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Old school Arthur Waite

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jelholyoake Flag 20 Aug 10 10.28pm

I originally titled this 'surge' to give some of the 'smalls' on here an idea of what it was like to stand in the 'Arthur' when it was legal to pretty much do what you wanted to do for 2 hours. The stand had the first third from front to back-terrace. There was then a wall around 8 feet high up to the first seats.
The days when it was legal to jump around like a loon and literally go mental when Palace scored. 30 yards from the triangle of away fans (in the terraced Holmesdale Road end) we would leap on each other, the bloke next to you and eventually in the resulting melee, the bloke who 20 seconds before was standing 20 yards away.
A near miss/bad tackle would result in a mini surge, where any small at the front would have his breath taken away as he was temporarily squashed against the railings at the front.
If a fight kicked off there was the backward surge from those who 'bricked it', then the surge back towards the trouble from guys who wanted to 'have it'. Sometimes you were just picked up and carried whatever way the majority of the crowd wanted to go. It was always easy to get into an away end, but we soon sussed out who the 'foriegners' were amongst us. 9 times out of 10 there was a 15 second punch up, then 'ginge' and the boys in blue would jump in and batter everyone senseless, drag you by the collar/hair/ear up the stairs and kick you in the arse-out into the street. Sometimes this wasn't good as behind the Arthur was where the away coaches were parked and any victims (bashed up and) chucked out by the Old Bill were either joining Northern friends or wanting to kick the crap out of you.
It was not uncommon to have an apple or orange spiked with nails of razors/plastic bottle filled with piss lobbed at us from the away end.

It certainly warmed you up in the depths of winter.

Many happy happy afternoons in the lower Arthur just a 'gob' away from the away fans.

I searched for ages but couldn't find a pic of how it looked, but i'm sure someone will oblige.


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kenners46 Flag sydenham village 21 Aug 10 12.02pm Send a Private Message to kenners46 Add kenners46 as a friend

We always stood behind the metal pillar centre of the Arthur or the New Stand as we all knew it by, even when the crowds dropped to 4000 that blinking pillar got in the way


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Darren c Flag Has left Orpinton.;) 13 Jan 11 3.23pm Send a Private Message to Darren c Add Darren c as a friend

Quote jelholyoake at 20 Aug 2010 10.28pm

I originally titled this 'surge' to give some of the 'smalls' on here an idea of what it was like to stand in the 'Arthur' when it was legal to pretty much do what you wanted to do for 2 hours. The stand had the first third from front to back-terrace. There was then a wall around 8 feet high up to the first seats.
The days when it was legal to jump around like a loon and literally go mental when Palace scored. 30 yards from the triangle of away fans (in the terraced Holmesdale Road end) we would leap on each other, the bloke next to you and eventually in the resulting melee, the bloke who 20 seconds before was standing 20 yards away.
A near miss/bad tackle would result in a mini surge, where any small at the front would have his breath taken away as he was temporarily squashed against the railings at the front.
If a fight kicked off there was the backward surge from those who 'bricked it', then the surge back towards the trouble from guys who wanted to 'have it'. Sometimes you were just picked up and carried whatever way the majority of the crowd wanted to go. It was always easy to get into an away end, but we soon sussed out who the 'foriegners' were amongst us. 9 times out of 10 there was a 15 second punch up, then 'ginge' and the boys in blue would jump in and batter everyone senseless, drag you by the collar/hair/ear up the stairs and kick you in the arse-out into the street. Sometimes this wasn't good as behind the Arthur was where the away coaches were parked and any victims (bashed up and) chucked out by the Old Bill were either joining Northern friends or wanting to kick the crap out of you.
It was not uncommon to have an apple or orange spiked with nails of razors/plastic bottle filled with piss lobbed at us from the away end.

It certainly warmed you up in the depths of winter.

Many happy happy afternoons in the lower Arthur just a 'gob' away from the away fans.

I searched for ages but couldn't find a pic of how it looked, but i'm sure someone will oblige.

Loved standing in the Arthur,worst time was when we played brum and they all came down in fancy dress.Can still see the poor bloke standing just in front/to the side of me getting headbutted after they had started scrapping on the pitch!!Aaaah nostalgia!


For the man love of Claude.He has gone and will be sorely missed.

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NEILLO Flag Shoreham-by-Sea 13 Jan 11 3.27pm Send a Private Message to NEILLO Add NEILLO as a friend

I used to stand near the group of guys that smoked weed around the half way line mark.

High times.....


Old, Ungifted and White

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sjcarter Flag Amsterdam 17 Feb 11 7.20pm Send a Private Message to sjcarter Add sjcarter as a friend

Hi guys,
I have just joined the forum and can tell you the following.
Arthur was my great Uncle.His brother Bert Wait was my Grandfather. My father started his own company and one of his first jobs was to build all the bars in the Arthur Wait stand.It took me 3 weekends and not much pocket money to whitewash all the walls.
Stephen Carter
from Amsterdam


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AndyPlymouth Flag Calne 17 Feb 11 7.59pm Send a Private Message to AndyPlymouth Add AndyPlymouth as a friend

Why anyone stood at the barriers was beyond me. I remember once a member of the old bill comming into the middle on his own. We all surged and his hat fell off, he quickly scarppered, negative hat. One of the lads made a right mess of it and was proud of his effort until some spotty youth grassed on him. Good Times.


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aquickgame2 Flag Beni = summer,Caribbean = winter 18 Feb 11 5.23am Send a Private Message to aquickgame2 Add aquickgame2 as a friend

Quote sjcarter at 17 Feb 2011 7.20pm

Hi guys,
I have just joined the forum and can tell you the following.
Arthur was my great Uncle.His brother Bert Wait was my Grandfather. My father started his own company and one of his first jobs was to build all the bars in the Arthur Wait stand.It took me 3 weekends and not much pocket money to whitewash all the walls.
Stephen Carter
from Amsterdam

Bloody good to have you ere mate,,,and flucking ell your an arfur frew and frew, its in your blood


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aquickgame2 Flag Beni = summer,Caribbean = winter 18 Feb 11 5.26am Send a Private Message to aquickgame2 Add aquickgame2 as a friend

Quote sjcarter at 17 Feb 2011 7.20pm

Hi guys,
I have just joined the forum and can tell you the following.
Arthur was my great Uncle.His brother Bert Wait was my Grandfather. My father started his own company and one of his first jobs was to build all the bars in the Arthur Wait stand.It took me 3 weekends and not much pocket money to whitewash all the walls.
Stephen Carter
from Amsterdam

Go back and finish the job,,,, lazy tart


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Hoof Hearted 18 Feb 11 11.49am

Always the Holmesdale for me back then, but I loved a bit of a surge now and then.

The Main stand had a bit of terrace in front of the seats too, but the atmosphere was nothing like the Arfur.... ie no opposition fans were ever in that bit.


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goodersgold Flag Hastings 18 Feb 11 4.22pm

I miss the Arthur didnt the away fans have the seats above but towards the away corner?.It was the best place to watch football at Palace good atmosphere and a decent view(Pillars exscused)i miss the old arthur more than any woman.


The world was a mess but his hair was perfect!

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Hoof Hearted 19 Feb 11 11.28am

Quote goodersgold at 18 Feb 2011 4.22pm

I miss the Arthur didnt the away fans have the seats above but towards the away corner?.It was the best place to watch football at Palace good atmosphere and a decent view(Pillars exscused)i miss the old arthur more than any woman.

Before Sainsbury's was built the away fans had half or more of the White Horse end.

I liked it best when they were given the s*** little corner between the Arfur and Holmesdale tearracing. The view was bollocks and no one could hear them between our two main blocks of singers.


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spangled Flag on the way to the pub 19 Feb 11 2.44pm Send a Private Message to spangled Add spangled as a friend

Quote AndyPlymouth at 17 Feb 2011 7.59pm

Why anyone stood at the barriers was beyond me. I remember once a member of the old bill comming into the middle on his own. We all surged and his hat fell off, he quickly scarppered, negative hat. One of the lads made a right mess of it and was proud of his effort until some spotty youth grassed on him. Good Times.

I remember the hat incident, my mate picked up the badge as a souvenir.

Remember when we got a penalty, a huge gap used to open in the crowd and everyone used to surge into the gap when we scored.


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