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FA Cup final tickets (details/buy/sell/swap)

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daven Flag Hailsham 20 May 16 2.06pm Send a Private Message to daven Add daven as a friend

I will be in sainsburys car park.


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FairweatherEagle Flag London 20 May 16 2.14pm Send a Private Message to FairweatherEagle Add FairweatherEagle as a friend

Originally posted by daven

I will be in sainsburys car park.

I'll be waiting for you.


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Fort Neef Flag 20 May 16 2.19pm Send a Private Message to Fort Neef Add Fort Neef as a friend

Still looking for the one ticket if there is one out there hiding! Been to every game in the cup run (minus Reading away) but haven’t been able to sort a final ticket as my family always sort out the booking.

More than happy to come and collect anywhere in and around London! Thanks in advance, would make my absolute year.


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ReichEagles Flag 20 May 16 2.24pm Send a Private Message to ReichEagles Add ReichEagles as a friend

Originally posted by ReichEagles

A mate has dropped out last minute so have a ticket in the lower tier behind the goal.

Cat 2 and he paid £87.50 for it so that's what it'll be sold for, seriously hate 'Palace fans' that have been selling for £200+.

PM if interested.

Sold. And I couldn't message everyone back as I got so many! Good luck everyone else.


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tazzer Flag Basingstoke 20 May 16 2.39pm Send a Private Message to tazzer Add tazzer as a friend

Originally posted by ReichEagles

Sold. And I couldn't message everyone back as I got so many! Good luck everyone else.

Thanks for letting us know, looks like it will be a trip there tomorrow without a ticket then


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Rangefinder Flag SE23 20 May 16 2.43pm Send a Private Message to Rangefinder Add Rangefinder as a friend

Originally posted by Charlie Croker

You can have mine - not much use now though . . .

Looks like I clearly had one too many last night!


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Rangefinder Flag SE23 20 May 16 2.47pm Send a Private Message to Rangefinder Add Rangefinder as a friend

Originally posted by Rangefinder

I have two Euro 2016 last 16 tickets for the game in Paris (England's game should they win their group) that'd I'd like to trade for a couple of FINAL tickets. Hit me up if your interested.



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royvanlier Flag 20 May 16 3.48pm Send a Private Message to royvanlier Add royvanlier as a friend

Anyone here interested in swapping my upper tier ticket for a lower tier one? I'm in 544, row 14.

Please PM me.


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SR2016FA Flag London 20 May 16 4.14pm Send a Private Message to SR2016FA Add SR2016FA as a friend

Hi would like to try and trade my behind goal ticket upper tier for a corner ticket lower! Willing to pay difference + beer


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sydtheeagle Flag England 20 May 16 4.15pm Send a Private Message to sydtheeagle Add sydtheeagle as a friend

This post has been merged from a topic called 'Reasons to be careful...' by Old Chap

Originally posted by rednblue4eva

Been seeing loads of posts from people offering tickets at exorbitant prices (and they only joined HOL on that day!).

Thought I'd check one out - at work 5 of us rang one that posted a phone number at different times yesterday. He agreed to sell all of us 4 tickets at £250 each - so that means he's got 20 tickets, or maybe not!

Initially wanted us to send money by Western Union transfer, when we all refused he's now agreed to meet us by a hotel in Wembley tomorrow - and we have to take cash

If he actually turns up would he have the tickets? I suspect if we had transferred money we would never see him or the tickets, and the number is probably a PAYG just for this

Not saying all offering tickets are touts, but I suspect a large number are. How would you feel if you'd parted with loads of cash & are left standing outside Wembley

Yeah but this guy isn't a tout. He's a rip-off merchant and there's a big difference. If he was a tout he'd want to sell you tickets for money and he wouldn't miss an opportunity to do that.


Sydenham by birth. Selhurst by the Grace of God.

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iheartcpfc Flag SE25 20 May 16 4.25pm Send a Private Message to iheartcpfc Add iheartcpfc as a friend

any Palace selling for more than FV are vermin

Edited by iheartcpfc (20 May 2016 4.25pm)


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barden Flag Kent 20 May 16 4.36pm Send a Private Message to barden Add barden as a friend


I'm getting desperate

May have to buy online and pay over the odds at this rate


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