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Colonel Gadaffi to buy Palace?

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tokyopaul Flag Tokyo 17 Jul 04 7.12am Send a Private Message to tokyopaul Add tokyopaul as a friend

From my own point of view Gadaffi coming to our club wouldn't sit right with my morals.

I think of more importance is that Iain Dowie seems to be a man with morals too and I can't see him staying if the dictator got his hands on palace.

Make your choice Ian Dowie or Gadaffi.

I know which is my choice.


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coolboard Flag hove, down among the scum! 17 Jul 04 7.17am Send a Private Message to coolboard Add coolboard as a friend

gadaffi's red and blue army? now that would put the fear of god up any away fans, no one would f*** wiv us. the old song 10 men went to war etc..
and those people who say they won't come to palace again... you may not have a choice attendence may be compulsery..
well blair shook his hand a while back so that confirms he's in league wiv the devil!
never a dull moment at the palace,just gotta ride the waves..what a club this is, i love em.

(honest mr gadaffi)


the art of being a palace fan is; To always belive it will happen but remember it probably won't!

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minty Flag New Eltham / Norwich 17 Jul 04 7.33am Send a Private Message to minty Add minty as a friend


am i the only one who thinks this is a ree bad idea??


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We've all been shot down
We've all been beaten, battered, bruised, told to get down



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Billy_the_Eagle Flag Getting ready to freeze in UK 17 Jul 04 7.51am Send a Private Message to Billy_the_Eagle Add Billy_the_Eagle as a friend

What do you think would happen when he meets Uncle Ron and his "AGENT" Ken to discuss the freehold on Selhurst Park?
The mind boggles.


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twistedeagle Flag Royal Maidenhead 17 Jul 04 8.19am Send a Private Message to twistedeagle Add twistedeagle as a friend

Personally I think this is a great idea. A club may only get one chance to get HUGE investment like this, and they gotta take it if available! I too am uneasy about Gadaffi's past record, but Libya has moved on and opened up more the West and pretty much has an endorsement from our own Government.

Maybe I am just looking at it from the money point of view, but if he doesn't invest in us, he'll just go elsewhere and let some other team have good times!!

Also the main point... Who in their right mind would try and f**k us over with him in charge? lol. Sorry, £125k SFX? Maybe u should reconsider.


If at first you don't succeed, don't try skydiving


Slough's not that bad really!

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Cosy Slippers Flag Croydon 17 Jul 04 8.21am Send a Private Message to Cosy Slippers Add Cosy Slippers as a friend

I heard Five Live discussing Gadaffi's bid last night. Speaking as someone who is towards the left of the political spectrum, it is interesting that someone who stood up to the might of the US in the 1980's could end up owning Palace. He appears to be back in favour with the international community.
Blair even called him "statesmanlike and courageous" recently. Also, the UN put him in charge of a Human Rights commission.
VERY IMPORTANT THING TO REMEMBER: Gadaffi would be stupid to purchase a club that may finish bottom of the table. He is a proud man and if this would happen, his status in Libya would drop.


All roads of dance music lead to Tech house.

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Cosy Slippers Flag Croydon 17 Jul 04 8.24am Send a Private Message to Cosy Slippers Add Cosy Slippers as a friend

This post has been merged from a topic called 'Quote from Gaddafi's Green Book.' by jcreedy

"Sport is like praying, eating, and the feeling of warmth and coolness. The thousands who crowd stadiums to view, applaud and laugh are those foolish people who have failed to carry out the activity themselves. They line up on the shelves of the sports grounds, practising lethargy."


All roads of dance music lead to Tech house.

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North Hants Eagle Flag Fleet 17 Jul 04 8.26am Send a Private Message to North Hants Eagle Add North Hants Eagle as a friend

All we need now is the guy form Norbury with his tank turning up at games again.

Then there is the question as to where the Colonel will be sticking his tent up?

Contract negotiations will be interesting "sign and I will let you live"

Well as somebody has already said on here "It could only happen to Palace"


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misaps Flag in a chair in my study 17 Jul 04 8.44am Send a Private Message to misaps Add misaps as a friend

He must be trying to buy into football to boost Libiya's bid for a world cup to be held in their country. This cannot be a good thing for us.

The only good I can see coming from this are quite a few refeering decisions going our way! I mean which c**t in black is going to award a free kick against us with that dictating t**t in the stands?!?!?!?!?

Edited by misaps (17 Jul 2004 8:46am)


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Glaswegian Eagle Flag Hornsby Heights NSW 17 Jul 04 8.47am Send a Private Message to Glaswegian Eagle Add Glaswegian Eagle as a friend

I will not support Palce if Gadaffi is in charge. I will not give my money to someone who has murdered innocent people. The man has blood on his hands.

This is a very very bad idea.


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Clive Flag Chester 17 Jul 04 9.22am Send a Private Message to Clive Add Clive as a friend

I, too, would have great difficulty with this. Even if Gadafy has apologised etc, ask yourself this. Where does his money come from? Most dictators are only rich on the backs of the people they opress. Dodgy regimes like his can use all the spin they like but nothing can hide the fact that their wealth is only gained at the expense of the ordinary people of that country. Is it right that money made in this way should be used to fund Palace.
I love my football but my personal moral code would not allow me to support this move.
Lets hope SJ see sense and stays on.
He does say in the Guardian article:
"I have a responsibility to Palace and I take that very seriously but I also have the right to leave. I wouldn't do it in a manner detrimental to the club. Whether I go tomorrow or in 10 years time, I will always make sure the Club's best interests are served"
Please Stay Simon!


There used to be a recruitment ad for the Met with the tag line: "Dull it isn't"
Support Palace: "DULL IT ISN'T"

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maltaeagle 17 Jul 04 9.33am Send a Private Message to maltaeagle Add maltaeagle as a friend

just for clarification's sake there has been no opression and no genocide in Libja. Gadaffi's money comes from it's vast oil revenues. Also past terrorist acts have been committed by agents/fundamentalists in Libja and there has never been a proven case of Gaddafi sanctioning terrorism. Gadaffis involvement would indeed be negative for Palace with all these connections, but at the end of the day money talks and I am sure in time Gadaffis publicity team would iron this problem out. Personally and I mean personally if this goes ahead and passes through the FA then I believe Palace will gain from it. btw I am from Croydon and have no sentiments with my neighbour


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