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Colonel Gadaffi to buy Palace?

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coolboard Flag hove, down among the scum! 17 Jul 04 9.38am Send a Private Message to coolboard Add coolboard as a friend

all of a sudden sj's a god, as many of have said before better the devil u know


the art of being a palace fan is; To always belive it will happen but remember it probably won't!

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Clive Flag Chester 17 Jul 04 9.40am Send a Private Message to Clive Add Clive as a friend

Quote maltaeagle at 17 Jul 2004 9:33am

just for clarification's sake there has been no opression and no genocide in Libja. Gadaffi's money comes from it's vast oil revenues.

Ok, accept that point but surely the revenue from oil belongs to the Libian people, not Gadafy personaly. Anyway I don't want to get too politial on this site but I also have a feeling that no matter how good Gadafy's publicity machine is the tabloid press would make mincemeat of Palace and its fans, not to mention the reaction of all the away supporters and the effect on the players.

Edited by Clive (17 Jul 2004 9:41am)


There used to be a recruitment ad for the Met with the tag line: "Dull it isn't"
Support Palace: "DULL IT ISN'T"

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MOOONERS Flag MILTON KEYNES 17 Jul 04 9.41am Send a Private Message to MOOONERS Add MOOONERS as a friend

the only colonel i like is the colonel who cooks me chicken!!!



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Oz Eagle 2 Flag 17 Jul 04 9.41am Send a Private Message to Oz Eagle 2 Add Oz Eagle 2 as a friend

Gadaffi (or however you want to spell it,) is one of the richest and possibly most mental people in the world. His son plays in the Italian second division (I don't remember which club, but he also happens to be the national team captain) and daddy nearly bought that club too. On a more interesting note about the man in the tent, he said he would not give homes to his family until the whole of Libya was properly housed. There remain only two people homeless in the whole country; his in-laws!!! Plus, he always travels with an army of women in combat fatigues, so at least the stewards would look great.


First of the gang with a gun in his hand....

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dom the exiled eagle Flag Bedford 17 Jul 04 9.44am Send a Private Message to dom the exiled eagle Add dom the exiled eagle as a friend

hed probably put snipers on top of the holmesdale to pick out the other teams best players


Red 'n' Blue army

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Northern Eagle Flag Shoreham by Sea, West Sussex 17 Jul 04 9.45am Send a Private Message to Northern Eagle Add Northern Eagle as a friend

Quote MOOONERS at 17 Jul 2004 9:41am

the only colonel i like is the colonel who cooks me chicken!!!

Seriously, dude. That is not chicken.

On Gadafy: I almost fell off my chair this morning when I heard it on the news.

This is a joke, right?

Brings a whole new meaning to Palace til I die!


Sky Television.
Run by W@NKERS, for W@NKERS!

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CiderEagle Flag I'm an Englishman in Newport 17 Jul 04 9.47am Send a Private Message to CiderEagle Add CiderEagle as a friend

Quote Glaswegian Eagle at 17 Jul 2004 8:47am

I will not support Palce if Gadaffi is in charge. I will not give my money to someone who has murdered innocent people. The man has blood on his hands.

This is a very very bad idea.

I couldn't agree more, and I am absolutely disgusted by people who say they aren't bothered about where the money comes from as long as it takes "the club" forward. There are more important things than football.


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yellabubs Flag Sheffield 17 Jul 04 9.49am Send a Private Message to yellabubs Add yellabubs as a friend

I'm ashamed reading some of the comments here.

Gadaffi has blood on his hands. He is a terrorist and a murderer and whilst world leaders may have to deal with him in the interests of future world peace, we do not.

If your mother, father, son or daughter was one of those killed in Lockerbie how would you feel when your countrymen turn around and say they are willing to forgive the man behind it if it means their football team becomes big and successful? Get a life people. Your shallowness and ignorance is embarrassing.


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Northern Eagle Flag Shoreham by Sea, West Sussex 17 Jul 04 10.01am Send a Private Message to Northern Eagle Add Northern Eagle as a friend

I kind of have to agree with the sentiments of those opposed to Gadafy. This is his way of getting on the good side of the international community, and coming in from the cold.

Though reading The Guardian this morning, it (hopefully) looks like Simon Jordan will be looking at the proposal from a fan and business mans point of view.

BUT. It still does not disguise the fact that Gadafy has some serious past issues that a lot of people are against. And as someone who has had not direct dealings or experiance its kind of hard to cut between the money for teh club, and who the club comes from.

But you gotta think with the head sometimes, and personally, apart from the money (which'll run out in 2020, like ALL THE OIL IN THE WORLD), what can Gadafy give to the club?

It does annoy me though that because we've finally got this club back where it belongs, with a good manager, a good squad of players, which is being improved, great club ethics, great work rate, etc. Palace are suddenly ripe for the picking and COULD be like chelski, and have dirty money laundered through it.


Sky Television.
Run by W@NKERS, for W@NKERS!

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maltaeagle 17 Jul 04 10.02am Send a Private Message to maltaeagle Add maltaeagle as a friend

link please

Quote yellabubs at 17 Jul 2004 9:49am

I'm ashamed reading some of the comments here.

Gadaffi has blood on his hands. He is a terrorist and a murderer and whilst world leaders may have to deal with him in the interests of future world peace, we do not.

If your mother, father, son or daughter was one of those killed in Lockerbie how would you feel when your countrymen turn around and say they are willing to forgive the man behind it if it means their football team becomes big and successful? Get a life people. Your shallowness and ignorance is embarrassing.


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minty Flag New Eltham / Norwich 17 Jul 04 10.03am Send a Private Message to minty Add minty as a friend

Quote maltaeagle at 17 Jul 2004 9:33am

just for clarification's sake there has been no opression and no genocide in Libja. Gadaffi's money comes from it's vast oil revenues. Also past terrorist acts have been committed by agents/fundamentalists in Libja and there has never been a proven case of Gaddafi sanctioning terrorism. Gadaffis involvement would indeed be negative for Palace with all these connections, but at the end of the day money talks and I am sure in time Gadaffis publicity team would iron this problem out. Personally and I mean personally if this goes ahead and passes through the FA then I believe Palace will gain from it. btw I am from Croydon and have no sentiments with my neighbour

er hello agents killing people and no proof of dictators envolvment sounds all to simillar to a certain slabadam melosovich. You have to remeber 20 years ago this guy was the equivlant of saddam hussain at the moment only diffrence is this guy stills walks around freely.

His bid can only be for his own personall intrest as he has no love or passion for the club. Just throwing money at us is not the answer. I know many people will think this man will be another roman abranovich but he wont be. Palace will be a lot worse off and enter a very dark period of time

gafdii should keep well aay


*Nothing Gold can stay*

We've all been bitten
We've all been shot down
We've all been beaten, battered, bruised, told to get down



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buzzby Flag West Sussex 17 Jul 04 10.03am Send a Private Message to buzzby Add buzzby as a friend

His son was on Perugia's books, i think he played one game for them. And the chap who posted on here saying he would go to another stadium (Southampton)than support Palace, well you can't be a true supporter


rub a dub dub who's buying the next round in the Pub?

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