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Stewards and Searches

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Beastie Flag 23 May 17 11.53am Send a Private Message to Beastie Add Beastie as a friend

Last night’s attack only shows that a bomber wouldn’t need to get into the stadium.


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simonmdt Flag x 23 May 17 12.02pm

I do believe the OP was simply asking about the legality of the search and was not objecting to the concept of being searched in the first place

Edited by simonmdt (23 May 2017 12.03pm)


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VKR1888 Flag London 23 May 17 1.44pm Send a Private Message to VKR1888 Add VKR1888 as a friend

Originally posted by simonmdt

I do believe the OP was simply asking about the legality of the search and was not objecting to the concept of being searched in the first place

Edited by simonmdt (23 May 2017 12.03pm)

Does not come across that way.


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simonmdt Flag x 23 May 17 2.15pm

Originally posted by VKR1888

Does not come across that way.

Really!?? And yet he asks only two questions.

"Does anyone out there actually know what powers stewards have when carrying out a search?"


"Anyone got any idea whether this is legal?"


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DopeyDad Flag Victoria 23 May 17 6.05pm Send a Private Message to DopeyDad Add DopeyDad as a friend

Just to follow up. I have no problem about being searched. I do have a problem with someone putting their hands in my pockets without explicit permission. Which is why I questioned what the law is.

It is absolutely essential for searches to be carried out: as has been mentioned, flares and bangers are certainly dangerous and should be confiscated. The security issue as a result of last night is important.

However, a pat down search of someone wearing jeans and a football shirt is all that is required to prove that nothing explosive is being carried, surely?


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