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Android box

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SullivannnCPFC Flag Romford, Essex 04 Nov 15 7.05am Send a Private Message to SullivannnCPFC Add SullivannnCPFC as a friend

Looking to get an Android box, mainly for sport but other channels will be a bonus!

Any idea where I can get one? Preferably pre set up as I don't have a clue about these things! How much am I looking at for these?


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Yohan Cabaye, Yohan Cabaye, Yohan Cabaaaaye

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becky Flag over the moon 04 Nov 15 8.20am Send a Private Message to becky Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add becky as a friend


We've just got one of these (after a total nightmare with a Matricom one).

Pre-loaded is often not a help as it may not be pre-loaded with what you actually want. If you look on youtube there are dozens of videos showing you exactly how to set one up - and if I as an old woman can follow them and do it, it should be no problem for you!

Basically we just loaded the fusion and metalkettle repos, which give us seemingly every film ever made via Genesis, and all the sports via international tv on Phoenix tv.

Hope this helps!


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dannyb1 Flag Chichester 04 Nov 15 11.05am Send a Private Message to dannyb1 Add dannyb1 as a friend

Like Becky has said get yourself an unloaded box and then install kodi on it (it really ain't that hard) then either find repos yourself (gorilla streams, vdubt25, UK turks, etc) or get a build (which is a layout preconfigured with repos) currently I am using kings build v4 which has all the repos mentioned plus more in a dedicated sub menu system.

Apparently these M8 boxes [Link] are very popular among the kodi community.

And here is a good website for novices with guides to setting up the most popular repository's [Link]


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dannyb1 Flag Chichester 04 Nov 15 11.07am Send a Private Message to dannyb1 Add dannyb1 as a friend

Oh and if you do get one get it with a keyboard as it's a ballache using the remote to type repo locations on my fire stick.


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becky Flag over the moon 04 Nov 15 7.01pm Send a Private Message to becky Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add becky as a friend

Quote dannyb1 at 04 Nov 2015 11.05am

Like Becky has said get yourself an unloaded box and then install kodi on it (it really ain't that hard) then either find repos yourself (gorilla streams, vdubt25, UK turks, etc) or get a build (which is a layout preconfigured with repos) currently I am using kings build v4 which has all the repos mentioned plus more in a dedicated sub menu system.

Apparently these M8 boxes [Link] are very popular among the kodi community.

And here is a good website for novices with guides to setting up the most popular repository's [Link]

The one I linked to comes with all the main things already loaded - Playstore, kodi, Google and about 30 other things. Just had to load the repos into kodi and we were away.


A stairway to Heaven and a Highway to Hell give some indication of expected traffic numbers

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dannyh Flag wherever I lay my hat....... 04 Nov 15 8.38pm Send a Private Message to dannyh Add dannyh as a friend

Quote SullivannnCPFC at 04 Nov 2015 7.05am

Looking to get an Android box, mainly for sport but other channels will be a bonus!

Any idea where I can get one? Preferably pre set up as I don't have a clue about these things! How much am I looking at for these?

Amazon. M8 box with keyboard with Kodi preloaded should be about 50-60 quid


"It's not the bullet that's got my name on it that concerns me; it's all them other ones flyin' around marked 'To Whom It May Concern.'"

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joe_cpfc Flag Basingstoke 04 Nov 15 8.47pm Send a Private Message to joe_cpfc Add joe_cpfc as a friend

Wouldn't bother.Not many channels ever work on it.Decent for sport I suppose if you have the right add ons but if your looking for a Sky, Virgin etc replacement you'll be disapointed.I've got Kodi installed on the laptop now purely for sport and just hook it up to the tele for Palace games.


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dannyh Flag wherever I lay my hat....... 04 Nov 15 9.06pm Send a Private Message to dannyh Add dannyh as a friend

Quote joe_cpfc at 04 Nov 2015 8.47pm

Wouldn't bother.Not many channels ever work on it.Decent for sport I suppose if you have the right add ons but if your looking for a Sky, Virgin etc replacement you'll be disapointed.I've got Kodi installed on the laptop now purely for sport and just hook it up to the tele for Palace games.

You must be doing something wrong mate, I've got the box and I get all the sky channels and about a million film channels ?


"It's not the bullet that's got my name on it that concerns me; it's all them other ones flyin' around marked 'To Whom It May Concern.'"

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stayloa Flag Beckenham 04 Nov 15 9.25pm Send a Private Message to stayloa Add stayloa as a friend

Plenty of superb reliable paid services too...!


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joe_cpfc Flag Basingstoke 04 Nov 15 10.00pm Send a Private Message to joe_cpfc Add joe_cpfc as a friend

Quote dannyh at 04 Nov 2015 9.06pm

Quote joe_cpfc at 04 Nov 2015 8.47pm

Wouldn't bother.Not many channels ever work on it.Decent for sport I suppose if you have the right add ons but if your looking for a Sky, Virgin etc replacement you'll be disapointed.I've got Kodi installed on the laptop now purely for sport and just hook it up to the tele for Palace games.

You must be doing something wrong mate, I've got the box and I get all the sky channels and about a million film channels ?

What do you find is the best add on for the sky channels? I had the epg with iptv stalker but then that went down and I followed a million YouTube videos but everything I tried never seemed to work.Have you got all your channels in sky style guide too?


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Irish_Eagle Flag Belfast 04 Nov 15 11.57pm Send a Private Message to Irish_Eagle Add Irish_Eagle as a friend

for sky channels I use an app called uktv now, they have facebook page but they have ad popups but get around them by using adguard apk

Daughter got preloaded mxq box on ebay for about £35 works great

Edited by Irish_Eagle (05 Nov 2015 12.01am)

Edited by Irish_Eagle (05 Nov 2015 12.03am)


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farms Flag Thailand / England 05 Nov 15 12.04am

If you go on they are selling one for twenty pounds.


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