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FA Cup final tickets (details/buy/sell/swap)

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bubble wrap Flag Carparks in South East London 09 May 16 10.57am

Originally posted by mr. apollo

Slovenia Dave and I are looking to sit in the same block anyone prepared to swap a block 132 for a 130, or a 130 for a 132?

Are you actually going to sit? Semi nearly everyone stood up, if its the same you can stand together anyway, We had mates in other blocks join us.


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bubble wrap Flag Carparks in South East London 09 May 16 10.59am

Originally posted by 10razaa

I just tried to buy some tickets and it says someone used my client reference to buy tickets already. Anyone know what I can do?

Are you linked with Friends/Family on your account?
If not would call See tickets and see who took it.


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eric youngs headband Flag amersham 09 May 16 11.33am Send a Private Message to eric youngs headband Add eric youngs headband as a friend

HI all,

I have 1 seat in block 128 which I need to swap for 2 seats anywhere in the ground - I am happy to pay£££ as well - so if you have 2 seats but are only 1 person and you want a great view - please PM me.

That will mean my 11year old son can come with me as he and his brother (who has a seat elsewhere) share a season ticket. eternal gratitude also on offer!



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kkeith123 Flag West Malling 09 May 16 11.33am Send a Private Message to kkeith123 Add kkeith123 as a friend

If you don't ask, you don't get...

anyone out there got a client reference that can be used today they are willing to sell? Genuine palace fan, got ticket already but need one for my financé.

Shameless request. Thanks in advance.
PM if you can help.


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paulkida Flag Nuneaton 09 May 16 11.39am Send a Private Message to paulkida Add paulkida as a friend

Still need another client reference or spare ticket,

Will pay if needed, name your price, I have two, just need another ticket for my dad



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eric youngs headband Flag amersham 09 May 16 11.46am Send a Private Message to eric youngs headband Add eric youngs headband as a friend

Originally posted by Michaelawt85

If I can get a ref number I run the very real risk of not being able to take my son. Bloody war three is about to happen in my house

same boat mate - i have got one son sorted as my 2 share a season ticket.. now for the 11 year old who cant sit on his own..

good luck to you and hope you get there


4 playoff finals, Claridge, Hopkin, Shipperley, Phillips....

Life's never dull!

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MichaelCPFC Flag Darlington, Up Norf! 09 May 16 11.48am Send a Private Message to MichaelCPFC Add MichaelCPFC as a friend

Same boat as everyone else.

I have my ticket as ST holder. Need one more at least to take my dad. Don't wanna add a sob story I'm a palace fan because of him and Its his birthday on Friday! Any help I have cash waiting


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jeeagles Flag 09 May 16 1.04pm

Originally posted by 10razaa

I just tried to buy some tickets and it says someone used my client reference to buy tickets already. Anyone know what I can do?

Contact the club, it should be easy for see tickets to work out who it was based on the postal and billing address.


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tillysosser Flag far far away 09 May 16 1.10pm Send a Private Message to tillysosser Add tillysosser as a friend

any one with a spare client ref so i can get a ticket for my best mate whos an ex season ticket holder

his bird just dumped him and is right in the dumps and would help heal his broken heart


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EagleEyedAlbert Flag ...too far north of the water. 09 May 16 1.25pm Send a Private Message to EagleEyedAlbert Add EagleEyedAlbert as a friend

Originally posted by tillysosser

any one with a spare client ref so i can get a ticket for my best mate whos an ex season ticket holder

his bird just dumped him and is right in the dumps and would help heal his broken heart would easier, quicker and probably cheaper to get him a stripper


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tillysosser Flag far far away 09 May 16 1.38pm Send a Private Message to tillysosser Add tillysosser as a friend

Originally posted by EagleEyedAlbert would easier, quicker and probably cheaper to get him a stripper

i did think of this lol but come on its the fa cup final we're talking about

4 top notch brasses at the same time wouldnt even come close compared to seeing palace lift the cup

Edited by tillysosser (09 May 2016 1.39pm)


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yapton eagle Flag yapton west sussex nr bognor regi... 09 May 16 1.48pm Send a Private Message to yapton eagle Add yapton eagle as a friend

Am hopeing there is someone out there that can help me need a ticket for the game or a client ref number if anyone can help i would be extremly grateful dont mind buying lots of beer in return.


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