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No more streams?

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marktillson Flag thetford norfolk 16 Mar 17 3.22pm Send a Private Message to marktillson Add marktillson as a friend

And me please send me private message any good sites thanks


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Ashford Eagle Flag Folkestone, Kent 17 Mar 17 10.19am Send a Private Message to Ashford Eagle Add Ashford Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by fil

It's about time they got into the 21st century and allowed the U.K to stream the games for a fee. You can legally watch any premier league game anywhere in the world except in the U.K. I really don't think it will affect gate receipts anymore as they seemed to believe a few years back.

Edited by fil (14 Mar 2017 1.16pm)

I'm surprised this has never happened. Even if you could only buy essentially an 'away season ticket" to watch your team's matches. I know I would pay extra for this.


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Midlands Eagle Flag 17 Mar 17 10.39am Send a Private Message to Midlands Eagle Add Midlands Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by grumpymort

Streaming and downloading are the samething only simple minded people that do not understand how things work think they are different.

Aren't you the little charmer.

For your information not being technically proficient does not make people simple minded but thinking that "samething" is one word does.


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spartakev2 Flag Anerley 17 Mar 17 11.24am Send a Private Message to spartakev2 Add spartakev2 as a friend

Originally posted by Midlands Eagle

Aren't you the little charmer.

For your information not being technically proficient does not make people simple minded but thinking that "samething" is one word does.

You beat me to it, I was trying to think of a polite way of putting it, but was struggling..


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kevpofcpfc Flag 17 Mar 17 9.08pm Send a Private Message to kevpofcpfc Add kevpofcpfc as a friend

Streamtvbox is ok, been using it for a couple of years now, only had a few minor issues, well worth the £26.99 or whatever it is for 3 months. Works via browser or through Kodi, movies, full match highlights, job lot complaints what so ever. All the subscription issues have been resolved.


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Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 17 Mar 17 9.54pm Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend

Originally posted by Brentmiester_General

THe problem with illegal streams is that eventually the whole thing will implode. If no one pays for sky then where is the money going to come from?

I doubt it. People are too lazy and/or stupid to act after you tell them about this.

If you set it up in their home and told them they'd save close to £1,000 for a free holiday or no credit card debt within however long they'd take it up. Expect them to get onto YouTube and do it themselves or even just go onto eBay and buy a kodi box or preloaded Firestick? Not a chance. instead of just going onto eBay there and then and spending £60 they'd rather waste the grand they don't have.



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Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 17 Mar 17 9.56pm Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend

Originally posted by spartakev2

You beat me to it, I was trying to think of a polite way of putting it, but was struggling..

I like the younger generation speaking in 3 word sentences to make it even more difficult to understand them, and text speak at that.



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marktillson Flag thetford norfolk 18 Mar 17 9.39pm Send a Private Message to marktillson Add marktillson as a friend

Just watched palace highlights and then switched onto to sky sports 1 thought they was stopping all premier league streaming?


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Mo Sizlak Flag 18 Mar 17 9.48pm

Originally posted by grumpymort

Streaming and downloading are the samething only simple minded people that do not understand how things work think they are different.

Every time you stream something it downloads data so it's downloading.

Streaming/downloading is not a crime no matter what you hear it's a civil matter which is about rights to the content but typical muscle power and being friends with government make up extra charges which is why you will always see not just downloader but things added like involved in organised crime which brings the police into it.

How this can come into effect just shows again how corupt the whole system is.

More censorship of the internet is all that will happen so in UK the ISP will just block more sites so it gets to the point you can only see what they want you to see so just use vpn

I understood all that cos I'm down wit da kidz innit blud.
You and I....we know the score.
I fink.


Babs and Clean Willie were in love they said....

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miles18 Flag Telford 19 Mar 17 4.31pm

Always used vipboxtv but it seems to have gone to s*** now.

Any paid sites that are reliable?



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glaziermart Flag 25 Mar 17 5.34pm

Anyone know when this will actually start from?


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