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The Brexit Thread (LOCKED)

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nickgusset Flag Shizzlehurst 24 Jun 16 10.08am

Originally posted by Rudi Hedman

Yes of course Caroline Lucas, 'The prospect of shutting down the right to free movement is frightening.' We were all frightened when we didn't have free movement and couldn't cope or understand why we never had it.

There are things such as Visa's and passports you ignorant ***.

The floodgates opened in 2004. The housing crisis started hitting the headlines in 2005 ish. No plans for housing were made then and still aren't now. I'm not saying free movement instantly impacted on housing because the initial migration stats were low, but that gave the remainers a chance to say the AVERAGE immigration figures were x and not 330,000 and rising.

Enough of the name calling young man! just accept differences of opinion.


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Slimey Toad Flag Karsiyaka, North Cyprus 24 Jun 16 10.09am Send a Private Message to Slimey Toad Add Slimey Toad as a friend

A lot of blame must lie with those Labour Party members who thought it a good idea to vote for Corbyn as leader, who should be sitting in a cafe in Hampstead playing chess in his flip flops - totally incapable of addressing working class concerns about ithe mass movement of people

Edited by Slimey Toad (24 Jun 2016 10.11am)


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Harpo Flag Oxfordshire 24 Jun 16 10.11am Send a Private Message to Harpo Add Harpo as a friend

Originally posted by nickgusset

Bet Putin is a happy man today.

Yes, he is the sole beneficiary of this result.

If his name had been bought into the pre-referendum discussions, ballot papers bearing a cross in the bottom option would have been in a serious minority.


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Cucking Funt Flag Clapham on the Back 24 Jun 16 10.17am Send a Private Message to Cucking Funt Add Cucking Funt as a friend

Originally posted by nickgusset

How many of those 17million really looked into the issues before making an informed decision rather than relying on hyperbole.

As I've said, I accept the result and came very close to voting leave myself, but for very different reasons than most I expect.

But now is not the time for 'told you so's.' No one wants things to go tits up for purposes of one upmanship.

It's time to think about the way forward now and discuss what we want an 'independent' UK to look like.

Do we want one that genuinely looks after the interests of Joe public or one that is just more of the same austerity and siphoning of cash from have nots to tyhe haves?

To look on the bright side, it's a real opportunity to exact change for the benefit of all UK citizens. Sadly, if we see the same old neoliberals taking the rudder, I can't see it happening.

I think you underestimate people's intelligence. People voted based on experience and on what they see. The beauty of this referendum is that it completely transcended party politics and, personally, I don't think nearly as many people as you seem to believe were influenced by the shenanigans on both sides: in fact, I think it probably convinced them (if they still needed it) that politicians are a bunch of selfish, narcissistic w@nkers.

This result of this referendum wasn't just to give the EU the finger - it was to flip the bird at the entire political class. We should have them more often.


Wife beating may be socially acceptable in Sheffield, but it is a different matter in Cheltenham

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Anerley-Fried-Eagle Flag Fake Beckenham actually 24 Jun 16 10.19am Send a Private Message to Anerley-Fried-Eagle Add Anerley-Fried-Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Slimey Toad

A lot of blame must lie with those Labour Party members who thought it a good idea to vote for Corbyn as leader, who should be sitting in a cafe in Hampstead playing chess in his flip flops - totally incapable of addressing working class concerns about ithe mass movement of people

Edited by Slimey Toad (24 Jun 2016 10.11am)

Agreed. Corbyn who clearly doesnt believe in the EU but couldnt come out and say it, has not done himself any favours.



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jamiemartin721 Flag Reading 24 Jun 16 10.21am

Originally posted by Rudi Hedman

Yes of course Caroline Lucas, 'The prospect of shutting down the right to free movement is frightening.' We were all frightened when we didn't have free movement and couldn't cope or understand why we never had it.

There are things such as Visa's and passports you ignorant ***.

The floodgates opened in 2004. The housing crisis started hitting the headlines in 2005 ish. No plans for housing were made then and still aren't now. I'm not saying free movement instantly impacted on housing because the initial migration stats were low, but that gave the remainers a chance to say the AVERAGE immigration figures were x and not 330,000 and rising.

Quite agree.

Not really a major issue, given that freedom of movement hasn't been around that long. The big change was the easy of employment in different countries. Back before freedom of movement, you could easily travel around and visit European countries with ease. The only real impact is that without it, corporate exploitation of poorer EU countries to undermine working class people in the wealthier nations.

I'd be very worried however if I was a landlord. The rental and buy to let market is directly threatened by the prospect of an eventual decline in temporary working migrants. This has been keeping the housing market high. After all, if we end EU migration and phase out EU workers from the UK is going to mean several million less people renting in the UK - which could have big issues for home owners, people who own investment in property portfolios and especially landlords.

Of course its good news for people who don't own properties or have paid off the majority of their mortgage.


"One Nation Under God, has turned into One Nation Under the Influence of One Drug"

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Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 24 Jun 16 10.22am Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend

Originally posted by becky

Strangely, they are already up from the lowest point when it was realised that 'out' would win........

It was only traded on light volume. Those who wanted to stay up all night. The chances are there was nearly nobody bidding when it tanked so no surprises if loads of sellers come in it nosedives. Now everybody's woken up people are taking positions or having differng views.



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nickgusset Flag Shizzlehurst 24 Jun 16 10.26am

Originally posted by Cucking Funt

I think you underestimate people's intelligence. People voted based on experience and on what they see. The beauty of this referendum is that it completely transcended party politics and, personally, I don't think nearly as many people as you seem to believe were influenced by the shenanigans on both sides: in fact, I think it probably convinced them (if they still needed it) that politicians are a bunch of selfish, narcissistic w@nkers.

This result of this referendum wasn't just to give the EU the finger - it was to flip the bird at the entire political class. We should have them more often.

True to an extent, but there were still many who believed the hyperbole.

Still no sign of your assertion that the NHS claim was dismissed pre referendum...

I take it you concur with my last couple of paragraphs in that we need to pull together now the decision is made and look for the best way forward.

Edited by nickgusset (24 Jun 2016 10.27am)


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Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 24 Jun 16 10.26am Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend

Originally posted by Catfish

Does this mean we will be blackballed from the Eurovision Song Contest?

Proof some of the Eastern Europeans don't really like us. They vote for each other and never us. Funny that. We're ok to use to accelerate their personal and national financial capital by taking earnings home but when it comes to a favour it's all forgotten.



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Stuk Flag Top half 24 Jun 16 10.29am Send a Private Message to Stuk Add Stuk as a friend

Originally posted by nickgusset

Age analysis of how people voted.

Nonsense. Poll data, pre-referendum.

Please stop, the campaign is over.


Optimistic as ever

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Cucking Funt Flag Clapham on the Back 24 Jun 16 10.31am Send a Private Message to Cucking Funt Add Cucking Funt as a friend

Originally posted by nickgusset

True to an extent, but there were still many who believed the hyperbole.

Still no sign of your assertion that the NHS claim was dismissed pre referendum...

I take it you concur with my last couple of paragraphs in that we need to pull together now the decision is made and look for the best way forward.

Edited by nickgusset (24 Jun 2016 10.27am)

1. Define 'many'. Any figures you can supply?

2. The NHS claim was dropped, QED, the Leave campaign quietly dropped it after it was discredited. I certainly didn't see it resurface after that. Did you?

3. Couldn't agree more.


Wife beating may be socially acceptable in Sheffield, but it is a different matter in Cheltenham

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Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 24 Jun 16 10.32am Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend

Originally posted by nickgusset

Farage has said on Good Morning Britain today that £350 million won't be going to the NHS and that 'it was a mistake to say that'


The backtracking started before the official result had even been declared, with Nigel Farage saying the £350 million NHS claim was a ‘mistake’.

Official Leave campaign adverts on posters and buses claimed: ‘Let’s give our NHS the £350 million the EU takes every week’ and ‘We send the EU £350 million a week, let’s fund our NHS instead’.

But speaking on Good Morning Britain, the Ukip leader said he could not guarantee it would be possible and the Leave campaign should not have said it.

Susanna Reid, questioning him, asked: ‘That’s why many people have voted! You’re saying after 17 million people have voted for Leave – and that (advert) was a huge part of the propaganda.

What he said was:

1. He wasn't part of that side of the leave campaign.

2. The money saved there for a number of things. He included the NHS. This part has been left out.

What we will see in years to come are the lies told by Dave, George, all the debating group, Amber Rudd, the business leaders thinking only of short-term dividends in their 10 acre properties and to hell with the British people and the politicians whose only focus is GDP, not quality of life.



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