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jules save

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adrian b Flag Landrindod, Wales 08 Feb 14 11.13pm Send a Private Message to adrian b Add adrian b as a friend

Quote cpj at 08 Feb 2014 11.06pm

Quote 7@burnley79 at 08 Feb 2014 10.18pm

world class save. If they scored to make it 2-2 we could easily have lost. Speroni saved us today and good for him with Henny breathing down his neck now.
Pleased for him

And if he hadn't been beaten quite so easily at his near post for their goal, we wouldn't have been in that situation!

If goalkeepers were only judged on the goals they conceded no one would ever be selected to play any games. It's a rediculous concept and never the meter for how a goalie is assessed. Lets hope Jules gets into the Argy squad if he can't get qualified for England


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Rachid Rachid Rachid Flag 08 Feb 14 11.53pm Send a Private Message to Rachid Rachid Rachid Add Rachid Rachid Rachid as a friend


You ain't the full are you ?

Give it up


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merganser Flag 09 Feb 14 12.05am Send a Private Message to merganser Add merganser as a friend

Jules always plays better in green. Please get rid of the grey and yellow tops.


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Mr Fenandes Flag 09 Feb 14 12.14am Send a Private Message to Mr Fenandes Add Mr Fenandes as a friend

Quote adrian b at 08 Feb 2014 11.13pm

Quote cpj at 08 Feb 2014 11.06pm

Quote 7@burnley79 at 08 Feb 2014 10.18pm

world class save. If they scored to make it 2-2 we could easily have lost. Speroni saved us today and good for him with Henny breathing down his neck now.
Pleased for him

And if he hadn't been beaten quite so easily at his near post for their goal, we wouldn't have been in that situation!

If goalkeepers were only judged on the goals they conceded no one would ever be selected to play any games. It's a rediculous concept and never the meter for how a goalie is assessed. Lets hope Jules gets into the Argy squad if he can't get qualified for England

A keeper shouldn't really be beaten at his near post, but my word what a goal. World class belter of a finish, even in slo-mo I can't figure out how it went in. Limited blame for Speroni there, more than made up with a string of great goalkeeping.


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GBsPalace Flag 09 Feb 14 1.43am Send a Private Message to GBsPalace Add GBsPalace as a friend

Quote 7@burnley79 at 08 Feb 2014 10.18pm

world class save. If they scored to make it 2-2 we could easily have lost. Speroni saved us today and good for him with Henny breathing down his neck now.
Pleased for him

exactly world class save from a world class player in my opinion! need to be given a new contract asap!


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cornwalls palace Flag Torpoint 09 Feb 14 2.50am

Quote cpj at 08 Feb 2014 11.06pm

Quote 7@burnley79 at 08 Feb 2014 10.18pm

world class save. If they scored to make it 2-2 we could easily have lost. Speroni saved us today and good for him with Henny breathing down his neck now.
Pleased for him

And if he hadn't been beaten quite so easily at his near post for their goal, we wouldn't have been in that situation!

...he is not Steven Frayne!


.......has our coach driver done a Poo'yet, without thinking about Gus!

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