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Protest Lloyds HQ Tues - meet London Bridge 11am

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Doogie1707 Flag Maidstone 01 Jun 10 2.17pm Send a Private Message to Doogie1707 Add Doogie1707 as a friend

I left half an hour ago and it was fine, if anything a bit quiert!!


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Ouzo Dan Flag Behind you 01 Jun 10 2.51pm Send a Private Message to Ouzo Dan Add Ouzo Dan as a friend

last two updates from FYP

14:40: FYP has got word that supporters outside Lloyds will be the first to know at 3pm when an announcement will be delivered on the steps to the building.

14:35: Twenty five minutes to go until Palace’s fate is decided. Some positive rumours from Lloyds HQ, but still nothing definite.

Surely they wouldnt come to the front door and announce bad news would they?


The mountains are calling & I must go.

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waddy Flag Highton,Melbourne 01 Jun 10 4.45pm

Can I sincerely thank all who went upto london to stand and sing at the Bank.

Your efforts are truly great and worthy to go down as people in a minority making a stand.

Well done! Even though we are a small club we are a huge hearted one that has the respect of other clubs for loyalty.

Heres to getting promotion in 2013.

And you can all look back to your grandaughters and sons and tell them the tale of saving the Palace.


Forever Palace Proud

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jcreedy Flag 01 Jun 10 5.01pm Send a Private Message to jcreedy Add jcreedy as a friend

The protest has mostly broken up now and people are leaving. Thanks to all of you amazing people who took part!


It was my dream to play for Palace and to make my debut. I've always played for the club so if I'm playing here, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

- John Bostock (Nov 2007)

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Hambo Flag Crawley 01 Jun 10 5.51pm Send a Private Message to Hambo Add Hambo as a friend

Thank you so much to all of you who attended. It was no fun at work rapidly clicking on ever-slowing web pages. You did the club and yourselves proud.


HOL Radio Lead Presenter and sampler of processed meats

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supercrystalpalace Flag My name is Jack :) 01 Jun 10 5.53pm Send a Private Message to supercrystalpalace Add supercrystalpalace as a friend

Thank you so much to the fans who made it to London.


When the chips are down, these... these civilized people, they'll eat each other. See, I'm not a monster. I'm just ahead of the curve.

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Jefroc Flag Crete 01 Jun 10 7.52pm Send a Private Message to Jefroc Add Jefroc as a friend

Well done all you guys who went Selhurst and Lloyds today. I am in Gloucestershire and tried to concentrate on my work. Difficult to say the least and on the way home all Radio 5 could talk about was something called the World Cup. Thank God the internet had good news. Better to get my season ticket next month than a creditors cheque for £3. Well done Brendon and well done Long and Parrish. Here's to a top crowd all next season to show our appreciation of their efforts and of course the Palace players too.

Mind you - Players are fleeting. Fans are permanent.


Always remembering walking from the Holmesdale to the Whitehorse end at half time!

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SloveniaDave Flag Tirana, Albania 01 Jun 10 8.35pm Send a Private Message to SloveniaDave Add SloveniaDave as a friend

everyone who has done anything, from sending emails, signing petitions and especially those who have turned out for the demonstrations deserves immense credit.

And we should not forget HoL itself - and even, let's admit it, BBS. WIthout them, I doubt whether we could have mobilised everyone so quickly and effectively.

Shows that HoL isnt just a virtual reality and home for grizzled old codgers (although it is that too).

Edited by SloveniaDave (01 Jun 2010 8:36pm)


Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand!

My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I am right.

(Member of the School of Optimism 1969-2016 inclusive)

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Ime palace til i die Flag 01 Jun 10 8.57pm Send a Private Message to Ime palace til i die Add Ime palace til i die as a friend

There was no trouble, huge number of younget lads turned out for the cause, sang our hearts out all day and the scenes after the announcement we're crazy, utterly indescribable.


If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!

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cheese-rolls Flag nr Butterhill - Wallington 01 Jun 10 9.55pm Send a Private Message to cheese-rolls Add cheese-rolls as a friend

I was there on Monday, but I couldn't make it today... had to work :-(

Thank you so much to everyone who turned up today. We owe you all a massive favour.

The fans presence today & yesterday almost certainly helped push things along in the right direction that bit quicker.

I'm so proud to be a Palace fan....

As soon as it is all offical we need to give CPFC2010 our support in season ticket sales.


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and i'm feeling... Flag croydon 01 Jun 10 10.16pm Send a Private Message to and i'm feeling... Add and i'm feeling... as a friend

it was great today. i am a lloyds imployee in london (not gresham street)so it was particular tough for me today being at work!

i went down on my lunch break, be it in my hoodie so as to not be recognised by any colleagues but it was great to such support - couldnt attend yesterday so was glad i could show support today.

a great show boys and i truely believe the fans have had a massive influence, especially by driving media coverage to our plight.

well done. we should all be proud of oursleves.


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nickkris Flag Back in town 01 Jun 10 10.18pm Send a Private Message to nickkris Add nickkris as a friend

Quote Ime palace til i die at 01 Jun 2010 8:57pm

There was no trouble, huge number of younget lads turned out for the cause, sang our hearts out all day and the scenes after the announcement we're crazy, utterly indescribable.

Would love to see a clip of that moment


"Then from the wing, Vince Hilaire found the head of Ian Walsh, and Selhurst Park sensed a real victory"
Burridge, Hinshelwood, Sansom, Kember, Cannon, Gilbert, Nicholas, Murphy, Swindlehurst, Walsh, Hilaire.

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