts and patches, I forget the name of it now.


Bangell - If Camus wrote The Myth of Sisyphus today, it would be about Jason Puncheon eternally trying and failing to pass with his right foot.

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PalazioVecchio Flag south pole 21 Oct 17 11.55am Send a Private Message to PalazioVecchio Add PalazioVecchio as a friend

i see the Riots as a turning point for Croydon. The scandalous burning of Reeves corner and all that.

Either those riots will see Croydon rise from the ashes or they will turn it into another backwater. It may take a decade or two to know the answer.


Kayla did Anfield & Old Trafford

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eagleman13 Flag On The Road To Hell & Alicante 21 Oct 17 12.15pm Send a Private Message to eagleman13 Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add eagleman13 as a friend

Originally posted by Midlands Eagle

If that was the pub in the middle of the Whitgift Centre that was my Tuesday night watering hole if there was a match on.

I used to work next door in Rothschild House and used to drink there prior to disappearing off to Selhurst Park

It was & I used to work in there Mon - Sat lunchtimes(10.30 - 2.30) & Mon - Thurs eves(5.30 - 7.00) Fri/sat usually 9ish......late 70's


This operation, will make the 'Charge Of The Light Brigade' seem like a simple military exercise.

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dannyb1 Flag Chichester 21 Oct 17 5.34pm Send a Private Message to dannyb1 Add dannyb1 as a friend

Moved out of croydon 5yrs ago and am now in the 10th happiest place.
have to say although I miss the old haunts I'm glad I moved as it has gone downhill.


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pefwin Flag Where you have to have an English ... 21 Oct 17 6.19pm

Originally posted by boo909

I used to work in Beanos, years ago. Do you remember the old indoor market? I think it was on Park Street? And the T-shirt place opposite West Croydon bus station tbat used to sell alk the heavy metal T-shirts and patches, I forget the name of it now.

Indeed I do used to go there for a coffee and fag during school lunch.


"Everything is air-droppable at least once."

"When the going gets tough, the tough call for close air support."

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dannyb1 Flag Chichester 21 Oct 17 7.19pm Send a Private Message to dannyb1 Add dannyb1 as a friend

Originally posted by boo909

I used to work in Beanos, years ago. Do you remember the old indoor market? I think it was on Park Street? And the T-shirt place opposite West Croydon bus station tbat used to sell alk the heavy metal T-shirts and patches, I forget the name of it now.

You mean in shops? Used to go in there a lot and help out in the record shop there.
The chinese at the back weren't bad.


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Kermit8 Flag Hevon 21 Oct 17 8.28pm Send a Private Message to Kermit8 Add Kermit8 as a friend

Originally posted by pefwin

Indeed I do used to go there for a coffee and fag during school lunch.

I admire your balls going to Old Palace. Did they ever find out?


Big chest and massive boobs


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hedgehog50 Flag Croydon 21 Oct 17 10.00pm

Originally posted by Kermit8

I admire your balls going to Old Palace. Did they ever find out?

Lot of women there.


We have now sunk to a depth at which the restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men. [Orwell]

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Mapletree Flag Croydon 21 Oct 17 10.03pm Send a Private Message to Mapletree Add Mapletree as a friend

Originally posted by pefwin

Indeed I do used to go there for a coffee and fag during school lunch.

St George’s Walk coffee bar was where I did that.


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boo909 Flag Figeac 21 Oct 17 11.57pm Send a Private Message to boo909 Add boo909 as a friend

Originally posted by dannyb1

You mean in shops? Used to go in there a lot and help out in the record shop there.
The chinese at the back weren't bad.

No, years before Inshops (though I do remember that I used to live opposite, above the comic shop and I used to go to that record shop), I'm talking mid to late eighties I think.

I've had a look at the map and I think it was where Bad Apple is now (incidentally, that looks like a horrendous place) on Park Street.

I've got a feeling it might have burnt down in the end, but that maybe somewhere else I'm thinking about.

Edited by boo909 (22 Oct 2017 12.02am)


Bangell - If Camus wrote The Myth of Sisyphus today, it would be about Jason Puncheon eternally trying and failing to pass with his right foot.

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Kermit8 Flag Hevon 22 Oct 17 8.54am Send a Private Message to Kermit8 Add Kermit8 as a friend

Yeah The Indoor Market was mid 80s and opposite the gay pub The Croydon. Quite brave to have a gay place in somewhere like Croydon in 1983 ish. Even Brighton was just starting to be pink friendly back then.


Big chest and massive boobs


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