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Stewards and Searches

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DopeyDad Flag Victoria 22 May 17 3.32pm Send a Private Message to DopeyDad Add DopeyDad as a friend

Does anyone out there actually know what powers stewards have when carrying out a search? At Palace I'm used to being patted down and then going in. Yesterday at Old Trafford, I had a steward tell me he had the right to look into my pockets - which he then did by putting his hands inside. I told him that I didn't believe he had the right to do so. He then told me that I'd given consent by agreeing to the search. Anyone got any idea whether this is legal? If a policeman wanted to do that he would have to have some form of groounds.


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Eewires Flag Guildford 22 May 17 3.48pm Send a Private Message to Eewires Add Eewires as a friend

Originally posted by DopeyDad

Does anyone out there actually know what powers stewards have when carrying out a search? At Palace I'm used to being patted down and then going in. Yesterday at Old Trafford, I had a steward tell me he had the right to look into my pockets - which he then did by putting his hands inside. I told him that I didn't believe he had the right to do so. He then told me that I'd given consent by agreeing to the search. Anyone got any idea whether this is legal? If a policeman wanted to do that he would have to have some form of groounds.

Almost certainly not allowed without a policeman present and you almost certainly didn't give any kind of consent by agreeing to a search. But ultimately he does have the right to refuse you entry to the ground, so you make a pragmatic choice. Next time put a primed mouse trap in your pocket.


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Y Ddraig Goch Flag In The Crowd 22 May 17 3.50pm Send a Private Message to Y Ddraig Goch Add Y Ddraig Goch as a friend

Originally posted by DopeyDad

Does anyone out there actually know what powers stewards have when carrying out a search? At Palace I'm used to being patted down and then going in. Yesterday at Old Trafford, I had a steward tell me he had the right to look into my pockets - which he then did by putting his hands inside. I told him that I didn't believe he had the right to do so. He then told me that I'd given consent by agreeing to the search. Anyone got any idea whether this is legal? If a policeman wanted to do that he would have to have some form of groounds.

Not surprising given the smoke bombs at some games.

I found the stewards ok except they made my some drop his Ipad off at left luggage which was a bit of a pain


the dignified don't even enter in the game

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Username Flag Horsham 22 May 17 3.55pm Send a Private Message to Username Add Username as a friend

If you took it up with the club the argument would probably be that consenting to searches like that is part of the terms and conditions of entering the ground.

You can choose to not be searched or patted down, but then you won't be watching the game either.


Employee of the month is a good example of how someone can be both a winner and a loser at the same time.

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topcat Flag Holmesdale / Surbiton 22 May 17 5.00pm Send a Private Message to topcat Add topcat as a friend

Was it this fella?



It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark... and we're wearing sunglasses.

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Pierre Flag Purley 22 May 17 5.08pm Send a Private Message to Pierre Add Pierre as a friend

You are allowed to be searched by official club stewards.

Rule 6 of CPFC Ground regulations.

6 All persons seeking entrance to the Ground acknowledge the Club's right to search any person entering the Ground and to refuse entry to or eject from the Ground any person refusing to submit to such a search.
Read more at [Link]

This would apply at any other football ground as well (unless of course they were stupid enough to leave them out of their ground rules!


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Cucking Funt Flag Clapham on the Back 22 May 17 5.30pm Send a Private Message to Cucking Funt Add Cucking Funt as a friend

Your consent is implicit as a condition of entry.

You have the same right to refuse to be searched as they have to deny you entry to the ground for refusing.


Wife beating may be socially acceptable in Sheffield, but it is a different matter in Cheltenham

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Kodg Flag LDN 22 May 17 5.52pm

Stewards working at a ground have no legal or statutory power to search any person without that persons express consent.

Under no circumstances can they forcibly search anyone. However clubs can make it a ‘condition of entry’ that people wishing to enter consent to being searched prior to being allowed in.

As a steward has no more power of authority than anyone else, putting their hands in your pockets is not something they are legally allowed to do. Although they can ask you to empty them out. (Good news, if they had found your coke or blade on Sunday it probably wouldn’t have stuck, as you would have been able to claim it had been planted by them.)

Police officers do have the power to stop and search you but they have to have ‘reasonable grounds’ o which to do so. Such as you have illegal drugs, a weapon, stolen property or something which could be used to commit a crime, such as a crowbar.

When police search you they can only pat down your outer clothing. They cannot squeeze or reach into your pockets unless they believe they have felt a weapon during the patting down.

You can only be stopped and searched without reasonable grounds if it has been approved by a senior police officer. This can happen if they suspected serious violence could take place or that you’re carrying a weapon, or have used one.

Before you’re searched the police officer must tell you: Their name and police station, what they expect to find, the reason they want to search you, why they are legally allowed to search you and that you can have a record of the search, or if this isn’t possible at the time, how you can get a copy.

Obviously once you’re arrested and in custody things change.

So, in summary, the steward has no authority to go into your pockets. So, you would have been within your rights to have refused and report his request to the nearest copper.

As police will nearly always take the side of stewards it is almost a certainty you would then been refused entry and no action would be taken against the steward

If you really did want to take it further you should report this to the FA or Man United who have a legal obligation that their stewards act lawfully

Edited by Kodg (22 May 2017 5.57pm)


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Aolcpfc Flag Finchley, London 23 May 17 8.45am Send a Private Message to Aolcpfc Add Aolcpfc as a friend

Difficult balance. We all have our own preferences- inevitably views can become very polarised and entrenched, especially after unwelcome experiences. Few of us welcome others furtling in our pockets, and most probably consider it quite an infringement. I do.

Yesterday's events in Manchester may make many (of us) move closer towards the higher security pole, at the expense of others' preferences, despite the inherent delays (unless more staff are employed to do the job).

Perhaps using sniffer dogs might improve security whilst being more acceptable to the majority of us, not least because that method would result in shorter delays: greater costs but probably worth it.


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Westina Flag 23 May 17 8.58am Send a Private Message to Westina Add Westina as a friend

Isn't the issue about making sure that when we watch a game we are in a safe environment.
I personally wouldn't worry if I was stripped b-------k naked if it gave me confidence that some idiot wasn't going to blow himself up.


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bubble wrap Flag Carparks in South East London 23 May 17 9.35am

If you havent got anything to hide then whats the problem? Our fanbase have let off flairs,bangers and thrown missles so i do not blame stewards for searching. I was searched Sunday and had to empty a pocket that had my vape in it whilst i did some Palace fan was giving the steward a hard time about being searched. If that was you OP you embarrassed yourself.


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VKR1888 Flag London 23 May 17 11.25am Send a Private Message to VKR1888 Add VKR1888 as a friend

Originally posted by Westina

Isn't the issue about making sure that when we watch a game we are in a safe environment.
I personally wouldn't worry if I was stripped b-------k naked if it gave me confidence that some idiot wasn't going to blow himself up.

This, after recent events I actually feel the Palace stewards don't go far enough although I know the ones I go to every other week these days.

Checking what is in your pockets or having you empty it out, no big deal Shirley!


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