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A rival to Costa & Starbucks

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rednblue4eva Flag Norwood 13 Aug 16 7.32am Send a Private Message to rednblue4eva Add rednblue4eva as a friend

They don't stand a chance



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Hoof Hearted 13 Aug 16 11.12am

"But Officer... I only asked the waitress to blow on my coffee as it was too hot!"


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palace_in_frogland Flag In a broken dream 13 Aug 16 11.31am Send a Private Message to palace_in_frogland Add palace_in_frogland as a friend

"I wonder what they make this white froth from?"


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Dan Theolmesdaleroad Flag Up north 13 Aug 16 11.41am Send a Private Message to Dan Theolmesdaleroad Add Dan Theolmesdaleroad as a friend

If they offer me any cream, I think I'll say no.


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moylerg Flag Cofton Hackett, Worcestershire 13 Aug 16 12.09pm Send a Private Message to moylerg Add moylerg as a friend

I take mine black only. Could be an issue.


Most certainly not European.

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Southampton_Eagle Flag At the after party 13 Aug 16 12.31pm Send a Private Message to Southampton_Eagle Add Southampton_Eagle as a friend

They should name it Nosh.


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Horley Eagle Flag Somewhere only I know 13 Aug 16 12.59pm Send a Private Message to Horley Eagle Add Horley Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by moylerg

I take mine black only. Could be an issue.

Racist :-)


Pinch me, I'm dreaming, but if it is don't let me know.

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ASCPFC Flag Pro-Cathedral/caravan park 13 Aug 16 12.59pm Send a Private Message to ASCPFC Add ASCPFC as a friend

I would go there if I worked nearby - as long as the coffee was really nice.
Unfortunately in Ireland we had a hissy fit over an Ann Summers so it seems a little unlikely. There is a sex shop here in Galway and every day people would be on their knees praying outside. Religious nutcases galore.


Red and Blue Army!

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Michaelawt85 Flag Bexley 15 Aug 16 9.12am Send a Private Message to Michaelawt85 Add Michaelawt85 as a friend

Expensive cup of coffee !


When I was a young girl my Mother said to me.. You listen here kid you're CPFC

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jamiemartin721 Flag Reading 15 Aug 16 9.47am

Looks like I've found a reason to start drinking coffee again. It'll never happen, despite the fact there is nothing really damaging happening here as its consenting adults and the issue really is we're a nation where prudes dominate.

Seems you can drink beer and pay watch two men leather the s**t out of each other (Boxing) but paying someone for a blow job, is the end of civilisation as we know it. As long as the windows are blacked out to protect passers by, workers and patron.

Brothels should be legalised with the authorities putting in position legislation and oversight to prevent exploitation of women and to ensure that most of the income generated goes to the women (or all of it is shared by those who work the premises - ideally they should be collectives of the workers).

No one has managed to eliminate prostitution. Lets instead provide a basis to at least raise some tax, protect those involved.

Starf**ks, Cumsir coffee.


"One Nation Under God, has turned into One Nation Under the Influence of One Drug"

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Michaelawt85 Flag Bexley 15 Aug 16 10.35am Send a Private Message to Michaelawt85 Add Michaelawt85 as a friend

Originally posted by jamiemartin721

Looks like I've found a reason to start drinking coffee again. It'll never happen, despite the fact there is nothing really damaging happening here as its consenting adults and the issue really is we're a nation where prudes dominate.

Seems you can drink beer and pay watch two men leather the s**t out of each other (Boxing) but paying someone for a blow job, is the end of civilisation as we know it. As long as the windows are blacked out to protect passers by, workers and patron.

Brothels should be legalised with the authorities putting in position legislation and oversight to prevent exploitation of women and to ensure that most of the income generated goes to the women (or all of it is shared by those who work the premises - ideally they should be collectives of the workers).

No one has managed to eliminate prostitution. Lets instead provide a basis to at least raise some tax, protect those involved.

Starf**ks, Cumsir coffee.

Agree with you regarding protecting sex workers. But this falls apart when you have escorts who visit in hotel rooms or people's homes. Making it legal won't stop women being attacked and assaulted. Maybe more would come forward perhaps to report it but there would still be the sex worker stigma attached to what they do.

No legalised brothel would want known drug users or addicts working there either which means the street working element would still be there. Some men would still use street workers as they are cheaper than those who would be working in licenced legal premises


When I was a young girl my Mother said to me.. You listen here kid you're CPFC

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Michaelawt85 Flag Bexley 15 Aug 16 10.41am Send a Private Message to Michaelawt85 Add Michaelawt85 as a friend

Cafe Nosho


When I was a young girl my Mother said to me.. You listen here kid you're CPFC

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