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Why are we in this mess?

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Midlands Eagle Flag 03 Oct 17 7.28am Send a Private Message to Midlands Eagle Add Midlands Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by rollercoaster

Agreed he's made mistakes, but haven't you made any in your business and will you sack yourself like many are saying Parish should do?

If we carry on like this for much longer it won't be Parish's decision anyway as the American shareholders will "restructure" the senior management rather than see their investment down the swanee


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alaneagle1 Flag Dunstable,Bedfordshire.England 03 Oct 17 7.36am Send a Private Message to alaneagle1 Add alaneagle1 as a friend

Originally posted by Midlands Eagle

If we carry on like this for much longer it won't be Parish's decision anyway as the American shareholders will "restructure" the senior management rather than see their investment down the swanee

ME how much cash have the Americans actually put in ?


Palace 13th 2017/18.

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alaneagle1 Flag Dunstable,Bedfordshire.England 03 Oct 17 7.38am Send a Private Message to alaneagle1 Add alaneagle1 as a friend

Originally posted by VinceHilaire

As others have said, perhaps we need a total rebuild of the squad.

Going down a league should enable us to completely restructure the club.

Expensive players would be sold, leave....And then we could see who/what we have left.

I’m looking at teams like Leeds, Derby who have been stuck in the championshipship for quite a few years, but now have the infracastructure and players in place to move up to the PL.

I will still support Palace wherever we are...

What have Leeds and Derby done to there infrastructures ?
All I've seen is several new managers.?


Palace 13th 2017/18.

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alaneagle1 Flag Dunstable,Bedfordshire.England 03 Oct 17 7.42am Send a Private Message to alaneagle1 Add alaneagle1 as a friend

Originally posted by djmobi

Some of the SP Lovers on this forum do my head in. If he walked into their house and stabbed their families whilst they were watching Great British Bake Off they would probably thank him and start pulling down his trousers.

The buck stops with the doesn't matter what the circumstances are, SP is the one making the decisions and therefor he is at fault.

I run a small business and if people make mistakes it is ultimately my fault for hiring them, not managing them properly, not giving them the resources they need and not identifying issues with them and taking appropriate action.

None of us know the circumstance around the multitude of cock ups we have all had to bare over the last 5 seasons, but we should all understand is that the fault is always at the top.

So with all the multitudes of cock ups we have had to bare over the last 5 seasons,we have created history and stayed in the top flight.
So if the fault is at the Top so must the credit be.
Well done Parish for keeping us there,in the Top 20.


Palace 13th 2017/18.

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Midlands Eagle Flag 03 Oct 17 7.52am Send a Private Message to Midlands Eagle Add Midlands Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by alaneagle1

ME how much cash have the Americans actually put in ?

We won't know until the latest accounts are out but in addition there are the sums that they paid to the existing shareholders to buy out their shares


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Forest Hillbilly Flag in a hidey-hole 03 Oct 17 8.04am Send a Private Message to Forest Hillbilly Add Forest Hillbilly as a friend

Originally posted by Rudi Hedman

I think it's more a case of when you're new in a job, and a job with limited resources you need to remember a few things. great starting point

You cannot just decide you don't want these players gone and they're replaced instantly. pivotal to our predicament. Who wants to buy shjt players from Palace ? Players out of their depth would much rather run down their lucrative contracts before going to a League 1 club. Do any good players want to come to Palace, with the very real threat of being in the Championship next season ?

You need to call on them during the time you might need them to perform for you at times and indeed attract interest. This was evident with Kelly and Ward. It's because of Frank's arrogance, idiocy and then naivety towards the mammoth task in the premier league that this happened. His personality was brought into question ages ago if anyone bothers to remember. Stubbornness was definitely raised, meaning his way, whatever. Well that matches with how players he would need were treated one day and then selected for league games days later. Then dumped, then more players used. Chungy anyone?

Do you think his management of Luca was successful? All pre season in a back 3 we were never going to be able to afford? Similar with Ward?

Frank approached this job in the way he'd approach Ajax again or any club in any small league or probably Man Utd because in his mind he was already Van Gaal.

Huddersfield was a disgrace and Swansea was again playing with our club for his own promotion.
Huddersfield was shocking on many , many levels. A shambles on the pitch, which left Palace supporters and the HOL fanatics shocked into silence. Having Huddersfield sing "Where's your fantastic support ?", met with a resounding silence from Palace fans

It was never a good feeling with him and I'm not surprised it wasn't just results that got him fired. Shame it wasn't 70 days sooner when the alarm bells got louder than they already were.
I'm glad it's not my money being gambled, like it has in recent seasons. Hoping lessons are learned. This season could end in disaster, but we still have time to save this

Edited by Rudi Hedman (02 Oct 2017 4.41pm)


I disengage, I turn the page.

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djmobi Flag Oxford 03 Oct 17 8.05am Send a Private Message to djmobi Add djmobi as a friend

Originally posted by alaneagle1

So with all the multitudes of cock ups we have had to bare over the last 5 seasons,we have created history and stayed in the top flight.
So if the fault is at the Top so must the credit be.
Well done Parish for keeping us there,in the Top 20.

Perfect Example


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djmobi Flag Oxford 03 Oct 17 8.12am Send a Private Message to djmobi Add djmobi as a friend

Originally posted by rollercoaster

Agreed he's made mistakes, but haven't you made any in your business and will you sack yourself like many are saying Parish should do?

I don't remember asking him to sack himself..... I'm simply pointing out that as the boss... He is to blame. I won't sack myself when I make mistakes because it's my business and I of course would not expect SP to do that either.

Just because other people want him to sack himself and I have a negative opinion about him does not mean I agree with them.

He is at fault.... People that don't believe that are simply wrong. It's his football team so he can carry on doing whatever he wants..... That's the way it works and there is nothing any of us can do about it.


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NEILLO Flag Shoreham-by-Sea 03 Oct 17 8.26am Send a Private Message to NEILLO Add NEILLO as a friend

Originally posted by alaneagle1

So with all the multitudes of cock ups we have had to bare over the last 5 seasons,we have created history and stayed in the top flight.
So if the fault is at the Top so must the credit be.
Well done Parish for keeping us there,in the Top 20.

Hi Al, absolutely right. Steve Parish has overseen 5 consecutive years in the Prem and we aren't saddled with the massive debts that other clubs have. I think he should get the credit for that.

Underneath those headlines though, I think his decision making has been consistently flawed over the last two years.

I won't bother repeating what both myself and others have been saying, but the club is in a mess at the moment, the majority of it seemingly avoidable. And that's what hurts the most.


Old, Ungifted and White

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alaneagle1 Flag Dunstable,Bedfordshire.England 03 Oct 17 8.47am Send a Private Message to alaneagle1 Add alaneagle1 as a friend

Originally posted by NEILLO

Hi Al, absolutely right. Steve Parish has overseen 5 consecutive years in the Prem and we aren't saddled with the massive debts that other clubs have. I think he should get the credit for that.

Underneath those headlines though, I think his decision making has been consistently flawed over the last two years.

I won't bother repeating what both myself and others have been saying, but the club is in a mess at the moment, the majority of it seemingly avoidable. And that's what hurts the most.

Hi Neillo,
Hope your well

Agreed,I was just looking back at when we had two strikers up front.
Swansea away last season.November.
5-4 Connor got injured.


Palace 13th 2017/18.

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The Dolphin Flag 03 Oct 17 9.08am Send a Private Message to The Dolphin Add The Dolphin as a friend

Apparently Dyche was interviewed and wanted the job and was gobsmacked he didn't get it.
Wish he had!!


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Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 03 Oct 17 9.37am Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

Excellent point.

Parish's experience is not something I'd get rid of......Who is going to buy his shares? How do we know that what would replace him is going to be better?

Edited by Stirlingsays (03 Oct 2017 6.16am)

I wouldn't want to get rid of his experience but I would his tendency to do the unexpected, the stupid and illogical and the repeats of gross negligence in trying to be more clever than than the competition out there.

Parish is responsible for this and it was unnecessary. His stewardship and the luck that certain managers were out of work or in Pardew and Holloway, willing to leave their posts, got us so far. Then crept in the misguided cr@p and repeated mistakes and taking liberties in the league. Something frank was sacked for, which is ironic. Frank writes off the first 3 games and is sacked. Parish does it every season because he thinks he can do what others can't pull off, and won't have a squad ready to prepare for the real start of the season and not Parish's preferred start. Now we're still not ready. P1ss p1ss poor. But he's ''not going to apologise for try trying to improve this football club'' by having 1 striker in the richest league in the world and the money available. So that's alright then. It wasn't an error before because it didn't result in relegation. As I say. Gross negligence.

I know there were more reasons for Frank's sacking but it still makes you think.

Edited by Rudi Hedman (03 Oct 2017 9.56am)



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