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Shirt Size Guide

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Locko Flag 24 May 17 10.57pm Send a Private Message to Locko Add Locko as a friend


I've seen on the website you can get a 2016/17 shirt for £15 which is a bargain but the size guide is the same for the normal fit and he player fit, and is literally 2 sizes smaller compared to size guides for other football shirts.

How does the normal shirt actually fit? Is it smaller than normal football shirts? Is the size guide wrong?


Edited by Locko (25 May 2017 12.23am)

IMG_2336.PNG Attachment: IMG_2336.PNG (106.97Kb)


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Locko Flag 25 May 17 10.08pm Send a Private Message to Locko Add Locko as a friend

Any chance someone could actually reply? Surely someone on this forum owns a shirt...


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baldeagle73 Flag Leamington spa 25 May 17 10.16pm Send a Private Message to baldeagle73 Add baldeagle73 as a friend

There a small fit mate you have too go one size up from your normal size


walking down the holmesdale road to see the palace aces!

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Part Time James Flag 25 May 17 10.20pm Send a Private Message to Part Time James Add Part Time James as a friend

I bought two sizes too big and then started pumping iron in order to fill the slack, but I got so in to it I burst out of my shirt whilst chest pressing 220kg. Women love me now but I have to have football shirts tailor made for me which can get pricey.


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Locko Flag 25 May 17 10.20pm Send a Private Message to Locko Add Locko as a friend

Originally posted by baldeagle73

There a small fit mate you have too go one size up from your normal size

Look at the image attached in this message, I'm a Pompey fan (I like to consider Palace my prem team). The size guide is completely different. The size guide for the normal fit and the player fit shirts are the same on the palace website too :/

IMG_2348.PNG Attachment: IMG_2348.PNG (78.58Kb)


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Halfwayline Flag Waddon 25 May 17 11.44pm Send a Private Message to Halfwayline Add Halfwayline as a friend

Yes the sizes on the shirt are EU sizes so a XL in EU = Large UK.

The player fit is very tight and will show every extra ounce of fat on your belly.


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Locko Flag 26 May 17 2.36am Send a Private Message to Locko Add Locko as a friend

Originally posted by Halfwayline

Yes the sizes on the shirt are EU sizes so a XL in EU = Large UK.

The player fit is very tight and will show every extra ounce of fat on your belly.

But even the UK sizing is off compared to other shirts. If I size up it'll be too long surely and the sleeves?


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Locko Flag 29 May 17 11.59pm Send a Private Message to Locko Add Locko as a friend


Edited by Locko (30 May 2017 12.00am)


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kev64 Flag Cambs 30 May 17 11.24am Send a Private Message to kev64 Add kev64 as a friend

Originally posted by Locko

But even the UK sizing is off compared to other shirts. If I size up it'll be too long surely and the sleeves?

Its pretty simple get one size bigger than you usually would.

The body and the sleeves work in proportion to the size of the shirt ...

If in doubt buy one if it doesn't fit return and exchange size.


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VKR1888 Flag London 30 May 17 1.31pm Send a Private Message to VKR1888 Add VKR1888 as a friend

Originally posted by kev64

Its pretty simple get one size bigger than you usually would.

The body and the sleeves work in proportion to the size of the shirt ...

If in doubt buy one if it doesn't fit return and exchange size.

I got one size bigger and it was a bit long. Will probably give it away now. I agree generally though it should work that way!


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Malcolm Ali's Son Flag 03 Jun 17 7.27pm

They are tight, I am usually XL but had to go up to XXL


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Locko Flag 09 Jul 17 12.16am Send a Private Message to Locko Add Locko as a friend

Shirt came in the post today (got it cheap in the clearance), I wear a XXL and everything normally fits fine but this legit was like two sizes too small... wtf!


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