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Casual Flag Orpington 07 Sep 16 11.13pm Send a Private Message to Casual Add Casual as a friend

Originally posted by Y Ddraig Goch

Circle of life

Clubs come and go (hacienda anyone) it has ever been thus

True mate. Mate. Many go. How many are starting out ?


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h'eagle Flag City of London 07 Sep 16 11.55pm Send a Private Message to h'eagle Add h'eagle as a friend

I'm one of the few (perhaps only?) Palace fans that live in Farringdon. I'm just guessing but I suspect the motivation to close the venue is connected to the fact that Farringon is about to undergo massive redevelopment. First of all they are developing Smithfield market and moving The Museum of London there; then Crossrail is opening and Farringdon will become one of London's busiest rail interchanges (Crossrail, new Thameslink, Hammersmith and City, Circle). They predict a comparable number will pass through Farringdon as Victoria and Waterloo etc. So I suspect this is wider than concerns about the property that Fabric occupied and more about the tone of an area being redeveloped.


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matthau Flag South Croydon 08 Sep 16 12.06am Send a Private Message to matthau Add matthau as a friend

not many are opening. pubs are closing too.

mostly to do with flat blocks rushing and propertis. ..and also people are changing. ...gyming it on a weekday rather than boozing.

Internet dating now is a big deal too so people are enjoying getting to know one another sober...

I'm 39 and I've had my best days and now I enjoy my gigs uptown


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Cucking Funt Flag Clapham on the Back 08 Sep 16 9.05am Send a Private Message to Cucking Funt Add Cucking Funt as a friend

Originally posted by DanH

Depressing how many clubs and venues have been forced shut due to property developers building more luxury apartments or politicians' vanity projects.

Trying to get a drink after midnight in central London and the city is a nightmare now. Ridiculous for supposedly one of the most vibrant cities in the world.

You should be in bed with your cocoa by 10, you alcoholic bender.


Wife beating may be socially acceptable in Sheffield, but it is a different matter in Cheltenham

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jamiemartin721 Flag Reading 08 Sep 16 9.30am

Originally posted by Cucking Funt

You should be in bed with your cocoa by 10, you alcoholic bender.

Racist homophobe...


"One Nation Under God, has turned into One Nation Under the Influence of One Drug"

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jimruss Flag Sidcup 08 Sep 16 9.34am Send a Private Message to jimruss Add jimruss as a friend

Originally posted by Casual

I'm 39. Used to go to these clubs , all gone now
-blue orchid Croydon
-colliseum/bud world Croydon
-langtrys beckenhan
-Stars Greenwich
-Bon bonny herne hill
-ritzy/colliseum streatham

That' must be 5000 people on a night out , I don't claim to be a real 'clubber' was always more interested in getting a blow j*b than a pill.

My favourite nightclub of all time, always guaranteed a quality night in there, Friday was always better than a Saturday though, better DJ on a Friday.


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jamiemartin721 Flag Reading 08 Sep 16 9.46am

One thing that's always perplexed me is the surprise that people are taking drugs in a electronic/dance music venue / nightclub.

It is surely the height of naivety to believe that is not common place and normal for such venues. Its a bit like being surprised that a pub is selling single malt and high end spirits.


"One Nation Under God, has turned into One Nation Under the Influence of One Drug"

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We are goin up! Flag Coulsdon 08 Sep 16 10.36am Send a Private Message to We are goin up! Add We are goin up! as a friend

Originally posted by h'eagle

I'm one of the few (perhaps only?) Palace fans that live in Farringdon. I'm just guessing but I suspect the motivation to close the venue is connected to the fact that Farringon is about to undergo massive redevelopment. First of all they are developing Smithfield market and moving The Museum of London there; then Crossrail is opening and Farringdon will become one of London's busiest rail interchanges (Crossrail, new Thameslink, Hammersmith and City, Circle). They predict a comparable number will pass through Farringdon as Victoria and Waterloo etc. So I suspect this is wider than concerns about the property that Fabric occupied and more about the tone of an area being redeveloped.

But isn't that exactly the point? Fabric is being booted out to make way for other gentrified interests, it's got absolutely nothing to do with drugs deaths. For the council to shut down a successful business employing 250 people because they want to make way for the above is scandalous. Fabric was there long before any of these plans came along, what right do the council have to revoke their license when the evidence is so sparse, unverified and the reasons so flimsy? It's absolutely disgusting.

The city of London has completely lost its soul.


The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.

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johnfirewall Flag 08 Sep 16 12.53pm Send a Private Message to johnfirewall Add johnfirewall as a friend

Originally posted by jamiemartin721

One thing that's always perplexed me is the surprise that people are taking drugs in a electronic/dance music venue / nightclub.

It is surely the height of naivety to believe that is not common place and normal for such venues. Its a bit like being surprised that a pub is selling single malt and high end spirits.

Even the quite valid claim that it's rife in there shouldn't distinguish it from any other club.

The surprise is that you can actually get anything in there when the searches are that thorough. They also seem to have backtracked on the agreement to use sniffer dogs, which I recall was going to be rather expensive for them.

It's one thing putting on that tough façade to keep the authorities happy but if it's costing you then that's where you're going to have to stop playing ball. Not that there's any indication of what exactly the measures mentioned in the meeting were or who wasn't compliant but the meeting would've been a farce if proposals weren't made to allow them to keep their license.


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We are goin up! Flag Coulsdon 08 Sep 16 1.52pm Send a Private Message to We are goin up! Add We are goin up! as a friend

Originally posted by johnfirewall

Even the quite valid claim that it's rife in there shouldn't distinguish it from any other club.

The surprise is that you can actually get anything in there when the searches are that thorough. They also seem to have backtracked on the agreement to use sniffer dogs, which I recall was going to be rather expensive for them.

It's one thing putting on that tough façade to keep the authorities happy but if it's costing you then that's where you're going to have to stop playing ball. Not that there's any indication of what exactly the measures mentioned in the meeting were or who wasn't compliant but the meeting would've been a farce if proposals weren't made to allow them to keep their license.

Incorrect. The police recommended 51 new measures for fabric to introduce and this was the only one they disputed, and this was upheld by the court on the basis that it would encourage kids to neck all their gear before the dogs found it.

None of the evidence provided by the police has even been verified. They said there was clear evidence people were on drugs because they saw lots of people "sweating and staring into space". Sweating whilst dancing in a packed club, never heard of that before in any other club so we must shut fabric down

It is not about drugs. That's an excuse so that the council can shut the club down and have nice luxury flats and a shiny new museum for the bores that move in there to enjoy.


The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.

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IanWright_IanWright Flag 08 Sep 16 2.09pm Send a Private Message to IanWright_IanWright Add IanWright_IanWright as a friend

I went a few times when younger and it was a drug-infested sweat pit. Awful place if you are into a drugs.. Good riddens to the place.

Bring on the hipster wine bars.


.....bring on the zzzzzzzzz's.

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jamiemartin721 Flag Reading 08 Sep 16 2.25pm

Originally posted by johnfirewall

Even the quite valid claim that it's rife in there shouldn't distinguish it from any other club.

The surprise is that you can actually get anything in there when the searches are that thorough. They also seem to have backtracked on the agreement to use sniffer dogs, which I recall was going to be rather expensive for them.

It's one thing putting on that tough façade to keep the authorities happy but if it's costing you then that's where you're going to have to stop playing ball. Not that there's any indication of what exactly the measures mentioned in the meeting were or who wasn't compliant but the meeting would've been a farce if proposals weren't made to allow them to keep their license.

Its remarkably easy to get drugs into a club, even when you search everyone. Practicality wise, with the numbers of people wanting to get in, the security can really only implement a few rudimentary searches. It takes confidence when its a sniffer dog, but if you've done your homework, they're easier than a search to dodge.


"One Nation Under God, has turned into One Nation Under the Influence of One Drug"

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