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Awards and brickbats for 2002-03

May 20 2003

Trevor Francis

Trevor Francis

Praise and dire malevolence from your non-award-winning commentator, Jamesey

Blight of the season

Trevor Francis. Unprecedentedly in managerial history, I have not heard one iota of regret from any in-club source at the Carrot's departure. Surely somebody must have liked him, apart from S Jordan, of course?

Highlight of the season

The Blessed Good Friday. The news of the departure of the cretinous Carrot gave the Holy Easter day a special significance which will always remain with me.

Sh1te of the season

Surprisingly, not the above, but Telegraph journalist Tony Francis who astonishingly put CPFC as his most disliked club, along with Leeds United. His gin must have been strong.

Heroes of the season

The fans. Despite the chairman's eternal carping about falling attendances, I cannot remember a season when gates have remained so high despite the miserable and incompetent management and on-field garbage we have had to suffer.

Zeroes of the season

Our much beloved 'tenants' Wombledon (er, sorry is that copyrighted?) managed to pull in a crowd of 236 for one game, I believe. Ah well, our loss is Milton Keynes' gain.

Bollox of the season

Ade Akinbiyi's 'bicycle' kick against Sheffield Wednesday was the final confirmation for many of us that the bloke was a joke. A magnificent impression of a spavined goat doing the rumba, limbo dancing and tripping over over his own feet simultaneously. A tour de force of unskilfulness.

Brave face of the season

The teenaged boy, working in one of the food/drinks outlets in the main stand, who had to tell me, along with all the other punters, that they had no food, drinks, or anything else, because stocks had not been re-ordered. Great marketing, Simon...

Last laugh of the season

The lovely Liverpool lasses who jeered and chanted at me as I walked along Anfield Road last February. "Crystal Palace, I wipe my arse on you," they sang. Funnily enough, they'd gone when we came out, so there's not a lot of doubt whose arse got wiped on who, is there?

Special award of the season

Peter Guntrip and Gordon Law who run this site. We take it for granted and moan and complain and forget that they are doing it for all of us...and even have to put up with my paranoid nocturnal emails. Superb stuff, my boys.

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