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February 28 2025 2.01am

Desktop Icons

To download any of the icons below, right click and select 'Save Target As...'

Icon 1 Icon 2 Icon 3 Icon 4 Icon 5 Icon 6

To change your My Computer, Recycle bin (empty), Recycle bin (full) icons to any of the following for your desktop (Windows 98 or above only):

  1. Right click on a HOL icon below and select 'Save Target As...' and Save it to your Desktop
  2. Right click on your desktop to bring up the Display Properties menu and go to Effects.
  3. Click on the default icon you want to change, then click on 'Change Icon..' then click 'Browse..'
  4. Click on the icon you downloaded on the Desktop and Click 'Open', then click 'OK'
  5. Click 'Apply' then 'OK'. To go back to the original icon, click on the 'Default Icon'
  6. Delete the icon from your desktop afterwards as it is no longer needed.

How to change your shortcut to Floppy Disk Drive, Hard Disk Drive or CD ROM Drive icons to any of the following for your desktop:

  1. Right click on a HOL icon below and select 'Save Target As..' and Save it to your Desktop
  2. Right click on shortcut to a disk drive icon on your desktop and select 'Properties'
  3. Select 'Change Icon..' then click 'Browse'
  4. Click on your chosen icon, which you have already downloaded on your desktop, and click 'Open'
  5. Click 'OK' then 'Apply' and 'Close'
  6. Delete the icon from your desktop afterwards as it is no longer needed

To get your old icons back, delete the HOL shortcut on your desktop. Then go into My Computer and create a new shortcut by right clicking on the relevant drive and select 'Create Shortcut'.

You are here: Home > Downloads > Desktop Icons