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Little things in life . . . .

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-always-an-eagle- Flag Hampshire 24 Jan 16 6.29pm Send a Private Message to -always-an-eagle- Add -always-an-eagle- as a friend

Little things in life that annoy you.

I'll get the ball rolling with something that has just happened to me.
When you go to peel off the film on a ready meal and it just peels around the rim!


Theres Only One Darren Pitcher

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lankygit Flag Lincoln 26 Jan 16 12.07am Send a Private Message to lankygit Add lankygit as a friend

I`ve had one or two ring pulls snap instead of opening drink cans over the years.
Farkin annoying.


Is this a five minute argument, or the full half hour? [Link]

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palace777 Flag belfast 26 Jan 16 12.14am Send a Private Message to palace777 Add palace777 as a friend

People who cook ready meals!


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gambler Flag Kent 26 Jan 16 12.33am Send a Private Message to gambler Add gambler as a friend

t***s that go to a football match then proceed to cough and sneeze for 90 minutes resulting in me now having caught a bloody cold off the selfish barsteward. Oh and the same bloke constantly referring to Wayne Hennessy as "Wayno". f***ing prick.


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bubble wrap Flag Carparks in South East London 26 Jan 16 2.29pm

People that talk very loudly on their mobile phones and continue to do so whilst walking around shops and then at the tills , Them is rude c***s.


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Andy_G Flag Wimbledon 26 Jan 16 2.36pm Send a Private Message to Andy_G Add Andy_G as a friend

People who drive down a right filter lane then push their way into the queuing left lane traffic.....f**king selfish b*****ds. South Wimbledon I'm talking about you!


The ups and downs of Palace have left me older than my years

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Part Time James Flag 26 Jan 16 4.43pm Send a Private Message to Part Time James Add Part Time James as a friend

When I ejaculate into a condom whilst putting it on.


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doi209 Flag Fighting for the weak and innocent... 27 Jan 16 11.53am Send a Private Message to doi209 Add doi209 as a friend

Originally posted by Andy_G

People who drive down a right filter lane then push their way into the queuing left lane traffic.....f**king selfish b*****ds. South Wimbledon I'm talking about you!

It's called 'merging in turn'. Why have one long queue when merging reduces the backlog ? It is recommended.

What I don't like is drivers who don't know how to drive considerately.


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npn Flag Crowborough 27 Jan 16 12.26pm Send a Private Message to npn Add npn as a friend

People who walk while staring at their phones (be aware, I will happily walk into you, and I'm 90% likely to be bigger than you).

People who get into lifts, stand in the door, and then seem surprised when you need them to move so you can get out at your floor.

People who get onto tubes, stand by the door, and then make a pathetic half step out of your way when you're getting off - just get off the f**king train, let me out then get back on if it's so important to you to be standing by the door.



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Charlie Croker Flag Hampshire 27 Jan 16 1.45pm Send a Private Message to Charlie Croker Add Charlie Croker as a friend

Anyone that writes "could of/would of" instead of would have/could have.

Tailgating on the motorway when I'm already at 80mph - pull back you b*stards.

Chuggers (just f*ck off).

There are many more - but I'm starting to sound like a right grumpy old c*nt.


“My experience of life is that it is not divided up into genres; it’s a horrifying, romantic, tragic, comical, science-fiction cowboy detective novel. You know, with a bit of pornography if you’re lucky."

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mr. apollo Flag Somewhere in Switzerland 27 Jan 16 2.56pm Send a Private Message to mr. apollo Add mr. apollo as a friend

Children in planes and restaurants





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jimruss Flag Sidcup 27 Jan 16 3.32pm Send a Private Message to jimruss Add jimruss as a friend

Drivers that don't indicate.

People that walk around like zombies staring at their phones.

People that use the words amazeballs and bruv.

That fat cvnt Gemma from Towie and CBB.


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