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we need to belive and trust in TP and CPFC2010

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ludwig Flag sutton 10 May 14 4.49pm Send a Private Message to ludwig Add ludwig as a friend

...apart from the obvious, keeping us in the prem.

he has now stopped talking about "this" club and now refers to it as "our" club, and we now have someone who has the vision to help transform and upgrade the club to cope with the modern game.

the next transfer window could be the biggest in our top flight (1st div. and prem.) history.

if we attract the right sort of players it could set us up for years to come, not only in talent on the pitch but in stature/profile within the league...not forgetting the money for staying in the top flight.

BUT we have to trust him and CPFC2010, it will mean some fan's favorites being sold or loaned out, it may even mean people not getting contracts re-newed.

it will be easy for some to say the clubs lost the plot after the hard work by some players over the last few is a business and we cant be too sentimental if we want to keep moving forwards rather than just surviving...


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Willo Flag South coast - west of Brighton. 10 May 14 4.58pm Send a Private Message to Willo Add Willo as a friend

Quote ludwig at 10 May 2014 4.49pm

football is a business and we cant be too sentimental if we want to keep moving forwards rather than just surviving...

It's all about the football club and NO individual is bigger than the club. I am sure decisions will be taken in the best interests of the club as a whole.We have to build on our achievements not only ON the pitch but we have to build OFF it as well. Standing still is not an option and I trust CPFC2010 to take this club even further.


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Eagle_SA Flag Just outside Cape Town 10 May 14 5.57pm Send a Private Message to Eagle_SA Add Eagle_SA as a friend

We've had a tough time since Noades sold our beloved Palace to Goldberg, shafting him and us long suffering fans at the same time.

Thankfully we now find our club being run by fans who are also savvy businessmen. For me this is a win win situation. SP & co are passionate about Palace but have also lived through the Goldberg and Jordan nonsense and I'm sure they have learnt a lot from those jokers. I'm always thrilled to hear about the financial model they've put in place and at the end of the day they won't compromise it for greedy players or managers.

I believe that SP's dealings with TP are and will continue to be based on wanting to maintain the financial model whilst doing the best to promote our great club. As such I'm convinced that neither will let petty things like personality clashes interrupt their plans.

SP is no idiot, and he will recognise that TP's recent comments about the club needing an upgrade in all areas was simply TP speaking the truth and I'm sure SP & co would agree with TP.

Onwards and upwards for the might Palace, we will soar like eagles one day very soon!

Edited by Eagle_SA (10 May 2014 5.58pm)


And I see signs of half remembered days, I hear bells that chime in strange familiar ways

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Mangopablo Flag south LONDON 10 May 14 6.29pm Send a Private Message to Mangopablo Add Mangopablo as a friend

Quote ludwig at 10 May 2014 4.49pm

...apart from the obvious, keeping us in the prem.

he has now stopped talking about "this" club and now refers to it as "our" club, and we now have someone who has the vision to help transform and upgrade the club to cope with the modern game.

the next transfer window could be the biggest in our top flight (1st div. and prem.) history.

if we attract the right sort of players it could set us up for years to come, not only in talent on the pitch but in stature/profile within the league...not forgetting the money for staying in the top flight.

BUT we have to trust him and CPFC2010, it will mean some fan's favorites being sold or loaned out, it may even mean people not getting contracts re-newed.

it will be easy for some to say the clubs lost the plot after the hard work by some players over the last few is a business and we cant be too sentimental if we want to keep moving forwards rather than just surviving...

This is harsh but true. Would be very sorry to see Jules, DD or FFS leave though...


"The course of true love never did run smooth"

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Seth Flag On a pale blue dot 10 May 14 6.32pm Send a Private Message to Seth Add Seth as a friend

Quote Willo at 10 May 2014 4.58pm

Standing still is not an option and I trust CPFC2010 to take this club even further.

Absolutely willo. Sitting still is a far better course of action.


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davehuggins Flag 10 May 14 6.39pm Send a Private Message to davehuggins Add davehuggins as a friend

Great thread and a lot of very good points, we all must believe and trust in 2010 we could have some very good times ahead of us.


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grinstead Flag 10 May 14 9.33pm Send a Private Message to grinstead Add grinstead as a friend

Agree that there have been some very good comments here.
Totally agree that we must trust TP and CPFC2010.
One note is how may people in Ron Noades position and were offered the money Mark Goldberg was willing to spend would have turned it down.
I liked Ron for all that he did for our club as highlighted at the Player of the Year Awards, he was always approachable and gave you a straight answer.
But some still hate him for selling the club to Goldberg which in hindsight I don't think Ron would have done.
Simon Jordan was always chasing ways to support the club but kept losing the plot.
Steve, Jeremy, Martin and Steve have the club at heart being long time supporters.
And how many clubs directors, especially the two Steve's, interact on social websites as much as they do even with the abuse the sometimes receive.
With TP's experience of building the model which is now Stoke City, an established Premiership Club, his vision for upgrading our club alongside SP is to be embraced.
There may be some heart break on the way as loved players are released and possibly some unpopular players are taken on, how many raised an eyebrow over Chamakh ? But if it all benefits our beloved club and establishes us as in the Premiership then so be it.


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lankygit Flag Lincoln 10 May 14 9.50pm Send a Private Message to lankygit Add lankygit as a friend

In response to thread title,I think most of us do ludwig.

Edited by lankygit (10 May 2014 9.51pm)


Is this a five minute argument, or the full half hour? [Link]

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