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How do you think you will die?

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martin2412 Flag Living The Dream 15 Sep 15 7.40pm Send a Private Message to martin2412 Add martin2412 as a friend

Quote Hoof Hearted at 15 Sep 2015 6.36pm

Thanks for all your lovely responses.

I'm good for a couple of seasons yet though.

I'm more worried about Bob (KDOTW) and his high dive from the scaffold into a tin of paint.

Overall it's the most spectacular demise suggested so far.

Sorry to hear about your condition Hoof. Take it easy. As far as Bob's concerned don't worry. He'll be all white.


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Chirrup Flag Berkshire 15 Sep 15 8.20pm Send a Private Message to Chirrup Add Chirrup as a friend

Good luck HH - must be a rotten thing to live with.

With my lifestyle and family history I'll almost certainly succumb to cancer at a relatively young age.


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kevpofcpfc Flag 15 Sep 15 8.32pm Send a Private Message to kevpofcpfc Add kevpofcpfc as a friend

All the best Hoof:

For me Alcohol poisoning or a broken heart, which ever comes first.


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Lofty3rgj 15 Sep 15 9.04pm Send a Private Message to Lofty3rgj Add Lofty3rgj as a friend

Quote Hoof Hearted at 15 Sep 2015 11.15am

I have Parkinson's disease which is slowly taking hold and affecting my mobility, balance, ability to swallow, joints are seizing up etc.

I hope something comes along to curtail my longevity as my life will eventually become a living hell.

I'm too scared for the Dignitas solution right now though.

Wow, that's a huge sh1t sandwich you've been given Chris . Hopefully something will come along to help you.
I think I will go out in a blaze of glory, with an AK47 on full auto, trying to get away from suicideatselhurst & dannyh in the Arthur toilets, you know what they say about The Queens...
Here is a photo of them getting ready for another outing...


You're asking me what it's all about, and I can't tell you because I don't know what's going on myself.

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collier row eagle Flag romford essex via another galaxy 15 Sep 15 10.01pm Send a Private Message to collier row eagle Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add collier row eagle as a friend

Suicide........ Is it painless ?


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Ouzo Dan Flag Behind you 15 Sep 15 10.38pm Send a Private Message to Ouzo Dan Add Ouzo Dan as a friend

Sorry to hear that hoof, fight on fella

Edited by Ouzo Dan (15 Sep 2015 10.39pm)


The mountains are calling & I must go.

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Harpo Flag Oxfordshire 15 Sep 15 11.57pm Send a Private Message to Harpo Add Harpo as a friend

Quote collier row eagle at 15 Sep 2015 10.01pm

Suicide........ Is it painless ?

It brings on many changes.

Me... I'm going to be killed by a piano... it falls from an upper floor of a tower block.

HH, I too am speechless. Doesn't happen
very often. On occasions like this, words just can't convey what I think.


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7@burnley79 Flag Battersea 15 Sep 15 11.57pm Send a Private Message to 7@burnley79 Add 7@burnley79 as a friend

Bloody ell Hoof..... sorry to hear that pal...
Cant think of anything witty now. Yet again youve gone a trumped me... Barsteward...


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iheartcpfc Flag SE25 16 Sep 15 12.13am Send a Private Message to iheartcpfc Add iheartcpfc as a friend

hopefully when I'm not expecting it in a way that's as painless as possible. This may or may not be down to my fear of death and the small existential crisis's I've had because of said fear

all the best Hoof


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Vaibow Flag vancouver/croydon 16 Sep 15 2.52am Send a Private Message to Vaibow Add Vaibow as a friend

Most likely Cancer, knowing my luck - something stupid too like throat cancer - unrelated to my lifestyle.

But, honestly, i feel like i will be wearing a tin foil hot as as a nuke bomb drops and wipes us out Terminator style as Aliens invade.

I will have a smug face - told ya so!


This was once a quality forum....

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Frickin Saweet Flag South Cronx 16 Sep 15 9.10am Send a Private Message to Frickin Saweet Add Frickin Saweet as a friend

Quote rob1969 at 31 Aug 2015 9.35pm

No idea how - but quite quickly & painlessly I hope.

When - not before I see Palace do the double - that should guarantee me another few!

Relegation and administration in the same season? It's not impossible


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Hoof Hearted 16 Sep 15 9.58am

Steady guys.... you're getting me choked up!

You'll know when I've really deteriorated - I'll start posting bollocks on here.

It's happening now isn't it?


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